Reviews tagging 'Hate crime'

A Thousand Steps into Night by Traci Chee

1 review

izumimori's review against another edition

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I loved the plot, at least at first. Also the worldbuilding. The use of several Japanese-inspired elements, such as terminology, customs and spiritual beings, all with an added fantasy vibe. The premise of a girl whose vitality doesn't fit in with her world's restrictive society, a girl who's swept away by circumstances in a whirlwind of demons and spirits, pulled even further away from the life she had resigned herself to, and given some heavy decisions to make.

What I didn't like, and grew to hate, is the writing. Plot flowed quite nicely. Dialogue was often predictable but neat enough. What ultimately made me give up on the book, though, was the overwhelming frequency of in-your-face remarks on gender inequality, be it through narration itself or the main character's internal dialogue. After a while, it read as a pamphlet.

I'd rather if, after a few initial chapters including relevant descriptions of the book's patriarchal society, the author chose to show us the issues through the plot, not tell us the issues. The examples of sexism that were highlighted by the writing didn't always match the historical culture the book is inspired by either, so for anyone regularly exposed to contemporary feminist discourse, it may feel like the author is going through a talking points checklist.

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