hollyxbear's review against another edition

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I really liked a lot about this book and I only really disliked a little. One of the main things I loved about this book was that the women they talked about immigrated to many many different countries, not just America. It would have been so easy for the author to have every immigrant story be from some other country in the world to America, but they exceeded my expectations! Another thing I loved about this book is the amount of current and historical people that were mentioned. There are so many current immigrants that need their stories told and this was a wonderful way to do it. The only thing that I did not like was some of the artistry. I understand that they chose known and unknown artists, but not all artists hold merit. It didn't full detract from the book, but it also did not enhance it the way I would have liked. Overall, I loved it.

paokholin's review against another edition

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diana_acc's review against another edition

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Este libro es el que he sentido menos satisfactorio y a pesar de que todas las historias son válidas por ser bibliográficas me entra coraje, debido a que la mayoría de las mujeres han acabado en Estados Unidos para poder ser vistas, escuchadas o realizar su profesión, solo unas pocas han sobresalido en países latinos, y ahi hago otros corajes, está bien apoyar a todos, ¿entonces? Por que no apoyar a nuestros compatriotas.

En esta ocasión conocí a unas mujeres mexicanas que no sabía de su existencia, además de que son contemporáneas, las más sobresalientes mundialmente en la actualidad, tal vez sea Rihanna, Anna Wintour, Gloria Estefan, Lupita Nyong'o. Pero siempre es un placer ver que no son las únicas y que hay muchas más mujeres haciendo historia.

gayathiri_rajendran's review against another edition

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Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an advance reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.

This installment of Rebel Girls follows the stories of 100 women who have achieved greatness in their respective fields and are immigrants. A few stories are more familiar than the others and we also get to read about lesser known brave and compassionate women.

All these women have made significant impact in the world. The stories are pretty short and children can read this book and get to know about a single person everyday. The diversity of the stories in this book is good and everyone can find a story that appeals to them the most.

The formatting feels a bit off in the Kindle version but I am pretty sure the hardcover is going to be beautiful to read. A nice book to read for inspiration.

moon_reader's review against another edition

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jimenadelpozoo's review against another edition

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i love this

alongreader's review against another edition

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A fantastic read. The Rebel Girls books are always lovely, and this is no different, highlighting immigrants to and from different countries and the contributions they've made to their adopted homes.

The ladies run the gamut from sports stars to politicians to artists and everything in between, and there's a wonderful mix of them. I really enjoyed this and I'm going to enjoy finding out more about a few of them!

Sadly my proof copy didn't have the illustrations, but they're always lovely and I'm absolutely certain that they're gorgeous in this one as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing this in person.

antisocial_auntie's review against another edition

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This is a great introduction to a lot of positive female role models that both kids and adults can use as a springboard to do follow up research on the stories that really speak to them. I highly recommend the series, the stories are short which gives a chance to have more people and a variety of interests in it.

starzyrose's review against another edition

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I love these types of books.
A collection of stories/information about a variety of women from all over the world for young readers.
Like others, this also features beautiful illustrations from a variety of artists.
It’s admittedly not the easiest thing to read digitally (I had an e-arc for review), but as this book has since been officially released, it would make a beautiful edition to any child’s library.

starzy's review against another edition

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I love these types of books.
A collection of stories/information about a variety of women from all over the world for young readers.
Like others, this also features beautiful illustrations from a variety of artists.
It’s admittedly not the easiest thing to read digitally (I had an e-arc for review), but as this book has since been officially released, it would make a beautiful edition to any child’s library.