
Reliquary by Sarah Fine

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

by Sarah Fine is an interesting take on the world of magic. Mattie Carver’s life is planned out and the engagement party should have been the start of her wonderful life. Instead it ends with her fiancé Ben’s violent abduction and Mattie following him down the rabbit hole.

I like Mattie and at times I wanted to scream at her. She is a strong, independent woman who loves fiercely and is loyal to a fault. When she learns of the world Ben has been hiding from her, she’s equal parts appalled and intrigued. When she finds his brother who she’s heard nothing but bad things about, she’s confused. Is this the man she’s heard about? I like the character’s reactions to everything she encounters. It’s real and honest, and her reactions are justified.

Now as much as I liked Mattie, I LOVE Asa. Asa is Ben’s older, absent brother. He’s rough around the edges, brutally honest, and spares no one’s feelings. Yet he’s got a soft side, one that rarely comes out but when it does, it’s gorgeous. He’s deep into the world of magic and he knows his way around. He’s cunning and protective. Honestly I want an Asa!

So the plot of this book really sets up the series in my opinion. Mattie is new to the underworld of magic. Her fiancé has hid it from her and now with him gone she has to learn it on her own and fast. Not only that but she learns this is in her blood. She has a special ability that allows her to hold magic inside of her, hiding it from others who seek it. Asa plans to use this power to save his brother if she’s willing. The people who took Ben send Asa and Mattie across the world in search of ancient magic. It’s up to them to bring it back in exchange for Ben.

Overall I loved the imagery and world-building. I loved the tense romance, the loyalty shown by Mattie and the emotions portrayed by Asa. I loved every word. It’s a little slow to start, and I’ll admit even a little confusing which is why it lost one star for me. If you enjoy urban fantasy, paranormal romance, I highly recommend it!

naduah82's review against another edition

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*Thanks to Irish Banana Book Tours and Wunderkind PR for my review copy*
Originally posted @ Miranda's Book Blog

Can we just take a moment to enjoy this cover? This is the most striking, utterly beautiful book cover I've seen so far in 2016!

Reliquary is my first Sarah Fine book, and let me just say I LOVED IT! Have you ever opened a book, got so engrossed that you couldn't stop until you were finished? Well that was me while reading this book.

Mattie Carver's life has just been turned upside down. Her fiancée Ben is kidnapped. Which made me feel for her, BIG TIME. She's willing to do whatever it takes to get him back. Even if that means working with Ben's older brother Asa, who she's been told is basically a terrible person.

Now y'all know how I make sure to not include spoilers in my reviews. This one however is so difficult to review without including spoilers but here I go, I'm going to try my darndest!

what I liked:
Asa- He's my absolute favorite character in this book. I now have a huge fictional crush! You see, there's much more to Asa than what Mattie was led to believe. I'll leave it at that, you'll have to find out for yourself!
I'd never thought of the truth as a knife, but now I knew it was, able to sever muscle from bone, heart from heart.
Gracie- She's Asa's dog and she'll melt your heart!
The Tension- Yup, there's tension between Mattie and Asa. Of course Mattie is off-limits but while traveling the world trying to save Ben there's an underlying emotional attachment developing between the two. (See below my thoughts on Ben to see why I'm okay with this.)
I hope in the next book Splinter that we see something evolve out of this undeniable chemistry between Mattie & Asa.
The Originality- The way Magic was incorporated into the world of Reliquary was completely unique. This is the first time I've read a story in which Magic was used as a drug.
what I didn't like:
Ben- Let's just say, while Ben got hooked on magic he did some awful things to Mattie. She had no idea until she found out magic was real, and well yeah...Ben's a pretty crappy person in my book.
All in all:
Reliquary was refreshing, a nice step into Urban Fantasy with plenty of action, originality and sexual tension! I'd recommend this to readers who enjoy adult books with magic, mayhem and mysterious men!

apatter7's review against another edition

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I liked the premise but the storyline just made absolutely no sense. And Mattie as a character seriously got on my nerves. She was completely and utterly useless, jittery, bratty, and a complete doormat for most of the book. Believing anything her fiance Ben tells her even after she finds out that he was using magic to manipulate her probably from the beginning. And she's willing to forgive all of it in order to live the happy ever after she had planned before everything went south. Asa was about the only character that I liked, as surly as he was, he had his reasons. And Gracie was just adorable. I'm tempted to read the next one in the hopes that Mattie at some point will grow a backbone, I guess we will see.

freyacarol's review

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I wasn't a massive fan of the writing style from the start, the way that casual conversation was written read quite stilted. It's made obvious when the main characters fiancee is introduced that she is so completely in love with him but there's also something very off about it. I've also got to the stage of reading books that I'm a little bit fed up of random comments about a characters 'muscular body' within the first few lines of them being in the story. Overall, not for me.

hopeykat's review against another edition

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Loved the sex dungeon part.

renae24's review against another edition

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Pretty good fast paced read, not too cheesy and some interesting magic set up. Enjoyed enough that I'll continue on the series!

ajmitchell01's review against another edition

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malissac's review against another edition

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~ I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ~

What would you do? You wake up the day after your engagement party and your fiancé is gone, the police seem unconcerned, evidence is piling up that your fiancé is not who you believe he is....what would you do? If you're Mattie Carver you set out on a mission to rescue your fiancé and end up falling (literally) into a world you never knew existed, into an ability that changes who you are, and into the clutches of a man who turns out to be as dark and troubled as you have been lead to believe but he is nothing like what you expect.

