
Hawkeye #8 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Julian Tedesco

theresidentbookworm's review

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My Thoughts On: Hawkeye #8

So Kate's dad isn't necessarily in league with Madame Masque? He just bought a body from her with superpowers for some reason?
I wish Kate's problems with her dad were more closely tied to her fight with Madame Masque.

2. I like the decision of this issue to cut back and forth in time from Kate's conversation with her dad to the present where Kate has to deal with a case that hits a little too close to home.

3. Though I do like it structurally, I was really bored by the case Kate took in this issue. I get the connection because the girl had a missing dad, but I wanted the focus to be more on Kate's family stuff and Madame Masque, not on a side mission. At this point in the arc, I wish the story would be more tightly woven.

4. God, the tension between Kate and her dad is so great. Like, the scenes between them are the most interesting and emotionally complicated of the series so far. There's so much hurt and history between them, and I want more.

5. This isn't so much a criticism of the issue as my own goof, but I read the scene where Kate is talking to her client completely out of order because the panels go across the whole two pages in rows instead of from page to page.

6. I like Kate's friends, but I think I enjoy them more when they have active roles in the plot of the issue. It felt like they were sort of added in here because we needed people to notice Kate unraveling and because we can't forget that Kate does have friends in L.A.

Look, I know Kate didn't know it was a fight club, but it still felt incredibly dumb that she went in there without any backup.
Kate, let your friends help you. Let them assist on comms from afire so at least someone knows where you are and what's going on.

Is this why Madame Masque has beef with Kate? Because of her DNA? I hope this will be explained later because I am very confused.

9. Fight scenes in this series continue to be excellently drawn, colored, and inked. Seriously, 10/10 for the fight scenes.

10. Am I shocked by the end scene? No.
Madame Masque is a smart woman. Of course she bugged that office if she lured Kate there. My real question is how did she know Derek Bishop knew the key to what Madame Masque was trying to do.
Hopefully, this will all make more sense later.