
The Fine Art of Deception by Jeannette de Beauvoir

thriftyloco's review

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If you're looking for a cozy that's a little different from the typical ones, you've come to the right place! This series has a fun're still reading a cozy (no graphic situations), but you're getting fewer tropes and more variety.

The Fine Art of Deception is set in Provincetown, an open-minded and intriguing community. With this book, we learn more about the local art scene, as well as art fraud and forgeries.

The mystery is excellent. This time, Sydney's visiting father is with the victim at the time of her death by apparent accident. Of course Sydney can't help getting involved, as she's suspicious that more is going on than it seems. Or maybe she's just bored.

One note is that the accident/murder doesn't happen until almost a third of the way through the book. This didn't bother me at all, as I was so engrossed in reading about the art fraud angle and catching up with my favorite characters. But if you're a reader who feels the crime must take place in the first few forewarned.

The characters are great as well. Sydney is so much funnier than most cozy heroines! She also doesn't need to rely on a man to help her as she investigates, which is a nice change of pace. Many of my favorite side characters turn up as well, so expect to spend a bit more time with Mirela, Glenn, Ali, and Sydney's father. There's a big reveal at the end that will change things up for everyone!

If you like more outside-of-the-box cozies, give this series a try! You won't be disappointed!