
Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth by Geoff Johns

lilli_w12's review against another edition

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So, my D.C. comics journey starts with the character that made me fall in love with superheroes in the first place… Green Lantern. Well his show anyway!

coolnameguy's review against another edition

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I was never a fan of the late 90's-mid 2000's super dark art of the time at DC. Otherwise this was an awesome part. I always found the Spectre and Parallax things to be convoluted, but those gripes aside, there was great coloring where that was present, awesome character moments, and a solid story. Easy enough to pick up as your first GL book, but dipped in enough lore for long=time fans, and got me hyped for the rest of the run.

dantastic's review against another edition

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Hal Jordan, possibly the greatest of the Green Lanterns, battles with the two entities bonded with him, The Spectre and Parallax, for a second chance. Will he return to the land of the living and, if so, what will be waiting for him when he gets there...?

First off, the very first super hero action figure I owned other than some Mego ones was the Green Lantern from the Super Powers collection. That being said, I only have a handful of Green Lantern comics in my collection. I picked this one up because I like Geoff Johns and I figure he must be doing something right to have Green Lantern rise in popularity enough to warrant a movie (I still haven't seen). Did it live up to my expectations?

Nah. It wasn't bad, though. It was cool seeing Guy Gardner in a GL outfit again and great to see Kyle Rayner and Green Arrow taking on Sinestro, and Kilowog and John Stewart back in the fold. I may even have gotten a nerd chubby when the assembled Green Lanterns recited their oath at the central power battery.

Still, those parts were partially negated by all the fanboy masturbation Geoff Johns aimed in Hal Jordan's direction. The same thing happened in Flash: Rebirth. I hate to say it but the 1970's weren't the pinnacle of comic book creativity. Just because Hal Jordan and Barry Allen were the versions of the characters people remember from episodes of the Super Friends in the 1970's doesn't mean it always has to be that way. Johns pretty much negated ten years of interesting Green Lantern stories by hitting the reset button and restoring the status quo.

And to top it off, Kyle doesn't have the crab mask anymore! Let's see how long it takes Terry to notice that...

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Green Lantern: Rebirth isn't bad. It was a lot of fun at times. It just didn't feel that necessary to me. They could have stuck to their guns and had Kyle Rayner step up and lead the Green Lantern Corps. and not brought Hal back. Still, it's a 3 star book.

tmwebb3's review against another edition

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Lots of good GL tidbits in there. Don't like resurrection stories, but this was pretty good. Looked better than the story.

cat_finds_the_time's review against another edition

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*4.5 Stars*

For the age rating of this book, check out my blog for the full article!

This was a very enjoyable book! This was the first Green Lantern series I’ve ever read and I really liked it. I feel like I got to know the characters even if I was just being introduced to them now instead of when they were originally introduced. I love it when comic authors can do that without making me stress about which parts of the stories I’ve missed. I’ll probably go back and read certain issues but for the most part, I really don’t feel the need to. I’m excited to keep reading Green Lantern’s story after this point!

The sheer excitement of the book was awesome! I was really kept on the edge of my seat with what was going to happen. I loved seeing the friendships that Hal Jordan had with certain members of the Justice League and how that impacted this story. Green Arrow was definitely one of my favorite characters in this particular series. I just like Green Arrow in general, though…

This was a pretty short series but I like the way it left it all open for the future of this character. I’m not as familiar with DC as I am with Marvel so I really don’t know what’s going to happen even though these comics are over 15 years old! I’m excited to see how tensions rise between Batman and Green Lantern. I hope to see more of that rivalry because it seems like an awesome one!

I definitely hope you pick up this limited series. I started reading it because it was part of the Countdown to Infinite Crisis reading order (from Comic Book Reading Orders). But I would definitely read it again just for fun!

kidclamp's review against another edition

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Okay, this one did help ground me a bit more for the Blackest Night/Brightest Day, and anyone wanting to read those should probably start here.

Hal Jorden is dead/trapped within the Spectre along with Parallax. But strange things are happening on Earth, memories of Jordan are surfacing, and lanterns are being affected by strange powers. Is Hal Jordan coming back?

This is a pretty good start to the saga, and it sucked me in, but having read enough ahead, slogging though multiple volumes, it is hard to get too excited because I know what comes next is about 5000 pages of story, branching out in a million different directions, collected into volumes that give narrow slices of the whole picture, and are exciting but forgettable.

twowhoodles's review against another edition

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To be honest, for the first half I was pretty confused (I am a complete GL newb).. But things sorted themselves out and I can see how this is such an amazing reboot. Some honestly touching and meaningful moments. I'm glad this was recommended to me as the first in a long series of trades to introduce me to the Green Lantern!

sammireynis's review against another edition

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Great! Kind of should have been the first Green Lantern book that i read (To be chronologically correct).

neilrcoulter's review against another edition

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My initial contact with Green Lantern was through the 2011 Cartoon Network animated series. Our family loved that series and we were very sad when it was canceled after just one season. But it left us with a love of the Green Lantern characters, and wanting to know more about the comics. Some searching online brought me to Geoff Johns, whose run at the helm of the comic seems to be regarded as a high point in the series' history. So we first read through the Secret Origin story, and I liked that one quite a lot. After that, it was time to move back to the beginning of the Johns era: Rebirth.

I'd assumed that as a kind of restart to the series, and since I had some background in the characters, I would be able to jump in here as a starting point and be drawn in. I was wrong. For most of this story, I had absolutely no idea what was going on. Many pages of dialogue went something like this:

Zatanna: Hal Jordan's soul has been grafted on to one of the most powerful mystical forces in existence.

[me: Huh?]

Zatanna: . . . Even the Blue Devil could find him right now.

[me: Huh?]
By the end of the book, I had a general understanding of what had happened just prior to this story. But it was tough going to figure things out.

Additionally, I didn't enjoy the characters in this story. The Green Lanterns were sort of nondescript, with Kyle Raynor especially giving a lot of clunky expositional dialogue. The Justice League (about whom I know very little) features prominently throughout the story, with one of the most annoying versions of Batman I've yet seen. It's not a very inspiring bunch.

And finally, I wasn't very interested in the artwork. I had a hard time telling the difference between Hal and Kyle, and I felt that there was a general sameness to the artwork throughout. There are some fantastic battle scenes and flashbacks, but they didn't stand out to me as I was reading. The illustrations just weren't my style.

I'll probably look at the next Johns volume in the series, but I'm less enthusiastic about it now than I was before reading Rebirth.

jameshaus's review against another edition

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This is by far the best green lantern comic I've ever read. This may be the best DC comic I've ever read. I can't believe I waited so long to start reading the new Green Lantern stuff. All the sins of the last 20 years are forgiven, this story is beautiful and awesome. It's been a long time since I actually got excited and giddy reading anything and this story did it. So good.