Reviews tagging 'Deportation'

Solito by Javier Zamora

58 reviews

fugu_chick's review

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adventurous challenging emotional hopeful inspiring tense medium-paced


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anneclairebrewer's review

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adventurous challenging emotional sad tense medium-paced


an extremely important read for all who wish to observe border politics from a humanitarian perspective. this memoir is beautifully written; often times obvious that zamora is a poet. i’m grateful he survived his trip when he was nine. immigrants make this country great and zamora is no exception. 

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decime_gaby_611's review

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adventurous challenging dark emotional hopeful inspiring reflective sad tense medium-paced


Una verdadera joya escondida, solito es un libro escrito en ingles, con una traducción al español tan hermosa, que cualquier latinoamericano puede identificarse con facilidad, que realidad tan dura y la narrativa desde los ojos de un  niño de 9 años lo hace dinamicoby muy interesante!

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ladylofthouse's review against another edition

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emotional fast-paced


Written from the perspective of a 9 year old boy expressed so well all the confusion, anxiety, embarrassment, and excitement from that age. He starts off as a normal kid playing with action figures, but is quickly forced into impossible situations where he still tries to be strong. The journey is treacherous
and the ending had me in actual tears. Also a big shout out to Chino for going above and beyond to be kind and protective.

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degger74's review

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dark emotional hopeful inspiring reflective sad fast-paced


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bkutasz's review

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adventurous challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring sad tense medium-paced


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romeostardust's review

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emotional inspiring sad medium-paced


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kayluuuh's review against another edition

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emotional informative inspiring sad tense medium-paced


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anakins8's review

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adventurous challenging dark emotional inspiring reflective sad tense medium-paced


A heartbreaking but necessary story about the difficulties of migration from a child’s perspective. The author does such a good job really dropping you into the story and feeling everything along with him and his group. There are some truly harrowing parts that are so difficult to imagine people going through in their journey to the United States. It is a book that everyone needs to read or understand what people go through to get to a better place. 

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stacylaughs's review

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adventurous hopeful medium-paced


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