shortthoughts's review

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This is a good book in its central thesis of interpreting the Old Testament in light of the Gospel. This is generally a good overview of biblical theology. The kingdom is certainly a prominent theme throughout scripture we must be aware of when looking at smaller portions. His view of the kingdom is not entirely in line with Scripture, though quite consistent with reformed dichotomous covenant theology and the over realized eschatology of amillennialism. It turns as you would expect in certain places. This is still a good resource for seeing Christ in the Old Testament.

scottacorbin's review

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Another gift thanks to Matt Pitts.

'Gospel & Kingdom' is one of the best introductions to Biblical Theology that I have ever seen, even with it's absolutely repulsive book cover.

Goldsworthy doesn't use overly complicated language and writes to lay Christians to help them understand the purpose of the OT for Christians. He manages to skim across the general narrative of the OT in under a hundred pages and then focuses on how various OT passages point to the coming Christ.

There wasn't anything particularly new for me and the book doesn't pretend to be a full Biblical theological treatment, but I really haven't yet found a more concise and clear intro to Christians as to how to read the OT. I will be recommending this book to Christians who need help understanding the OT from the perspective of the NT.

...and really, the book cover is one of the worst.

ivantable's review

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Good, concise introduction to biblical theology, specifically focusing on the Old Testament’s place.