
Orphan of Florence by Jeanne Kalogridis

lettriceinfuga's review against another edition

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Per la prima volta in vita mia, porto sul blog la recensione di un romanzo storico, genere che si discosta alquanto dalle mie abituali letture. Per questo motivo vorrei scusarmi in anticipo se la recensione di questo libro non sarà eccezionale.

Siamo catapultati nella Firenze del V secolo, dove l'emancipazione femminile era considerata alla stregua di un adulterio. La nostra protagonista Giuliana, orfana, ha solo due possibili scelte: il matrimonio o diventare suora. Fin dall'inizio capisce che entrambe le possibilità non fanno per lei e in qualche modo si crea la sua terza opportunità. Si taglia i capelli, si veste da ragazzo e si fa chiamare Giuliano. Così, la nostra protagonista, inizia a vivere per le strade borseggiando le persone più facoltose. Ed è lì che incontra Tommaso, un orfano che è stato rifiutato dall'orfanotrofio e che decide di prendere sotto la sua protezione. Da questo piccolo gesto, la sua vita inizia a cambiare. Non è più sola, ma ha un'altra persona di cui prendersi cura. Una delle sue rapine, purtroppo, non finisce nel migliore dei modi. Il ricco signore derubato, decide però, di non chiamare la polizia, ma di prendere in affidamento Giuliano. Il signore in questione è "Il Mago di Firenze", fedele alla famiglia Dei Medici. Lui fa una proposta a Giuliana, le chiede se vuole essere la sua assistente. Così da una semplice orfanella, diventerà una persona capace di grandi cose...

Ho letto un romanzo storico diversi anni fa, ma da quel momento ho cercato di evitarli il più possibile. Li ho sempre trovati molto pesanti e poco piacevoli, in quanto per me la lettura è un hobby che mi deve regalare emozioni e gioie dopo una giornata impegnativa. Qualche giorno fa, mi è arrivata la mail della casa editrice Newton Compton con le loro uscite e leggendo la trama di questo romanzo mi sono detta:"perchè non riprovare?". Per questo motivo sono partita molto pervenuta, ma essendo cresciuta e nell'arco degli anni avendo cambiato diverse volte letture, ho deciso di dargli comunque un'opportunità. Per fortuna che ho deciso così! Il libro in questione è un piccolo capolavoro che ti fa assaggiare a piccole dosi la magnificenza di una Firenze incantata. Ho camminato anch'io per le strada della capitale dell'arte, ho vissuto insieme a Giuliana tutte le sue vicende avvolta nella magia di quell'epoca.

m_a_p's review against another edition

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Disappointing. Might have liked this as a kid, but then why the awkward, pointless sex scene?

rubenstein's review against another edition

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I liked this one, though I'm not quiiiite sure what it was meant to be: historical fiction? historical fantasy (she does apprentice under the Magician of Florence, after all, though the talismans created seem to be more based in mysticism and religion than straight magic)? I also didn't get the romance. At all.

& I rarely ever quibble over cover designs, but the book made a point of describing Guili as having close cropped hair - she's spent years surviving on the streets as a thief, a boy. It's not until the end of the book, THE LAST FEW PAGES, that she wears a wig
Spoilerafter learning the identity of her parents and, therefore, transforming into a noblewoman
. The girl on the cover is definitely not who I was picturing while I was reading.

For the full review and more, head over to The Pretty Good Gatsby!

kattheblackbelt's review against another edition

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ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I had never read a book like this or set in this time period and really that was my main issue with it. It isn't really a time period I'm interested in so it wasn't appealing to me but I am glad that I was given this book and opportunity to try something I don't usually try.

kkjduke's review against another edition

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ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I had never read a book like this or set in this time period and really that was my main issue with it. It isn't really a time period I'm interested in so it wasn't appealing to me but I am glad that I was given this book and opportunity to try something I don't usually try.

oliviagwynne's review against another edition

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This was an interesting read. It had a good premise and good writing but the main character was an idiot. Way too cynical and never believed the obvious, always jumping to the wrong conclusion. And then the ending was so rushed. Random things were added last minute even though they didn’t really connect to the plot, like a romance that was never brought up throughout the novel and suddenly at the end happens...

gretel7's review against another edition

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I received this from in exchange for a review.

Giulia, a 15 yr old orphan, is told she will marry an elderly tanner or become a nun. She does neither and goes to the streets as Giuliano, a young man. She took with her 6 yr old Tommaso and together they survive as pick pockets. But, one evening they prey on the kindness of the wrong person and both of their lives are irreversibly changed forever as they are separated.

Reminiscent of the DiVinci stories, this is a fast paced story set in 1478 Florence, Italy. There were some descripive parts that kind of dragged, and I couldn't get totally caught up in the characters. Overall, an okay read.


crystallyn's review

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I admit, as a writer in the same genre, I'm a bit biased toward books set in Renaissance Italy. But it also means I'm probably a bit more critical as I know the era so well. And about The Orphan of Florence, I loved it. I adored the characters, cheered them on and railed against the bad guys. I loved Giulio/a so much and just could not put the book down--I had to know what was going to happen to her. Kalogridis took some liberties with the Medici history but it was all in the sense of a good rollicking tale. I know that this book will sit with me for weeks to come.