
Kill For Me by Karen Rose

destinugrainy's review against another edition

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Susannah Vartanian harus kembali ke kota kelahirannya dan menghadapi masa lalunya yang suram. Kematian kedua orang tuanya yang dibunuh oleh kakaknya sendiri, Simon Vartanian (sebelum Simon membunuh dirinya sendiri), memaksa Susannah berdiri di depan makam orang tuanya. Kali ini dia juga harus menjadi saksi atas kasus pemerkosaan yang menimpa dirinya 13 tahun yang lalu. Pemerkosaan yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok pria kaya, yang salah satunya adalah kakaknya, Simon. Yang membuat keadaan semakin buruk pada masa lalu adalah kedua orang tuanya “menutup mata” atas apa yang dialaminya. Mereka berdua lebih memilih menutup aib Simon. Sementara kakaknya, Daniel, memilih untuk pergi dari rumah. Susannah harus berjuang sendirian.

Tiga belas tahun kemudian, Daniel kembali membuka kasus yang menimpa adiknya itu. Sayangnya Daniel mengalami luka tembak sehingga tidak dapat turun tangan secara langsung. Agen Luke Papadopoulos, rekan Daniel yang juga bertugas dala satuan kejahatan internet, membantu penyelidikan Daniel, sekaligus melindungi Susannah (atas permintaan Daniel). Tidak disangka kasus yang mereka hadapi begitu sulit. Ada banyak jalan buntu yang mereka jumpai, sementara para saksi terus menjadi korban. Penyelidikan terus berlanjut, dan ternyata ada banyak pejabat di kota itu yang terlibat dalam skandal ini. Informan mereka satu persatu tewas, dan ada banyak korban lain yang berjatuhan. Nyawa Susannah menjadi terancam.

Di sisi lain Susannah menyimpan rahasia lain yang dibawanya sepanjang hidupnya akibat kondisi yang dialaminya di masa lalu. Begitu juga dengan Luke, yang memiliki beban akibat pekerjaannya. Namun pertemuan keduanya membuat mereka saling mengobati, saling memulihkan, dan mulai saling membuka diri satu sama lain.

Ternyata buku ini adalah buku ketiga dari serial Daniel Vartanian yang ditulis oleh Karen Rose. Tapi tidak usah kuatir jika tidak membaca buku sebelumnya karena penulis memberikan keterangan yang jelas di awal kisah ini, sehingga seperti satu kisah tersendiri. Yang saya sukai adalah meski ada begitu banyak karakter yang muncul, akur ceritanya tidak membingungkan. Karen Rose dengan piawai menggiring pembaca menikmati setiap adegan sambil bertanya-tanya bagaimana akhir kisahnya. Saya jadi tertarik untuk membaca karya Karen Rose yang disebut sebagai The #1 Romantic Suspense Writers ini.

teaaddiction's review against another edition

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3,5 *

jonetta's review

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This is not a standalone story so it is not recommended you read this before reading (at least) the two immediately preceding books. I still strongly urge reading the entire series in order as related characters pop up throughout.

The story begins sometime near the end of the last story, running parallel to when Daniel and Alex first discovered the nightmare bunker. I was thrilled to get Susannah and Luke's perspectives as they neared the site and discovered Bailey and "Jane Doe." What ensued was the wildest reading ride I've had in a long time.

No one seems to be who they first appear to be and almost everyone has either a tragic history or private agenda. I actually became overwhelmed by the sheer weight and volume of the revelations. This was the first time in this series I felt the romance took a big back seat to the mystery/suspense. But, I loved Luke and his family and what they brought to his relationship with Susannah.

Incredible story with an intricate plot in a diabolical town. Now they just need to level Dutton, Georgia and start all over.

cranberrytarts's review against another edition

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Another excellent novel from Karen Rose. Definitely a great end to the trilogy. Full of heart pounding suspense and amazing character studies. Highly recommend the entire trilogy.

zeey's review against another edition

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The subject is dark, the experiences the characters go through are horrendous but the suspense and mystery and the main couples chemistry made it a solid 3 star for me.
I havent read teh previous books yet, not the usual for me, but def something Im gonna correct.

labraden's review against another edition

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This book is exceptionally good romantic suspense. The story is quite detailed and very well written. Rose keeps the reader guessing very convincingly and thoroughly builds suspense throughout the series.

kmarie_318's review against another edition

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Great Read! You have to have read the book prior to this scream for me to follow along with this book.

mrsbooknerd's review against another edition

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Usually I really like Karen Rose's novels and devour them, but with this particular series I just became really bored. The characters differed (This one focusing on Susannah and Luke) which gives somwthing fresh to the series but ultimately its the same bad guys, the same themes, and the same problems but stretched out so that Rose can fill more books. I like the Susannah and Luke relationship though it was somewhat predictable but really thought this storyline should have been a one book plot, two at a push!

paulshepherd888's review

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Long, engrossing complex and well written thriller, Vartanians, a story of their own what!!!!

inconceivably's review against another edition

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This was a great wrap up to the little trilogy within the series, books 7-9. I really love all the characters in these books, and the way that most of them are at least loosely connected.

This book was upsetting since it involved so much in the field of pornography and prostitution of young women. Internet crimes are such a big deal these days, and I love the way a school in the book had an assembly for parents where they were able to purchase the software to monitor their children right there on the spot.

Luke and Suzannah were great characters...those Vartinians really have a crappy family, I gotta say.