
Hellion Pride by Vicky Walklate

sarahthereadingaddict's review

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I found this to be a really interesting read. It was full of dramatics and excitement. I love experiencing new worlds through the words of authors, new and old. This is a new author to me and I'm really glad I was given the opportunity to review it by the Fiction Cafe Review group and the author.

The story line was really exciting with friendships and enemies, and lots of great bits in between.

I'm glad to find out it is there is potential for a series too, I love when that happens.

Brilliant book and I look forward to more installments.

amac_reads's review

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Tamar grew up the daughter of an Earl, taking her easy life for granted. But everything changed in one night. She was accused of murdering her father and was forced to flee to London with the hopes of disappearing there. After a dangerous encounter, she was rescued by someone who offered her a new life as a thief taker. But when they accept a case involving a missing mother and her child, Tamar found herself and her friends dealing with something much more dangerous than she initially thought.

I enjoyed having a mostly female cast of characters as well as characters who had vastly different personalities. This helped them to be memorable, though I felt like I was unable to emotionally connect to them. When scary or dangerous things happened to them, the tension was unfortunately lacking. Similarly, the storytelling was good, though I would have liked to see more details describing the setting throughout the work to help it become more immersive.

Unfortunately, there was a little bit of romance that was added into the last quarter of the book that didn’t make sense at all. The female character involved spent the pages leading up to the romance furious with the man, then all it took was for him to brush his fingers across her hair and she began to feel tingly and in love. This was an unnecessary addition that greatly detracted from my like of the characters and from the book overall.

The plot was intriguing – I liked the idea of the thief takers and their entire set up. I did feel like some important explanations were missing related to a few different key points, though these things may be addressed in the second book. I also didn’t prefer how much the plot shifted focus towards the middle-end of the book. I was hoping it would continue unraveling some of the mystery related to the missing women rather than shift focus to Tamar. Again, this will likely be addressed in the next book, but I felt that this work suffered because of it.

This was a good read overall. Fans of historical fiction and light mystery will enjoy this read.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.