
Day of the Dragon by Katie MacAlister

laurla's review against another edition

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-two books for one - contains the full length novel "wolfs mate" by celia kyle.
-this book ended on page 322.

-the main character has poliosis, where some parts of her hair is white including eyebrows and eyelashes. i googled it and its kinda neat to see.

"this is madness."
"yeah, but pretty nice madness."

"it made no sense. maybe i was under his thrall? did dragons have thralls? i made a mental note to research that later and decided that i was temporarily insane."

"commands? you must have hit your head harder than i thought if you honestly believe you can give me commands."

annarella's review against another edition

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I read most of Katie MacAlister book and I was never disappointed.
This one was really good, it made me laugh and root for the characters.
I will surely read the other in this series.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to Forever and Netgalley for this ARC

mirianp's review against another edition

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ARC received in exchange for an honest opinion

Spoilers up ahead!

Maaaan this is what you would call a disappointment... I was such a fan of Katie's and her Aishling Grey series, it's one of my fun comfort book series.

This book is about the storm dragons and yes Archer is a very interesting character but man the MC just got on my nerves. She talked like a lot and it felt like the author was trying to recapture the lightning in the bottle that was Aishling Grey and it just fell so flat. Also, the whole her being ugly or whatever just was so unessisary, why even comment on her beauty by "social standards"? The love interest is, of course, GQ model gorgeous, at least the main character states it about 200 times and then negs on herself for being "not attractive enough". Why write your MC like this, it just came off as super tasteless and super annoying. If you are in a relationship where you feel inferior, the relationship will not last.

Also, they confess their love for each other in the middle of the book, both of them. They say it, again and again. This after having known each other for, ow I don't know maybe 5 days.

This was just such a mess, 1,5 stars and this is me being generous. I almost DNF'd this book several times due to the cringe factor.

kari_marie's review against another edition

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Day of the Dragon is the second book in a series but can easily be read as a stand alone (I purposely read the first book just to be sure). There is a novella from Celia Kyle as well.

Day of the Dragon was an enjoyable fun read. I like MacAlister's books are always like this. If you have ever picked up one of her books you know the females are going to be kick but and the males will be antiquated and have to adopt to their modern woman.

Celia Kyle's book was okay I remember reading one of her past books and enjoying it. This was okay. I was bored and really didn't care for the relationships.

Three stars from me. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

shaegeeksout's review against another edition

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This was such a fun read! MacAlister knows how to write strong, yet quirky female characters who will not be dominated by their alpha male dragons. The mystery involved in this novel was wonderful, and lead into potential for the next book in the series.
All in all, I thought the dynamic between the couple was enjoyable, and the smutty bits were delightful!
Crassy or Classy 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Story 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Enjoyment 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