
Counting on a Countess by Eva Leigh

mskennedyreads's review against another edition

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This one was good. The guy really grows up. I wasn't into the mc's concerns about sex but I respect that that is real for people and it would feel good to read about that.

I only have one book left in this author's back catalogue.

The author takes the same formula and does something different every time. But every time, the woman is a badass and the man becomes non-toxic and respects the crap out of her and other people.

cleocleveland's review against another edition

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I normally love Eva Leigh/Zoe Archer but I just couldn't quite connect with this one. Not sure what the issue was but I put it down in the middle and read another book for a challenge in between. I'm a pretty monogamous reader so that's pretty rare for me. I liked Kit & Tamsyn, in a rare move for me I think I liked Kit more than Tamsyn, as I'm usually a heroine reader. But their story together just didn't draw me in. Anyway, there's a lot of crap in my life right now so it could totally be that. Looking forward to the next one though.

anrobe's review against another edition

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I cannot recommend this series (and this book) enough. It's a romance but it's so much more. This is my particular favorite in this particular series as I really connected with the hero and the heroine. Again, this series is amazing. Don't miss it!

cakt1991's review against another edition

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This is a far superior book to the first in the series, although not without its flaws. I loved the fresh twist Eva Leigh put on the marriage of convenience trope, and while some of the resolution felt a little bit illogical in terms of how quickly Kit changed his mind about Tamsyn's actions, I still enjoyed the way they came to compromise and both get what they wanted, but in a way they did not expect.

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xsophiehoughton's review against another edition

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After fighting at Waterloo, and returning home a hero, Kit Ellingsworth never expected anything but to return to life as a third son. However, his commanding officer, Lord Somerby, petitioned for him to be made Earl of Blakemoor, and following Somerby's death he's in line for a rather substantial inheritance. The only problem? He has to marry within the month to be able to claim the inheritance. Miss Tamsyn Pearce is new to London society, more used to her small Cornish town, but when her uncle announces he's going to marry the family home - and the one she runs her smuggling business out of - she knows she needs to find a wealthy husband to buy her house. It's a match made in heaven, but when the will reveals that Tamsyn is in sole control of the money, and Kit has to ask for an allowance, all their plans start falling apart. Can Tamsyn keep her smuggling a secret from her law abiding husband, and will Kit be able to convince Tamsyn to fund his dreamed for pleasure gardens?

I was intrigued by Kit in the first book, From Duke Till Dawn, especially with how mysterious he was. I loved reading his POV, as we really saw him as the man who was broken by Waterloo, and had fixated on a goal so long that nothing else seemed to do. He had layers upon layers, but with Tamsyn, these fell back to reveal the real Kit, and help him grow. Tamsyn reminded me so much of a sort of mix of Demelza and Ross Poldark, with her smuggling at night, and playing the lady by day. She loved her town, and would do anything for them after her parents died, and I just fell in love with her - she might be my favourite of Eva's heroines so far! Even though both went into the marriage as one of convenience, and with many secrets, the way they fell in love was perfect. It wasn't forced at all, and came so naturally, that they didn't even fully understand they were gone until it was too late. The ending was everything I could've dreamed of, and hopefully we'll see more of them in Dare to Love a Duke.

malin12ccf's review against another edition

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Christopher "Kit" Ellingsworth was given an Earldom for his bravery during the Napoleonic wars. It doesn't really bring in any money, though, so Kit is pretty much penniless and mounting up debts living the life of a libertine upon his return to London, everything to forget his time in battle. Hence he is surprised when he is told his mentor wishes to leave him a substantial long as he finds a wife within the next month. It doesn't leave him very much time to find someone willing to marry him.

Tamsyn Pearce has been an orphan since she was in her early teens and while her aunt and uncle seem to care very little about the lives and fates of the residents of the little Cornish village of Newcombe, Tamsyn feels differently. For the last eight years, she and the villagers have run a successful smuggling operation, making sure the taxes could get paid and everyone would be able to feed themselves and their children. She's in London to find a buyer for her latest shipment of illicit goods, and if she could find a wealthy husband who won't ask too many questions as well, that would solve a lot of her problems. Her uncle wants to sell the family manor, Tamsyn's childhood home, and she needs enough funds to purchase it herself.

Kit and Tamsyn meet at a ball when he has a week left before the stated deadline. There's an instant spark between them and both need to find a spouse in a hurry, so they agree to marry. It's only after she is wed that Tamsyn discovers that her ex-soldier husband doesn't look kindly on law-breakers. Can she keep her handsome new husband from discovering what she and the villagers have been doing for the last eight years? Kit, on the other hand, discovers after signing all the legal paperwork, that he does have access to a substantial fortune, but his lovely new wife is the one who will be holding the purse strings. Kit wants to use the money to build a pleasure garden to help him forget about the horrors of war. Can he persuade his wife to surrender the funds?

