
Introducing Feminism: A Graphic Guide by Cathia Jenainati, Judy Groves

skttrbrn's review against another edition

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An excellent introduction to feminist thought, the development of women's rights and a broad background on key texts and figures. A significant shortcoming of this book is a complete lack of coverage of third-wave feminism and only a cursory glance at non-Western feminist activity.

permanentlei's review

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We think of first wave feminism as referring to the organized feminist activity which evolved in Britain and the USA in the second half of the 19th century.

DNFing this book because of the centering of Britain and USA within the scope and research. "We think" isn't good enough for me to get behind. I find it hard to believe that all around the world feminism began in these two places. And you know maybe it did but there is no outside perspective. No tales from other cultures where ideas aren't centered around American and English thoughts and ideals. 

I actually pointed this out at the beginning of the book when I read the disclaimer. I didn't realise it would be this big of a problem for me tho. I have no interest in continuing this book. 

space_cadet's review against another edition

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It's OK. Quick read. It just gives a historical overview on the whole movement, dedicating only 2-3 sentances for each event/person. It's a good guide if you are interested in history of the movement but don't know what to research. However, those short descriptions are not enough to get the whole jist of each individual event, but it is a good starting point to encourage you to look stuff up.

ellieodole's review

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It’s mostly about white people, not very intersectional so I struggled to get through it 

jadzia's review

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It's an alright guide for someone who has very little knowledge on feminism. It contains basic ideas and explains them in the most simple way, as well as mentions many names and ideas, which later on can be researched.
Nothing new for me, but a good starting point for newbies.

elizabethlk's review

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For such a brief introduction (176 pages) to such a broad topic, I feel like Introducing Feminism: A Graphic Guide did an admirable job of covering a broad range of the history and types of western feminism.

This is probably the first introduction to feminism that I've read that included this level of detail on the history of feminism. Beginning before the first wave was even close and leading all the way up to the time when the book was published (2007), it covers a wide variety of feminists, concepts, events, and reading materials. I do feel like it lumped the beginning of the third wave in with the second wave. I also think that it glossed over some rather important topics, although I am not surprised, as many of the international feminist efforts, non-white feminist efforts, LGBTQ+ feminist efforts, and disabled feminist efforts have really only been so in the forefront since the time this book was written. It did manage to cover lesbians in feminism and black women in feminism all throughout the history it presented. Jenainati managed to keep any biases out of the writing when discussing various feminist views throughout time, often switching between one viewpoint and its opposing viewpoint in order to provide the full picture. The illustrations were a nice touch that added to the readability of the book.

While not a complete view of feminism, it is incredibly broad for such a short read. I would definitely recommend Introducing Feminism: A Graphic Guide to anyone looking for a quick introduction to the history of feminism. It is definitely a good starting point for anyone who isn't sure where to start, whether they be adults or teens.

neledoro's review

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While I have been a feminist for a long time now it hasn't been until I started to question current political and cutural standards that I would actually say that I advocate feminism. This book has been a very good overview of the history of the struggle women went and are still going through. It gave an insight on the most important milestones and the different feminisms that exist. I am sure that I will continue to study some of the women mentioned in the book and to broaden my own perspective on feminism.

thetheatricallinguist's review

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced


A fantastic overview of the history of feminism, although I spotted some mistakes!

countolaf's review

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An easy to read historical crash course on feminism that taught me quite a few things I wasn't well versed in. However, it conspicuously lacks almost any account of third wave feminism, and more worryingly - ignores trans women all together. Black feminism is accounted for, but only with a few pages, a stark contrast to the hundred pages the development of white English and America suffragettes and thinkers. It's almost entirely a Western account, which gets a little limiting. Happy International Women's Day!

hzboy's review

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I read in English but this review is in Bahasa Indonesia

Masih dalam kelanjutan membaca serial "Introducing..." yang membuatku teringat akan masa kuliah dulu. Selepas membaca Introducing Media Studies, rasanya ingin juga membaca Introducing Feminism.

Beberapa saat yang lalu, aku sempat mencoba membaca The Feminism Book milik DK. Iya, bukunya besar dan tebal. Hingga resensi ini ditulis, aku belum selesai membaca yang satu itu. Berbeda dengan The Feminism Book yang cenderung berusaha merinci setiap kejadian berdasarkan urutan waktu, Introducing Feminism memberikan kulit luar dari setiap peristiwa penting yang terjadi dan mejadi pemicu gerakan feminis. Selain itu, buku ini juga memberikan biografi singkat tentang tokoh-tokoh yang menjadi motor penggerak dalam feminisme.

Masih khas serial Introducing, buku ini terdiri dari tulisan dan grafis-grafis yang dimaksudkan sebagai media pelengkap. Baik itu dalam artian positif maupun satir. Oleh karena itu, dengan hanya 2 hari, 176 halaman buku ini dengan mudah dapat dilahap. Dan sebagaimana judulnya, buku ini memberikan awalan atau pemantik pertama agar pembaca memahami ide mendasar dari apa itu feminisime untuk kemudian menelusurinya lebih jauh.