
Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead

brinastewart's review

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Oh ok so...., Went right into this one as well, wanting to know 'What happens next?!'. I usually get overwhelmed reading back to back books in a series, like it drags on. I didn't start feeling that way until.... Eugenie did something that pissed me off and after that it started with the dragging feeling.

I was really mad at her for switching back between guys. I mean sheesh, she could have ripped into Dorian before she jumped right back with Kiyo. In the first book, I liked Kiyo and the second had me liking Dorian but jeez woman! If she had such an issue with the dominance Dorian wanted in the bedroom, then she shouldn't have let him be that way everytime (at least balance it out!) and she should have demanded the respect for him not to do that. If she liked it that much, then don't bitch about it! She also could have demanded for any relantionship (being ally or intimate) that he commit to be up front, blatant, honest, and truthful. She always talked like it is important to her and mentioned it but never requested it of him. If she did then Dorian would come to know that games and white lies wouldn't fly or be passed off so easliy be her.

bookgoonie's review

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The war with the Rowan Land is raging on. Eugenie desperately wants it to end. It pains her to see the people in the kingdoms losing loved ones and she is worried about Dorian too. I so love Dorian and Eugenie together. Their strength and passion perfectly compliment each other. The hotness they create together gave me hot flashes. But when Eug selflessly seeks the Iron Crown to end the war and even bigger mess erupts. Richelle Mead has created a great character in Eugenie. Usually a woman whose life is as big a mess as hers, especially her love life, I’m not interested. But she is different somehow and you are rooting for her to get it all sorted out. Never for an instant believe you know how this book is going to end. Twist. Turn. Treachery. Interesting Power Plays.

amaustin's review

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Eugiene makes stupid decisions. Kiyo is a stupid hypocrite. Dorien rocks the universe.

emmafromoz's review

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What's not to love about Richelle Mead? Have had a quick scan of the other good reads reviews - many people out there are distressed by her romantic choices but not a single mention of her decision in the last chapter?? Of course, am commenting on other readers rather than the book, but really?! I enjoyed this - have yet not to enjoy one of her books - am hanging out for a new Georgina Kinkaid though....

lalabristow's review against another edition

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Previously Published on my blog: Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars!

*Contains VERY MINOR Spoilers for the previous books in the series.

The Good: Eugene is back! It’s been so long since the last Dark swan book, that I was dying for Iron crowned! I wasn’t disappointed. So much action and series development in this book that left breathless. Great twists and turns =)

The Bad: I didn’t really love the way Eugenie handle the whole Kyo and Dorian issue =/

The Romance: A lot of romance of this one for both Team Kyo and Team Dorian. A lot of surprises as well hehe.

leapfeetfirst's review

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I really enjoy this series. Strong heroines that can fend for themselves are always a welcome sight, especially in a romance series. My only gripe is that Eugenie is so quick to bop back and forth between the two love interests. It would be great if she could realize that both are using her and that she would be better off on her own.

tam_bam26's review against another edition

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I started reading this a few years back according to GR (it doesn't seem like it was that long ago), but I never finished. I got about halfway through the book and I remembered why I put this down. I really don't like Eugenie-at all. She's probably my least favorite heroine in UF. She has all of this power but she makes the worst decisions possible. She lands herself in dilemmas that she could have completely avoided. Did I mention that I cannot stand Eugenie?

So in this installment of the series Eugenie and Dorian (I love him!) are still at war. Supposedly Eugenie can peacefully end the war if she acquires the Iron Crown.
Spoiler Once she actually gets the Iron Crown she's too stupid to actually do anything with it, so it was kinda useless. And when she does actually use it, it seems as if it was only to prove to the reader she getting more like her all powerful dad.
I actually love everything about this series except for the heroine so I'd still recommend it

lena_uppenkamp's review against another edition

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Ich weiß gar nicht, warum ich so lange gewartet habe, bis ich weitergelesen habe.
Aber da habe ich mal einmal mit angefangen und schon war es auch wieder durch.
Richelle Mead kann einfach super schreiben und die Geschichte um Eugene nimmt in diesem Buch noch einige krasse Wendungen.

nyxshadow's review against another edition

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on veut la suite maintenant !
sérieusement, certains développements sont courus d'avance, mais je me demande vraiment ce qu'il va advenir maintenant !
Mon avis plus détaillé :

colleen_m's review

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Getting really sick of the love triangle in this book. Apparently it should now officially be over though. Yikes.