
Snow Angel by Melanie Shawn

tamm's review

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***The author kindly gave me an ARC of this book. Although they did not ask for a review, I wanted to give one and say THANK YOU.***


Eric Maquire has recently been appointed the Police Chief. He's got a nice house, hot tub, and a dog. Sick of casual hook ups, Eric's eye catches the new girl in town.

Lily is new in town with a past that she'd rather have stay buried and hence why she never stays in one place for too long. She comes to town to choreograph Karina Black's winter tour. She ends up renting the house next door to Eric.

What happens when they both agree to an exclusive friends with benefits relationship and someone from her past comes to threaten her present and future? Does Lily leave the community she has come to adore? Does Eric let her go? Meh... I'd read this one if I were you.

I fell in love with Hope Falls when I read Let It Snow (book 8). This is book 5. And like Let it Snow, I feel that it can be read as a stand alone.

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Snow Angel is a great example of why I usually give books a chance even if I don't love them right away. I read the first ten pages or so and just thought nope. Not the book for me. I did not like the way it was written so I was just going to put it aside never to be finished before I got to the point of no return (not sure when that is, but once I invest so much time into a book, a couple chapters, then I have to finish it). Well we were traveling a bit so I used it as a good book to read for that. One that I wouldn't get sucked into the story and end up staying up way too late because I needed to finish it. I thought it would probably be alright, but I wouldn't love it. Well I was quickly proved wrong. After the not so good start I really got into the story and by the end I was loving it and didn't want it to end. I'm so glad I stuck with this book and didn't just toss it aside right away.

Lily is so sweet. She has never really had a permanent home. She has been constantly moving around and watching her back. She doesn't feel safe staying in one spot because of something that happened when she was younger. She is frightened and doesn't really have any friends or family or any real connections to other people. It is kind of heartbreaking as she seems like such a sweetheart, but until now she has just never let anyone get too close.

Eric was a player, but lately he has not been happy with his old ways. He wants something real, someone he can spend his time with and really be with. When he first meets Lily he knows that she is something special. She seems to like him as well, but he knows he has to proceed carefully. She is skittish and gets scared away easily. He slowly starts falling for her and is so sweet and perfect with her it is just amazing. He never pushes her to open up about her past or anything. He just lets her open up to him on her time, when she is ready to let him in. They were really amazing together. You can see Lily trying to figure out how to do this, how to have a real relationship, and how she might be able to settle down and stop running. She is amazing with everyone and the whole town just loves her. She has to get used to that small town everyone knows everything about everyone else thing, but she starts to make a life for herself. And Eric is a large part of that.

Things progress and there are some bumps in the road and towards the end it gets a bit hairy, but oh it was great. I loved Eric and Lily and them together and watching their relationship grow and get through all the tough times. It was not love at first sight and you could really see them falling for each other. I really loved this book. I will have to check out more from this author as this story was just so good.

myaddiction's review

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Good read.

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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This was my first read from this series and this author but it won't be my last. The chemistry between Eric and Lily was instantaneous and thick with tension. There was an air of mystery and suspense to the story that just added to the sweet and sexy build-up between them. This story is perfect to cuddle up in front of a fire and enjoy.

jasperitis's review

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Pure, escapist reading.

crystal_bookworm's review

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Loved it

Absolutely great book. I have read this one first it hasn't mattered and it is so good. The main characters you fall in love with. There is lots of steamy romance and lots of plot. So getting more of this author's books.

ingypingy2000's review

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A very lighthearted, simplistic, and sweet read.

sue_t's review

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Good story with excellent character development. Personally, I felt that the big mystery around the heroine could have come out earlier in the story to create another level of angst outside of the bedroom. And, the ending did wrap up rather quickly. Not that a big manhunt was needed, but more of an elaboration on the main characters' next steps into the future. Maybe that is all covered in the next book of the series. Recommend for the romance readers.

selket16's review

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Erik is the Hope Falls sheriff. Lily is new to town working as a choreographer for pop sensation and local resident Karina Black. Lily has a past, she's been released from the witness protection program, but the story takes forever to tell you why.

The story focuses on each of them staring at the other and saying how hot the other is and really bypasses any real action or conversation, except for about 10 pages near the end of the book. Each book in the series is a stand alone focusing on a new couple in town and I read book 14 Fire and Foreplay a few books back and couldn't put it down, but this one really felt lacking with that book still fresh in my mind. I'll still read a few more books to see which is the outlier.

jeannemurray3gmailcom's review

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Good story and plot. I didn't care for graphic sex descriptions that weren't needed for the story.