
All Lined Up by Cora Carmack

kimching232's review against another edition

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All Lined up drew me in from the pretty cover to the interesting synopsis, so when I learned about the blog tour, I immediately joined and was ecstatic to find out that I got accepted! When I received the review copy, I immediately delved into it, and here I am now, just a few minutes after finishing the book, writing this review because I was too excited.

Dallas Cole, Rusk University's head coach's daughter, is tired of football. Her dad used to just coach high school football, but now moved to college ball, in the university she is attending no less. Her luck couldn't be much worse, because Levi, her ex-boyfriend is studying at the same university as well! Her relationship with her dad was never really that good, and now she finds herself in his shadow yet again.

Carson McClain transferred to Rusk University just this year hoping to gain a permanent spot in the football team and with that, earn a scholarship. He wanted to have no distractions and stay focus, but all that changes when he meets Dallas in a college party in the first week of school.

There, Dallas and Carson talks and enjoys themselves, until Stella, Dallas' best friend, arrives and Dallas has to leave, but not before giving Carson her number. They texted each other after that, until one day, Carson's replies suddenly stopped. Dallas and Carson bumped into each other in school one day and Carson promised to explain why that night, but on the same day, Dallas finds out that Carson is part of the football team when she went to find her dad and bolts. Things become complicated because Dallas Cole doesn't date football players anymore.

Soon, Dallas and Carson compromises to stay friends because they both have something to lose. After that, they spend more and more time with each other until the attraction is just too much.

I loved reading this book because of a number of things. I loved how Stella was always there for Dallas and always encouraged her to have the college experience, despite her being scared that her dad might find out. I loved how hilarious the dialogues between Dallas and Carson were, and how that didn't disappear as the romance built up. I loved how there was a romance build up, and how good it was, unlike other books out there. I loved how Dallas and her dad came to an understanding in the end, how her Dad opened up and really listened to what she was saying. I loved how the dad still stayed how he is and just magically transformed into this perfect dad because come on, that would never happen in real life! I also loved how Carson had a part in all that because even just for a little, he made Dallas understand her dad's side. And also, I really love how personal this is for Cora Carmack, being a coach's daughter herself.

But most of all, I love how this book is not just about college, football or romance. It's also about family friendship and life. Because these are that books that I love and that matter. These are the books worth reading and must be read. I admit, I had a hard time understanding the football terms since it's not a popular sport in my country, but I still really enjoyed this. Overall, I just really love this book, and I recommend this to everyone because of how amazing it is. 4.5 stars for this great one!

jscarpa14's review

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The first thing I feel the need to mention in the sex scene, more specifically the location of it. It didn't add or detract from the story by being there and with it's placement in the book it honestly read to me like it was added only because wanting this to fall firmly into the new adult category the author felt the book should have one. It felt forced like checking off a box on what a new adult book should require and to be honest I'd have been happier without it. Considering I read everything from erotica to children's book I'm not saying this because I'm some sort of prude, I'm saying it because I feel if a sex scene is included it should in some way add to the plot or relationship between the characters rather than be included as an afterthought.

Carson and Dallas were somewhat interesting characters but considering the fact that I really had nothing in common with either character and therefore nothing I could relate to I felt really distant from these characters as a reader. When you can't get close to the characters enough to care it's hard to dredge up the necessary emotions while journeying with them through life's trials. They seem like nice "people" and all but without some sort of common ground with the people that they were the story wasn't for me like it was for many of the people excited about this series. Even with dual first person points of view I just felt distanced from their story and therefore the emotion required to make this feel like a really great book to me.

That said it's not a bad book either, it's more I guess better for other readers than it was for me.

poorashleu's review against another edition

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Originally posted here

Dallas wants to move on from high school but that’s hard when your life in college is much of the same from high school. She lives in the same state, and her father is still coaching the football team. Life hasn’t changed for her no matter how much she tries.

Carson has almost the opposite problem. He is the second string quarterback on a team where the first string, Levi, is a king from high school and is still working with his former coach, who happened to date Dallas, who also happened to be an asshole. They had sex to save their relationship and of course, that didn’t work and Dallas still loathes him.

Dallas and Carson shouldn’t work. But they do. They start out as friends, who also call each other on their bullshit. Which, if I’m being honest, is my favorite type of friendship! One thing I enjoy about Carmack is that she doesn’t hide from the tough issues that people face, including money issues in college. Carson went to community college and knows that if he doesn’t get a scholarship he can only be at Rusk for three semesters. Dallas just wants out of Rusk purely because her father is still there. What’s interesting though is that Carson does not know that Dallas is Coach’s daughter, who everyone wants. There is a pivotal moment in the middle of the novel where my heart went out to both characters because they were both hurt and said things that they both clearly did not mean but knew no other way to get their point across.

I also found the dynamic between Dallas and her father interesting because they both try to love the other as well as they could, but it’s hard because they don’t know how to show it. So they fumble it a lot. They both also admit to making faults, but it takes them quite sometime to get there. But of course, the most interesting dynamic throughout the book was between Dallas and Carson, they really are just friends. Carson doesn’t want to date anyone because he is dedicated to the team and getting a scholarship. Dallas learned her lesson from Levi and doesn’t want to date another football guy. Even though Carson is perfect for her, the fact he’s a football player drives her crazy and makes her throw her arms at him.

There was nothing particularly horrible about this novel, I just am not interested in ever re-reading it. Basically how I feel about most New Adult novels.

shaydelayed's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

bookwormbetty's review against another edition

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Love this book, and Love this series. IMO Cora Carmack can write the phone book, and it would be a best seller. She has a way of making you feel what her characters feel. Dallas and Carson, never should have been, yet you are drawn into their story, and you get all the feels from it. This whole series is great, and it is a must read in my opinion.

geo_ix's review

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4-4.5 stars

digitlchic's review against another edition

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anakaren_19's review against another edition

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Loved the story. I thought it was great and I couldn't put it down.

joliendelandsheer's review against another edition

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Review first published on my blog The Fictional Reader

I believe I had read 2 other books by Cora Carmack before starting this series. I read Losing It and its sequel, but wasn’t really impressed by them. I didn’t dislike them, I just wasn’t impressed either. I admit this book took me by surprise! I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did.

I liked this book because while there is still a bit of drama present, it doesn’t overwhelm the story like in some NA books. It’s the story of Dallas, the daughter of a football coach, and Carson, who wants to be in the starting line-up of the school’s football team. Can I just say that I love the way they met? It was so much fun!

I was not only invested in their romance, but completely in the characters as well. I wanted Dallas to fulfill her dancing dreams. I wanted Carson to make it on the starting team. I wanted Levi to move to a different country and pretend he doesn’t exist. Carson is also such a nice guy! This is not a bad-boy-turned-good story -for which I’m grateful.

I also really enjoyed the family aspect of the story on Dallas’ side. She really had some things to work out with her dad. I can see how scary that must be, and I think it was handled well. I really enjoyed the fact that Cora Carmack didn’t just gloss over the relationship and defined it as bad in general. She truly made Dallas deal with it in a positive way.

As you can see, I quite liked this book and immediately continued the series. I’d recommend it if you’re interested in NA!

donttakemybooks's review against another edition

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Cute! Definitely a Friday Night Lights vibe, which I know most people will appreciate more than me (the show was good enough, but I never finished the whole thing). It took literally the entire book for the characters to have sex, which was appropriate for them, but I picked up a Cora Carmack book because she writes steamy sex scenes. I wasn't as impressed with the characters' emotional hangups in this as I was in Faking It. But all in all, this was a good, cute story that felt pretty true to the coach's daughter experience and the freshman year in college experience.