Normally, I really like [a:Eva Leigh|8886093|Eva Leigh|]'s historical romances, but I'm not sure if it's because I just wasn't in the mood for it, or if this really was just a weaker entry of the author's. It's been over a month since I finished the book and I must be honest, I don't remember too many details about the plot. For readers looking for a lot of smexy times, it should be noted that it takes Kit and Tamsyn about two thirds of the book to finally consummate their marriage. So it's not exactly the raunchiest of reads.

Obviously, the big thing standing between the couple is Tamsyn's smuggling secrets. She needs to keep the truth from her husband, who while being an unrepentant rake before tying the knot, nevertheless risked his life in combat for king and country and doesn't look kindly on the law being broken through smuggling. Apart from that, the couple may have entered into a marriage of convenience, but both fall rather quickly for one another - I just didn't care all that much. Juggling reading, blogging and motherhood means I need something a bit more out of the ordinary to hold my attention. There is nothing badly wrong with this book, it just didn't wow me and has clearly not stayed very fresh in my memory. It's a fun enough, run of the mill historical. That is not to say others may not enjoy it more than I - but I would not encourage people to go out and pay full price for it either. I'll probably pick it up myself when I find it in a sale.

Judging a book by its cover:While the book was so so, and didn't really stick in my memory all that much, this cover is lovely. The cover model is very pretty and has the correct hair colour for Tamsyn. The dress is period appropriate (even though it's unlikely anyone on the windswept Cornish coast would show off that much naked skin) and the colour is gorgeous. The backdrop evokes a romantic sunset - I really like this a lot. [a:Eva Leigh|8886093|Eva Leigh|] frequently has excellent covers - this is another to add to the list.

harmony's review against another edition

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Tamsyn is an impoverished member of the gentry who lives under the neglectful care of her aunt and uncle--a state she tolerates because their lack of interest means they have no idea she's been helping the local village survive by spearheading the local smuggling operation. But when her uncle decides to sell her home, she realizes that she needs a husband wealthy enough to buy her family home, and she needs him fast. Though a little emo at times (I love him but I can't open my heart to him because he loathes smugglers so I must suffer silently!) this was still a good time and the romance was satisfying if not explosive.

tween2teenbookreviews's review against another edition

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This book was great! It also marks the next-to-last stop on my Great Eva Leigh Marathon. Kit and Tamsyn come together out of convenience, but they quickly fall for each other. The downside is that they're both keeping some secrets. One thing I really liked, was how Kit reacted to a certain event. While many other characters would have yelled or gotten irrational (which he did do to an extent earlier in the book), Kit took some time, thought it over, and they were all the better for it. I loved watching these two characters fall in love and learn to work together.

bandherbooks's review against another edition

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In order to inherit the massive amount of money his friend and fellow Napoleonic War veteran left him, Christopher “Kit” Ellingsworth and recent Earl of Blakemere must wed.

Within a month. Aghast he must put aside his libertine ways but also desperate to secure the money so he can fund his secret dream project, Kit luckily finds a most willing bride, one Miss Tamsyn Pearce. Tamsyn is also desperate to wed as she needs both money and a husband to ensure she can carry on with her illegal smuggling business, buy her crumbling family estate, and keep her Welsh townspeople fed and in work.

Quick marriage complete, they find out there is another stipulation in the will. Tamsyn, as Kit's new wife, has been given total control of the funds! Kit can't even buy his new wife a piece of jewelery without her written permission, throwing a huge wrench in his plans.

It doesn't help Tamsyn is for all rights and purposes is a penny-pinching saver, so Kit believes he must seduce and make his wife fall in love with him before he can ask her to fund his project, a Pleasure Garden he is sure will help heal his broken spirit, so damaged after the horrors of the war he so recently fought.

Secrets, misunderstandings, and love lead to a lovely romance with a hard-won but totally fulfilling HEA.

I especially enjoyed this tale because of the very dear way the love scenes were handled. Kit is very patient with Tamsyn, who comes to the marriage a virgin, and does not force her or coerce her into immediately consummating the marriage. He talks to Tamsyn, and they discuss their wants and desires. This leads to an excellent slow-burn seduction between both characters, and I ate up every minute of it...until a scene leading up them FINALLY boning that I felt was really bonkers! I'm assuming this scene is the set-up for the next story in this series.
SpoilerKit and Tamsyn finally decide to have sex! Yes! Everything is going smoothly until Tamsyn again expresses nervousness. Instead of talking about things and slowing down a bit, Kit decides this moment would be an excellent time to take Tamsyn to a sex club with his buddy. Whut. So, virginal Tamsyn who was so nervous is taken to an exhibitionist spectacle which makes her super horny and they finally go home and bonk. I'm totally fine with this, it just seemed sudden and a little out of character for the way their relationship had progressed up to this point

There are also fun secondary characters, especially Tamsyn's maid, and gosh darn I love Wales. I will definitely be reading the other books in this series!

Spoiler alert!!

krista's review against another edition

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I forgot to add this to GR immediately after I read it and now I can't remember it well enough to write a fair review, I mostly just remember enjoying it a normal amount. I borrowed it from the library because of