
Aus Liebe gegen die Bande by Toni Aleo

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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3.5 ⭐

En bonne fan de romances avec des hockeyeurs que je suis, ça fait longtemps que j'ai Toni Aleo dans ma ligne de mire, mais je n'avais encore jamais lu un de ses livres ...

C'est donc avec le 1er tome de Bellevue Bullies que je découvre cette autrice, et, n'ayant pas lu le résumé au préalable, j'ai été surprise de découvrir qu'il s'agissait d'un NA avec des héros très jeunes (mais bon, la couv VO m'avait quand même fait tiquer ...). On est dans le pur NA de campus avec deux héros qui vont à la fac, ont souvent des devoirs à faire, vont manger au self, font des soirées étudiantes ... Bref, tout ce qui n'est pour moi plus qu'un lointain souvenir (mais ceci est une autre histoire ... ^^)

Jude est un héros typique de NA, un type arrogant qui se prend pour le roi du monde, tant sur la glace que sous les jupes des filles. Il a une réputation de tombeur, et il a frayé avec une bonne partie des filles du campus, bref, sur le papier, il n'a rien d'un (futur) amoureux transi. Claire elle, a fait une croix sur les mecs et elle n'en a rien à faire du tout de Jude, pire, elle ne sait même pas qui est ce type ! Leur première rencontre est assez drôle, et même si c'est éculé, j'aime bien ce schéma de la fille qui se fiche du héros comme de sa première poupée, tandis que lui ne comprend pas qu'une femme puisse résister à son charme légendaire. S'ensuit une romance assez convenue, avec une explosion très rapide des sentiments (genre, ils passent de 0 à 200 km/h en moins de deux, et Jude devient un monogame fervent). Ils sont mignons tous les deux, mais j'avoue qu'au bout d'un moment, leurs déclarations dégoulinantes de sucre m'ont lassée (en mode "c'est toi qui raccroches" "non c'est toi" "...". "hihihi t'as pas raccroché" .. bref, vous voyez le concept).

Côté environnement, il n'y a vraiment pas assez de hockey pour moi (de toute façon, je suis rarement rassasiée en la matière) mais l'univers de la danse qui passionne Claire est plus développé, et j'ai trouvé ça intéressant à suivre. Les personnages secondaires sont assez réussis (hormis le père de Jude, pourquoi, pourquoi est-ce les autrices de romances s'échinent à mettre en scène des personnages aussi caricaturaux ?? Hein, je vous le demande !). La forte présence de Reese et Phillip m'a donné envie de lire leur tome (une autre série de Toni Aleo, inédite en VF), et j'ai trouvé belle et touchante la relation entre Claire et eux. C'était sympa aussi de voir ces hockeyeurs (et leurs femmes !) mettre Jude sur le grill (et là aussi, forcément ça me donne envie de lire leur histoire).

Certains rebondissements m'ont paru franchement grotesques, je trouve toujours ça dommage quand les autrices choisissent la voie du soap bas de gamme au détriment de péripéties moins spectaculaires mais plus crédibles, ou en tout cas moins caricaturales.

Après, cela reste une lecture divertissante, avec deux petits jeunes chauds comme la braise qui s'aiment très fort et qui ont vie étudiante et semi professionnelle (mais aussi familiale) bien mouvementée !

jenjenbookfan's review against another edition

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Fantastic start to the series!!

I really enjoyed Jude and Claire’s story! Claire was a character that my heart really went out to, and she really deserved an HEA!! The book had lots of different emotions, great characters, witty banter, sizzling chemistry, and even a twist! I remember being super excited for the next one the first time I read it! I’ve reread this entire series a few times now!

megan_elise's review against another edition

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Sweet book. Too sweet. Like sugar on top of sugar with more sugar mixed in. I needed more drama, more something. I had this overall feeling of dissatisfaction with it. Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for sugar bomb.

If you want to read a simple sugar everything is great with us cause we just love each other so much even after such a little time then this is the book for you.

