
Tarot Elements: Five Readings to Reset Your Life by Melissa Cynova

naava's review against another edition

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Thanks to NetGalley and Llewellyn for the ARC which I received in exchange for my honest review.

Melissa Cynova seems like an awesome person (I know, this is a BOOK review, not an author review, but let me go on). Her sense of humor, her intelligence, her warmth – it all came through the text and made me want to devour the book. Now, her style might not be for everyone, but that's ok. I enjoyed it.

I also enjoyed how Cynova has used the ages-old method of using the elements in addition to the cards and made it something new-ish. I'm sure the method isn't new, per se, but it's new-ish. We'll go with that.

I have yet to do any of the readings myself due to personal reasons (mentally, I'm not ready to face some hard truths and I know it)... and the fact that I wanted a complete overlook of the book before I started doing the readings.

Why four and not five stars? I found myself skimming through the examples. Yes, they're important to make sure the Tarot readers understand just how to interpret cards in each position of the spread, but it got quite boring after a while.

howlinglibraries's review against another edition

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Having read (most of) Cynova's Kitchen Table Tarot, I was pretty excited to have the chance to read this new release of hers, but I have to say I didn't love it quite as much. Don't get me wrong, it's still a great guide to some really cool tarot spreads, and I loved the whole idea behind focusing on your energy and all in certain levels related to the elements, but the writing itself didn't pull me in as well. I think my biggest complaint was that it felt like this book would've benefited tremendously from being a lot shorter. It felt like Cynova spent a pretty solid portion of the book bulking up the page count with repetitive anecdotes, and at times I started skimming for pages on end because it was just kind of like, Okay, I get the point, can we move on to the next thing?

That said, this is still a solidly cool and unique look at using tarot readings to improve your life, and I will absolutely be taking away some exercises and spreads to use in my own daily life—starting with the 'Earth' spreads and exercises to get my home in order for the first time in far too long!

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

anthroxagorus's review against another edition

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I really like the idea this book presents, and I think it is sincere, but I'm knocking a star because it requires an expert reader to truly pull the information you need from these spreads. The chapter lead up is great, the interpretations in the back are fun, but I think it promises too much. It could just be me and my inexperience though!

annarella's review against another edition

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This books is very useful, full of ideas, hints and advice.
I liked the style of writing, the clear explanations and how it was organized.
It can be read by anyone who's new to Tarot or more experienced user who want to learn something new.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to Llewellyn Worldwide and Netgalley for this ARC

lilkstew's review

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This book is great, but I’d need a physical copy to reap the full benefits.

sierrajwrites's review against another edition

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A very easy-to-connect-to read with some great advice and tarot spreads to show you how your life needs to change.

dopadelirium's review against another edition

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Hands-down my favorite tarot author, Cynova is like the big sister you want on your side. She's the one you go to when your boyfriend is a puke or your career is at a standstill or your life is just falling apart.

Like any human, Cynova has seen her share of bad times and life crises. As a tarot reader, she mostly sees people who are at their worst where it isn't one thing usually but about 10 things.

This book is about how to shift through all that's going on in your world. Most people who are into tarot do a celtic spread. But it's so damn long and can be confusing if your whole life is in upheaval. Cynova sorts through different elements in tarot and creates straight forward spreads that read much more smoothly and address specific problems in specific areas of life as opposed to everything in one spread.

The ONLY reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is that I still have a hard time understanding when I read tarot spreads how to read various interpretations. Cynova makes it look easy, but I'm still constantly finding myself asking silly questions like, "WHO IS THE EMPRESS? IS IT ME? IS IT MY MOM? A FRIEND? A STRANGER?" This isn't a shortcoming in this book in particular, but it was frustrating to read the sample spreads, because I'm still like, "How did she do that?" She's psychic too though, so maybe I'm just not tapped into the universe as much.

Lastly, she includes mental health resources for people who need extra help, more than a tarot spread can provide.

Sidenote: I also recommend her classes. Her Tarot 101 class was fantastic.

annarella's review

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This books is very useful, full of ideas, hints and advice.
I liked the style of writing, the clear explanations and how it was organized.
It can be read by anyone who's new to Tarot or more experienced user who want to learn something new.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to Llewellyn Worldwide and Netgalley for this ARC

sweetheart_seer's review

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*I was sent an e-arc from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I received an e-arc from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 stars rounded up.

I have a confession to make: I love Melissa Cynova's writing style and have noticed some syncronicities with her over her two works which I will get to in a moment.

Cynova is no nonsense and she writes like she probably talks. As a reader, I feel like she is right by me chatting with me like a friend.

I read an e-arc of Kitchen Table Tarot a few years ago from Netgalley and fell in love with the easy way she explained the cards.

I went through an addiction to reading where it was literally no longer healthy how much I was reading and it was detrimental to other aspects of my life. Anything taken to excess can be after all. I took a step away, closed out my account, and took a mental health break. I slowly re-intigrated reading back into my life while also making other things important too.

On Amazon one day, I saw that Kitchen Table Tarot had been published, and since I had enjoyed it so much, I purchased a copy which I referenced quite a bit and have now passed along to my best friend to aid her in her tarot journey.

I had no sooner wrapped the gift for her when I decided to reactivate my Netgalley journey again. In looking to see what was available, I stumbled onto this edition coming out. I was simply delighted and knew I had to request it and was thankfully approved!

I believe certain books find their way to you when you need them the most. This was one such book for me.

I feel Melissa dives into more of her own personal journey here and she still writes with the same love and affection that you can feel leap off the page. She made plenty of references that I adored (the Zombie app was what I used last summer to inspire me to hit the track) along with some new to me resources that I found enjoyable (Belief-o-matic).

This is an excellent resource to expound on deeper readings to direct your path.

The explanations resource at the end made for a great addition to the example readings she used throughout the entire book.

A valuable resource that I have already begun to put to use, this guide will be just as impactful as Kitchen Table Tarot with a bit more balance of the heart, mind, body, and spirit advice mingled in for an added treat.

Do yourself a favor and check this one out. You will be so glad you did!

lashette's review

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I liked this. This was my first Melissa Cynova book or encounter at all since to my knowledge I've never come across her online anywhere. I like her style. Down to earth and modern. It makes me more interested in picking up Kitchen Table Tarot than before.

The readings are simple and good for the average Joe to do at home for themselves. Backed up by examples, homework and exercises, they form a good foundation for self care and figuring out where you need to focus it. I love all the anecdotes and how she is showing and suggesting rather than telling you what do to.

I do disagree with some of the associations for the elements and therefore the focus of each reading but that's on me. Its more like a shirt off the rack that just doesn't fit quite right, than anything bad or wrong. The only confusing part is how there's a different amount of cards for each question. How decided that is not clear to me in her explanation. Overall, a good, enjoyable and useful book.