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allofmyfriendsarebooks's review against another edition
What can I say, I am NOT a fan of Wordsworth. I'm sure that's a sin for a literature minor, but oh well.
leontopodium's review against another edition
«[...] I looked about and lo! / The Moon stood naked in the heavens, at height / Immense above my head, and on the shore / I found myself of a huge sea of mist, / Which, meek and silent, rested at my feet. / A hundred hills their dusky backs upheaved / All over this still ocean; and beyond / Far, far beyond, the vapours shot themselves, / In headlands, tongues, and promontory shapes, / Into the sea, the real sea, that seemed / To dwindle, and give up its majesty, / Usurped upon as far as sight could reach. / Meanwhile, the Moon looked down upon this show / In single glory, and we stood, the mist / Touching our very feet; and from the shore / At distance not the third part of a mile / Was a blue chasm; a fracture in the vapour, / A deep and gloomy breathing-place through which / Mounted the roar of waters, torrents, streams / Innumerable, roaring with one voice!»
jemlouise07's review against another edition
Rating in terms of the quality of writing rather than my own enjoyment
febyidrus's review against another edition
Long. Very, very long. Some beautiful passages, but - looooooooong.
bangel_ds's review against another edition
Ero quasi tentata di dare al Preludio cinque stelline. L'unico motivo per cui non l'ho fatto è perché si percepisce chiaramente lo stacco tra i libri aggiunti in un secondo momento e i primi. Per quanto alla fine il tutto abbia un senso ben definito, la storia alla Romeo e Giulietta buttata lì così mi ha lasciata interdetta. Continuo ad amare Wordsworth per il suo modo molto semplice e diretto di scrivere ciò che prova. Ho letto poesia in passato e trovo che i suoi lavori siano tra i più facili con cui stabilire un contatto profondo. Il Preludio ci illustra una personalità al tempo stesso coerente e contraddittoria, che conforta e stupisce rimanendo ancorata ai suoi principi chiave.
I almost gave The Prelude five stars. The only reason I didn't is because you can clearly feel the distance between the books that were added at a later time and the earlier ones. As much as it all makes sense in the end, the Romeo and Juliet kind-of-story thrown in at the end of one of the books left me quite puzzled. I loved and still love Wordsworth a lot. He has a simple and direct way of writing what he feels. I've read poetry in the past and I think his works are the easiest to establish a connection with. The Prelude shows us both a coherent and conflicting personality, that comforts and surprises us, yet remaining fastened to its key principles.
Ero quasi tentata di dare al Preludio cinque stelline. L'unico motivo per cui non l'ho fatto è perché si percepisce chiaramente lo stacco tra i libri aggiunti in un secondo momento e i primi. Per quanto alla fine il tutto abbia un senso ben definito, la storia alla Romeo e Giulietta buttata lì così mi ha lasciata interdetta. Continuo ad amare Wordsworth per il suo modo molto semplice e diretto di scrivere ciò che prova. Ho letto poesia in passato e trovo che i suoi lavori siano tra i più facili con cui stabilire un contatto profondo. Il Preludio ci illustra una personalità al tempo stesso coerente e contraddittoria, che conforta e stupisce rimanendo ancorata ai suoi principi chiave.
I almost gave The Prelude five stars. The only reason I didn't is because you can clearly feel the distance between the books that were added at a later time and the earlier ones. As much as it all makes sense in the end, the Romeo and Juliet kind-of-story thrown in at the end of one of the books left me quite puzzled. I loved and still love Wordsworth a lot. He has a simple and direct way of writing what he feels. I've read poetry in the past and I think his works are the easiest to establish a connection with. The Prelude shows us both a coherent and conflicting personality, that comforts and surprises us, yet remaining fastened to its key principles.
lovegriefandgender's review against another edition
"For me, that strife [slavery] had ne'er
Fastened on my affections, nor did now
Its unsuccessful issue much excite
My sorrow[.]"
With these lines, every word of compassion, every attempt at praising empathy and imagination and education and freedom becomes stale, and the whole book falls flat on its face.
Fastened on my affections, nor did now
Its unsuccessful issue much excite
My sorrow[.]"
With these lines, every word of compassion, every attempt at praising empathy and imagination and education and freedom becomes stale, and the whole book falls flat on its face.