I also don’t do well with insta lovey type books so there’s that too.


octopusgarden's review against another edition

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Now I'm in tears, finishing this book because WOW WOW WOW WOW. I didn't expect to feel this way when I first started this book.
Okay so when I first started this book, these were my thoughts:
Ugh, the writing
So fucking cheesy, I can't even handle it
I honestly thought at one point, that this was just a sick sweet loving book with NO DRAMA and I'm not saying I like the drama but you know techno music when it builds up and the beat drops?
That's what I think of for all the books I read because the music builds when things are happy and everything is great and the beat drops when shit goes down and drama breaks out so my first initial thought was "okay this book is either happy the whole way or when shit drops it's going to BAD"
But why did I keep reading?
BECAUSE OF HOW SWEET THIS BOOK WAS. God it was so sweet and cute, I just HAD TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS to Claire and Jude. Fuck, I was literally SO SETTLED on a "3 star rating" but after I finished this book and cried WAY TOO MANY TIMES, I just knew this book was a 5 star rating.
Jude and Claire's story was corny, cheesy, sweet and god. way too many tears were shed.
When he first met Jude and wouldn't give him the time of day and fuck, the ending. MY HEART MELTED. It was so fucking great, I LOVED IT.
Now to all my fellow goodreads friends, when books tell you about the song they're listening to when they set the mood, if you listen to the song, IT TOTALLY HELPS YOU GET IN THE MINDSET OF THE BOOK!"
I've been listening to the "Burlesque" soundtrack ever since I started this book, totally in love with this book and their story.

yvireads's review against another edition

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4.5 Hey Jude Stars

jennaraee's review against another edition

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3 ⭐

I haven't been reading hockey romances in a while and I kind of missed them so I picked up this book because I'd heard some good things about this author. It wasn't my favourite hockey romance, but it wasn't terrible.

I liked Jude. He was wrapped around Claire's finger and would literally do anything for her. He was head over heels, infatuated with his girlfriend. Claire had a rough childhood with her mother, and that's stuck with her even after she found a home with her aunt and uncle. I think that as a couple they were good for each other and I liked them together. Beside her uncle and aunt, she wasn't used to someone being there for her no matter what and he gave her what she needed. And he wasn't used to having someone he wanted to come home to every night, and she gave him that and made him a better man.

In the beginning, I was liking it. It was sitting around a 3.5 rating because I liked the characters and the story was interesting but not pulling me in straight away, but the conflict took that rating down for me. It wasn't the conflict itself, but the argument which went with it. The conflict was obvious while reading the story because of the plot, but the things said in that argument were never talked about later in the book, and that is something that needed to be talked about. Another thing that I found with this book is that they seemed to fall so quickly. For me, I love pining and slow-burn and this book (and others that I've read this year so far) have just felt quick and they've fallen in love in less than a month month which just seems rushed.

sydney_09's review against another edition

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This book could've been literally half the length that it was. The overall plot was quite predictable. I wish the "filler" was more consistent. There were gaps in the transition of events that happened and it didn't flow well. I liked the Burlesque and dance aspect of it. I'm not a hockey fan. Overall it was ok. It wasn't good enough for me to consider reading the rest of the series.

mccorbin's review against another edition

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Toni Aleo’s Assassins series is one of my favorite hockey series. All characters I love and adore; well, all that I have read. This new series is just right along those lines but deals with a younger set of characters. Even a character that we have been introduced to in the latest Assassin book, Claire, Phillip’s niece.

Claire is a great character to get to know and watch how she grows in this book. Plus, it was also to see the Assassins characters make some minor appearances as well; especially, Phillip and Reese. But back to Claire—she now is at a university studying business, working at Reese’s dancing studio, and has a sassy side job that she has been keeping a secret from her uncle and a new man that enters her life.

Enter Jude, a hockey player and a player all around. The moment that he sees Claire, he knows that she is game changer and can think of nothing else besides her. A relationship is formed and starts to become serious but there are a few things that end up throwing a wrench into it.

First, both Jude and Claire were fantastic and a fantastic couple. They brought out the best in each other and took their relationship series, even though neither had ever been in a serious relationship before. And, their fast and intense love for each other was believable. Sometimes, authors can’t pull that off but Aleo did.

Secondly, there were some awesome moments throughout the whole book that showed the Assassin family and a wedding—if that doesn’t make you happy then I don’t know what will.

