
The Other End of the Line by Andrea Camilleri

rlygirl's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the mystery and the reveal of who actually killed the tailor, but the majority of this book was very repetitive, at times boring, and centered around Montalbano being a jerk.
I know the character well at this point. After all, I've been on the Montalbano train and enjoying the ride for over 20 books now, but perhaps this is the point for me where the author's focus on making a constant joke out of treating others badly (Montalbano's inner, persecutory dialog about how old he's getting and what a f**kup he is, how he treats Fazio and Angello, for examples) have reached a limit.

big_gav's review against another edition

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By Book 24 you have a pretty good idea of what's in store and you are not disappointed. Montalbano in Sicily, with lots of sun, food, but also politics, both local, national and international this time. It's wonderful to have such consistency in quality, and great to have something like this to look forward to.

maytesansem's review against another edition

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Desde su muerte en 2019, leer a Camilleri se me hace cuesta arriba. Es una tontería, pero me da la impresión de que si leo todos sus libros, le perderé. Como si eso fuera posible. El caso es que este lo tenía reservado para saborearlo en algún momento de especial estrés, que es cuando me gusta recurrir a su humor y su retrato fiel y crítico de nuestro tiempo. En este caso, la llegada de migrantes a las cosatas sicilianas se cuela en las investigaciones del comisario Montalbano. Como siempre, de 10.

saareman's review against another edition

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Montalbano Grasps For a Thread
Review of the Penguin Books English translation paperback (2019) of the Italian original [b:L'altro capo del filo|30231883|L'altro capo del filo (Commissario Montalbano, #24)|Andrea Camilleri||50692732] (2016)

I recently did a crash course of Andrea Camilleri's (1925-2019) Montabano when I read Montalbano's First Case, and Other Stories (2016) which gives you a career spanning overview of the Vigata, Sicily detective and his regular police associates and friends. That acclimatized me to now dip into the series at its tail end with this current book, the 24th of the novels to be available in English with only 3 more yet to be translated and published from 2020 to 2022.

The Other End of the Line is a solid Montalbano with all of the touchstones of the series, the cranky detective, the on & off love spats with girlfriend Livia, the comic relief of hapless desk policeman Catarelli, the tug of wills with assistants Mimi & Fazio, and most of all the crime that is solved but not always to everyone's satisfaction. The main case is the murder of a clothing designer but with the Vigata police also being constantly called upon during evening landings of refugee boats from across the Mediterranean adding further stress to their resources. Catarelli tries to manage with an orphaned cat during the proceedings, not always to the feline's satisfaction.

Trivia and Links
The Other End of the Line was filmed as Series 13 Episode 1 (2019) of the ongoing Italian TV series Il Commissario Montalbano. A clip from the episode can be seen here, where Catarelli bursts into Montalbano's office with some of his usual comedic dramatics.

gonza_basta's review against another edition

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Che delusione questo ultimo Montalbano, che risolve il delitto per caso ed é il primo a stupirsene, e infatti abbiamo anche lo spiegone finale da un'assassina mai vista per tutto il libro. Un vero peccato, anche perché se il giallo mi fosse piaciuto, avrei potuto continuare a strizzare l'occhio ai "capitoli politici" del libro, anche perché li condivido appieno, ma cosí sembra che abbia dovuto solo riempire il dovuto numero di pagine.....

kdb's review against another edition

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Whether it is the writing or the translation, for me, this is not a well written book. That being said, I watched the Montalbino television series and the characters were so well formed that I was able to bring those impressions to the book. It helped a great deal.

Merged review:

Whether it is the writing or the translation, for me, this is not a well written book. That being said, I watched the Montalbino television series and the characters were so well formed that I was able to bring those impressions to the book. It helped a great deal.

nikla88's review against another edition

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Camilleri non delude mai, i suoi gialli sono e rimarranno tra i miei preferiti insieme a quelli di Manzini. Ho trovato molto simpatico che il commissario Montalbano legga i romanzi del vicequestore Schiavone, una citazione molto carina.
Detto ciò i temi trattati oltre al giallo sono molto attuali e piuttosto eloquente è il messaggio che l'autore ci vuole inviare. Ci mancherà moltissimo il suo mordente e il suo modo di raccontarci ciò che succede in Sicilia.

audiobebop's review against another edition

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What a cop-out ending.

njbrit's review against another edition

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Too slow knew ending character not interesting enough

woodpusher's review against another edition

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Camilleri (¿o Montalbano?) no defrauda nunca. Como la cereza al pastel de un excelente año en libros... ¡no se la pierdan!