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Four Score by Lili St. Germain

galiaba's review

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3.5 stars

apacheco1993's review

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*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book...this book! What I was waiting for happened! Yes, all is out in the open (at least between the MC and a certain brother whose name starts with J and ends with e ;) )

Throughout this whole book I was just screaming at Juliette in my head that she was going to blow her cover! That someone was going to start suspecting her of the deaths of the brothers. And someone did! Actually, one of them I was dying for him to find out and the other is going to kill her! or torture her...or tourture and then kill her! This guy is crazy!

But the part I absolutely loved was when Jace and Juliette were finally together. Sigh. Even though I'm still a little taken back that Jace didn't go all crazy after the whole 'you-slept-with-my-dad-for-months' thing. We also get an eplanations as to why Jace has stayed in the MC club for so long and hasn't gotten away from his father and brothers.

Overall, I loved this one. I can say that it is definitely one of my favorite ones in the series. Now onto the next one I go!

fictioncourt's review

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ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

5 explosive stars!

This series just keeps getting better! How can I possibly review this without spoiling it? I'll have to keep it short and vague. No seriously while reading it this was reaction. In slow motion, over and over and over again. And then repeat. The story, has reached the turning point. Julie was out for blood and now she's in too deep. The last book left us hanging and this one personally, I felt like it kicked me over the edge.

I have been waiting for certain scenes since book one and all I can say is that Lili took my expectations and sent them flying so high I was devouring the pages like a starved bookaholic. What did I just read, was all my mind could come up with.

Four Score gives a thrilling continuation and a lot more information on certain issues, like the Julie/Elliot relationship as well as Julie's story with Jase and something I did not expect to read and I was pleasantly surprised was, small glimpses of Jase's story as well. I just can't recommend this series enough! Dark, thrilling with rich characters and a story that will hook you in from the first page.

rachelreadsravenously's review

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And on to the next one! Will do one big review for the last book.

hmalmal's review

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Better than the first three!

What an ending!
What a plot!
The fourth book is truly where the author breaks out of her rut of nothing is happening until about 80% and then someone dies. Definitely 100% better than the first three.
But there still could be improvement. The beginning to about 50% or so, is kind of slow. And sense this book is so short, there really doesn't need to be any slow parts.

thebookishmedialite's review

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Okaaaaay! That was a motherfucker ending.

I liked it though.. because in a twisted way she deserved it, for being so careless! But at the same time I'm afraid of what will come next. I know is not going to be pretty.

I'm feeling frustrated... Julliete is getting on my nerves! And Jase!.. He fucking needs to do something! -.-

Oh! Poor Elliot... He definitely deserves something better.

I get it. This is all about revenge but damn it. I'm not happy with some things but I'm so intrigued that I can not put these books down. So, see you soon.