
Girl in the Snow: A Thrilling Tale of Dystopian Royalty by Nicole Adrianne

ainun_farhan_zahra's review

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It was a great read! I'm not a retelling fan but I've read a couple of retellings this year on my friend's insistence and actually loved them. So, I decided to give this one a try as well.

Unfortunately, it was hard to be invested in the story at the beginning. Maybe it was because I have convinced myself I rarely enjoy retellings, in other words - my biased perspective but as the story progressed, it became more engaging, fast paced and had me captivated. Benedict is also at fault for my initial dislike. I hated his dramatic entrance and weird slangs as much as Eira. He is a surprisingly nice fellow once you get to know him. Slater is the traditional kind, selfless and responsible man. I love him, just the way I'm meant to. The characters were lovable and the narration was easy-to-follow. Definitely recommend!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review

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My fairytale mood is back! I only want to read about princes and princesses and evil stepmothers and fights for thrones. It's a good thing I requested this book some time ago on BookSprout, because this book was absolutely perfect for what I wanted! I was especially curious how the combination of fairytale vibe and royalty with a dystopia would work out. It's not something that's quite often done, but if you have recommendations, please let me know!

I started reading, just to get a small taste, before going to bed and really had to force myself to stop. Even though there is, so far, not one magical element in this story, it has that true fairytale vibe. And even though it's maybe not exactly a Snow White retelling, it does contain a lot of elements from the tale and plays with all the tropes from that tale. Still, without a bit of magic! The apple, the evil stepmother, the natural deaths that were actual kills, it's all there!

However, this book is much much more than a retelling from this beloved fairytale. Adrianne clearly thought very well about her dystopia and what would happen to people if all of a sudden everything they've trusted stops working. It's far from pretty, Dystopias rarely are, but it feels realistic. However, I was glad that Adrianne added in that little bit of hope, hope that humanity isn't lost, that if the basic needs are met, the violence stops. I liked that touch.

Just like I liked the characters in the story. Surprisingly enough our heroine and her love interest barely react in this story and yet their love is so clearly there. It's in the way they think about each other, it's in everything they do with the other in mind, it's in how to act and react when they do finally get to see each other again. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book in the series and to continue this adventure. Especially because it seems we're gonna see more of the world!

justmarve's review

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From the cover alone, I knew this was going to be a great read! Well done to the author. Looking forward to reading more from this very creative world! Awesome retelling and a really interesting MC. It truly is a thrilling tale!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

dwinprincess's review

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This was a page turner for sure!!! It starts 15 years after the ending of Girl in the Dark, so be ready for a fast forward ride. Vespera is now the Queen she always wanted to be. Our evil stepmother queen as well, to kind Eira. Trials and tribulations ahead, for Eira and Slater, and many villagers that's only crime is living in the wrong place. Secrets will be revealed and theories are found to be fact.

Come along and follow after with Girl in the Sea (coming in 2023 I believe).

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

dvester's review

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I can’t wait to read the next one. The book was nicely paced and kept me interested the entire time. I did feel some chemistry between Slater and Eira but as the book went on I started to dislike him. It could be because I started to like Benedict more. At first he drove me crazy with all his ridiculous sayings but I like his character and would love to see so much more of him. The Queen is very interesting, especially when you find out that she was part of the rebellion and about Eira’s father.

Overall I think the book is great for all YA Lovers.

shanaroszko1990's review

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Wow this book is so well written and you can truly picture it in your head as you are reading. I love the characters they are all so unique. Definitely Snow White vibes which is awesome. I truly hate the evil queen and can't wait to see where this story takes Eira, Slater and Benedict.

saraktj's review

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I was drawn to this book because I love a good fairy retelling. However, I couldn’t tell at times which princess it was supposed to represent. There were multiple situations that lent Eira towards Sleeping Beauty and, others, Snow White. Usually retellings are more cut-and-dry, but the premise of a stepmother who hates you isn’t super specific.
On a positive note, I did really like the characters that the author created. I think that Eira having a job was very intriguing and gave her a worldliness that most princesses don’t have. In regards to Benedict, I thought that his speech was very annoying but was a fascinating way to show how different words vary across different regions.
Additionally, I thought the current day aspects of the book were inconsistent. I couldn’t seem to get my brain to fully understand what time period they were living in. When they discussed the city and village, I was picturing more of the typical fairytale setting of medieval times, but then the characters would talk about their cell phones and technology. I think the imagery of more of a modern society could have helped with this. In the descriptions of everything in the city, it wasn’t easy to picture this in our world. Some things were brought up which would draw the reader to a future time post the “Great Plague” but then the castle setting seemed thrown in the 1500s.

I think this series has a lot of potential and will be excited to explore it in the next book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

booksrn_rashi's review

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I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This book follows the story of Eira, a young princess whose life has been turned upside-down by her evil stepmother. I found the connections back to Snow White and her story to be absolutely nostalgic, and loved following the friendship between Eira and Slater.
The plot was well thought-out, but a little predictable at times, especially when parallels were drawn to the original fairytale. Additionally, Benedict's intended comical manner of speaking was a little annoying to me at first but grew on me as the story progressed.
Overall, this was a fascinating retelling, and the modern twist really drew me in. The cover is also absolutely beautiful!.