
The Bloodline Will by A.B. Morgan

namitakhanna's review

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Bloodline Will by A.B.Morgan is the second book in the series and though there is some backstory it can be read as a stand- alone. Interesting story-line , engaging characters made it entertaining read

I would like to thank the TBC Reviewers request group & the author for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

booksbybindu's review

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I really enjoyed this book. It was funny, dark, twisted, creepy and had really well developed characters. This is the second in the series but it definitely can be read as a stand alone. I think I am going to go and read the first in the series to get a better handle on the characters.

The book opens with Ella being in a mental hospital and Konrad comes along to apologise for his tv show that featured Ella and the reason why is she in hospital. But whilst he is there he spies Abigail Nithercott who he has spent years researching. He believes that her husband Guy murdered his parents and sees this as the great opportunity to finally prove it.

As the story progresses more and more secrets come out. I especially loved the hairdresser’s chapters - no more spoilers apart from they were hilarious! It all comes to a climax at some escape rooms which totally set the pace for this ending as it was nail biting to the extreme. The story definitely does take a darker turn in relation to the Nithercott’s but it is certainly believable.

There was a vast array of characters in this book something which I found hard to grasp at times, but I was reading this as a migraine was approaching. I did get confused with all the members of the Nithercott clan but I also maybe think that is the point. However, the huge cast made for a very intricate plot that was complex and entertaining.

I was really impressed with the character of Logan and it was refreshing to see a male victim of stalking. It is not something that is really seen much, even in mainstream media, so that it was tackled in this book was amazing. Logan seems to brush it off but I think it really bothered him greatly in the end.

I wish there had been more dialogue between Ella and Mal, yes there parts but I really liked Mal and wanted to find out more about him and his life. Hopefully in the next book. Ella reminded me of myself - outgoing but secretly very insecure and relies on people’s perspectives of her. I loved her!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to people and I will look out for further ones in the series.

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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I really enjoyed the setting of the secure unit to start the story off. Meeting Ella and Abigail. Ella is understandably on a downer at being stuck in a secure unit rather than prison and is equally annoyed with Konrad’s part in her being there.

Konrad is as ever his usual self. On the look out for the next story that will keep him in the life he is accustomed to. He thinks nothing of using others to get what he wants. They are about to uncover more that they bargained for though!

There is a vast, cast of characters within the story. Some I liked more than others and some that took me by surprise. Logan was such one. A minor celebrity with a crazed stalker. It was good to see a male perspective as usually in stories it tends to be females that are victims of such crimes.

As the investigation goes on, the story starts taking a darker turn. An unexpected one at that. The author really ramps the tension up and it makes for some exciting reading.

The Bloodline Will was a gripping and entertaining read. I could easily see this being adapted for a television series. There is lots going on to ensure your attention is nowhere other than on the story itself. The pace is steady, picking up towards the end of which, was both thrilling and satisfying at the same time.

My thanks to the author for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.

nietzschesghost's review

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The Bloodline Will is the second instalment in the Second Chance Investigations series and although it is preferable to have read the preceding book, Death By Indulgence, before dipping into his one it is not a necessity. Journalist Konrad Neale continues to care more about getting a scoop than whether he may hurt or destroy someone's life; just as he did with Ella who is now watched every hour of every day in the secure unit she's been placed in. She is more than a little bitter towards him even when he decides to turn up to apologise. This isn't because he wants to or feels remorse for contributing to Ella’s fate but due to the impact it could have on his career. He does so because he feels he has no choice due to the pressure from others. When he discovers reclusive introvert Abigail Nithercott staying in the same facility his mind kicks into gear and knows this would be a big exclusive story that would keep him living the high life for a little longer. Little does he know that there will be shocks in store.

This is a refreshingly original and fascinating psychological thriller and as it is written by a former mental health nurse who has a background in psychiatry the parts featuring the secure unit felt authentic and reflective of real life. At under 300 pages, this is a compact story but one that really packs a powerful punch and you can tell that Morgan’s interest in the extremes of human behaviour inspire her stories. It's pacey with a strong cast of characters and I was happy to see Ella once again but Konrad not so much as he is selfish and a user. The plot is excellently planned out with a unique style to it that really drew me in and kept me reading past my bedtime. Part way through the investigation everything gets extremely dark and chilling and it was a twist I certainly didn't see coming. As the tale progresses the suspense and tension are ratcheted up until they are palpable and I knew there was no putting it down until it concluded. All in all, a highly entertaining and enthralling read. Many thanks to BOTBS for an ARC.