
Do Penguins Have Knees?: An Imponderables Book by David Feldman, Kassie Schwan

casacas's review against another edition

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It has a lot of interesting facts! I never asked myself about simple things in life that I take for granted all the time.

rockymtngal's review against another edition

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I was quite bored with this book a lot of the time. I won't read anymore of these. I was very happy to get to the end.

jen52's review against another edition

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This book is a great way to pass short lengths of free time. The questions and answers are entertaining and you'll definitely learn some bit of useless information! It's just a fun, goofy read.

ksoreads's review against another edition

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It took me over a YEAR to finish this book! I would not recommend it to anyone for multiple reasons:

1) Out of the whole book, I think there were maybe 6 questions I thought were interesting.

2) The second HALF of the book is just questions they've answered in other books and also sources (the sources are understandable, but it shouldn't be so long).

3) There were SO MANY questions that they said they weren't sure about or didn't know the answer to. WHY PUT IT IN THE BOOK IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER?!?!

4) Seeing as it is over a decade since the book has been published, there are many things that just don't apply or aren't questions we face now. It may have been more enjoyable in 2004, but now, it's just outdated & irrelevant.

rowiash's review against another edition

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funny informative fast-paced


jessikm's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


aprater's review against another edition

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This book is great for snippet reading. There were many things I have pondered and some that never occurred to me to consider, but interesting information!!

szeglin's review against another edition

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Too many encouragements to buy the other books in the series. Plus, it's 15 years out of date at this point. Also, not all the questions were really answered...

remocpi's review against another edition

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Tras haber descubierto el primero de los imponderables (curiosamente, a bordo de una fragata española en Puerto Rico cuando hacía la mili, pero eso es otra historia), me dediqué a recopilar todos los demás de este autor. Básicamente, estos libros responden a preguntas que a lo mejor nunca nos habíamos hecho pero que, en el momento de leerlas, pensamos ES VERDAD. ¿POR QUÉ?
¿Por qué en mis cremalleras pone siempre YKK?
¿Por qué tenemos arrugas en los nudillos pero no en las rodillas?
¿Por qué el opuesto de un vino dulce es un vino seco?
¿Por qué se eligió precisamente la letra "pi" (Π) para denotar el cociente entre la cirunferencia y el diámetro?

Y así varias decenas. Otras no nos interesan tanto, como ¿Por qué se eligió la distancia actual entre el montículo del pitcher y el bateador? y cosas muy centradas en los EE.UU. Pero en conjunto queda una lectura apasionante.

claudiuo's review

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informative medium-paced
