
Prometheus Burning (Prometheus Series Book 1) by Rachel Radner

triciaschneider's review

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I enjoyed this novel, but take the warning the author gives in the description seriously. This was a tough one to read. I'm not typically a sensitive reader. I've read many stories with difficult topics in my time that other readers might not be able to handle, but this novel touched on some sensitive spots that I didn't even realize I had as a reader.

First of all, the blurb really pulled me in. I love reading ghost romances and this one certainly seemed interesting. That's why I chose this book to read. I was a little disoriented at first with the flashbacks, but Ms. Radner does an excellent job with it. The reader gets to journey with Jemma and Jamie, during the present-day while also experiencing what occurred in the past that shaped their lives and turned them into the people they are in present.

The description was detailed enough that I could easily visualize these characters and their situations. The emotion simply spilled off the page and struck deep within my heart. This was a story of love, loss, passion, loneliness and grief. It's a tear-jerker, so keep some tissues handy.

While I did enjoy this story, it was in one word - depressing. And rightly so. The characters were dealing with severe mental illness. I suffer from depression so while reading their story, I felt the same emotions alongside them. At one point, I needed to set the book down and read something else for a little while. Yes, this story affected me that much.

But, the author's voice was so distinct and the story so compelling, that I found myself coming back to the book because I desperately wanted to know if Jemma and Jamie would attain their happily-ever-after. I really needed to know the ending without skipping the bits between. I'm very glad I did. The ending was beautifully done! The author did a wonderful job with this story!