I will say that this book seemed long in some parts. Maybe it was my anxiousness that had me worrying about what will happen when Jude and Phillip find out that kept me on the edge and wanting to get to that part so I could see how it would play out but I don’t know. All I know was that it was a long read for me.

I am interested to know whom the next series is going to be about; Jude’s brothers or some of the minor hockey players that where introduced.

jen286's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

So this story did not really work for me. It was way too long, way too repetitive, way too cutsy romantic and the girl got to be incredibly annoying by the end. It was not for me. Some spoilers ahead.

So first up let's talk about Claire. She is a dancer and works at a Burlesque club. Cool. No problem. That was huge when I was in college and no one would have batted an eyelash if you told them this. Yet Claire feels she has to hide it from everyone cause she doesn't want them to think she is one of those terrible strippers! I mean she doesn't strip naked!! It is a respectable business unlike being a stripper. Or so says the characters in the book. So you know. This is great. Really she is kind of judgmental about other girls. All the slut comments were not cool! Like "You think I'm gonna sleep with some guy I just met? I'm not a slut" Ugh. Seriously? Why? Why do this? Why make these super judgmental characters? I don't like that, especially when it is seen as normal and okay.

I don't really know why she has this big hang up about how Jude will hate her if she tells him what she does. I didn't get it. Why not just tell him? The story goes on and on and on about how she can't tell him, he will hate her, she just needs a little more money and then she will stop and he will never find out. Yeah, that is a great plan. Cause a) those plans always work and b) if you can't tell the love of your life who you actually are are you guys really that in love? So lying to him all the time is better than just telling him and seeing what happens? I know she had some bs reason she HAD to keep doing it, she just needs a little more money, but I wasn't buying it. The writing didn't make me believe she had a real issue with being stable herself so she doesn't depend on anyone. I know it told me she had issues because of her mom, but I didn't believe it. It wasn't really shown to me didn't work. It just made me keep yelling at her to just tell Jude already!! It is not that big of a deal!! If he hates you for it then you guys obviously aren't meant to be together like you think. The whole last part of the book seemed to just be Claire worried about telling Jude/Jude finding out she dances burlesque and not just choreographs the dance routines. It got to the point where I was just like please let him find out so Claire can stop her poor me I need to tell him but I can't routine.

Oh, one other thing about Claire, I hate hate hate that at the beginning she is all I will call you Hey Jude. Like the song. Cause your name is Jude. Then she would all be "See you later, Hey Jude" or something which no. Just no. If you wanted to use Hey Jude as some stupid nickname fine, but at least make it work. Simply switching around the above - "Hey Jude, see you later!" would work. Not with the Hey Jude at the end so it just makes me cringe when I read it. Every time. It would be easy to make it work, but it is like the author didn't want to or something. Maybe it is just me, but it bugged me a lot.

So yeah this wasn't the story for me. I hated Claire. She doesn't trust Jude, she lies to him, and yet she is all cutesy over the top romantic with him. It is lots of passages like I love you more - no, I love you more! - no, I love you more! kind of thing. Not my thing. Way too cutesy for my tastes. He was a ladies man, slept around and never committed to anyone until Claire. Why her? Who knows. But he instantly changed his ways when he saw her. Really I didn't mind that so much, but Claire ruined the story. Not that I loved it regardless, but she sure didn't help. Alright I am done ranting now.

annalaura_j's review against another edition

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Overall, I really liked this one.
There were quite a lot mistakes grammar and spelling wise, but Toni Aleo had me captivated.
But, and I feel this but will be coming from me for all her books, it was a bit lengthy. That was my problem with the first book I've read by her as well. While I loved seeing so detailed how they fell for each other, it was somewhat too long and kept the suspense down. I think if I weren't on vacation and wouldn't have had the time to read it in one day, I would have put it to the side to read other stuff before continuing this one.

I think if the book would have been 10, 15% shorter, I would have given five stars, but as it is, it's a four star read I can highly recommend.

I will be reading the rest of the series, though I'm keeping it in mind for lazy sundays and vacations as they probably wouldn't keep me interested with reading in the evening after a day at work.