So I have gone back and forth with this one, did I love it or did I just like it. I loved so many parts of it, but then there where these few little things that set my teeth to grinding and making me question how I felt about it all.

What did I love? I loved Mattie, she's kind, she's loyal (to a huge fault), she's a bit clumsy, she has an amazing relationship with her family, she's brave in a caviler way which leads her to ending up in surprising (to her) situations....She's an every girl with a little something extra.

I loved, LOVED, Asa! I have always been a sucker for the bad boy that really isn't so bad and Asa is a perfect version of this. He's the misunderstood anti-hero that steals the readers heart as he leads them on a broody yet merry chase. He suffers silently, he quietly takes on the world and protects the ones he cares for. he's best friend, Gracie...a Pitbull who like Asa, has clearly taken the world on her shoulders and just wants love.

The world building and magic. I loved the concept of this book. This world isn't something that I've come across before. There are four types of magic: sensing, pleasure, manipulation and Pain then there are three types of human vessels, Reliquaries, Conduits, and Naturals. I enjoyed that Sarah created this world of magic as sort of the underbelly of society, it gave me the feel of a grungy 19th century time period (although this is all very much contemporary) where gangs ruled ad opium dens were the dirty little secret. This seedy world lends to the suspense aspects of the book and creates a believable flow. I also like that Mattie who is in all essence a 'golden child' gets thrust into this world where her halo gets a bit tarnished but at the same time she brings a light into the darkness there and if we are all very VERY lucky leaves her mark on it and in particular on 'him'.

What I wasn't a fan of. Ben. I don't need to say much more than that. I don't think that Sarah has an intention of us liking him. From the moment the book begins we know that he's hiding secrets. Before I realized where the book was going I had hope for him but nope, now I just want him gone.

Most of what I don't like actually revolves around Ben to be honest. I didn't like how unfailingly loyal Mattie is to him even as she discovers more and more that should sway her opinion....a huge one being that he used magic on her and the kind of magic, lets just say as politely as I can...he was taking serious advantage of her, grrrr.

The end. The end ticked me off. Now that's not to say I won't come back and read the next book because I so will. It isn't an ending that ruins everything (like that book I shall not name) and leaves you tossing your Kindle/Book across the room then stomping on it madly. It's an ending that makes you want to reach through the pages and shake a few characters until the get their heads on straight. It is an ending that WILL have you coming back for the second and third book because it leaves you angry but hopeful.

Finally and I while it wasn't a huge deal for me I know for some people this is an issue....There is a love triangle. Now, you should know straight off that this love triangle does not involve cheating. Mattie is dedicated (regardless of whether she should be or not) to Ben, Asa never pushes her to be anything else...but there is a emotional connection between Asa and Mattie that makes you wish she would just throw it all to the wind. If you are not a fan of the love triangle trope you may want to hold off on reading the books until the entire series is out which lucky for all of us is not long. Book two, Splinter, releases 2 August and the final book, Mosaic, releases 15 November.

If you are looking for something fresh in the paranormal/fantasy world this would be a great addition to your bookshelves. If you enjoy subtle, building contemporary romances check this book out.


audiobookingwithleah's review against another edition

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Alluring concept, that unfortunately gets lost with lackluster characters

Book Title: Reliquary
Author: Sarah Fine
Series: Reliquary #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Fantasy
Source: Kindle E-Book (Prime Borrow)

☆My Pick for Book Theme Song: I've Got The Magic in Me by B.0.B. --Well, she kind of does this thing with magic…

Ratings Breakdown

Plot: 3.8/5
Characters: 3.2/5
The Feels: 3/5
Addictiveness: 3.5/5
Flow: 3.5/5
Backdrop (World Building): 4/5
Originality: 4.2/5
Book Cover: 4/5
Ending: 3/5 Cliffhanger: Not exactly, but hopefully she wises up for the next book, maybe grows a little more backbone…

Will I continue this series? I have an arc of the second book…so I probably should.

3.5/5 STARS

My Thoughts

While I was reading this, I felt like something was off, and it was the same thing that was off for me in the Servants of the Fate Series by her too. I think I prefer Sarah Fine's YA books over her adult ones. With all that being said I did warm up to this book eventually.

I did struggle at first, the characters were a little cheesy for me, I couldn't really connect with them, they were lacking in depth. It's possible that Asa is growing on me, though. The magic element was ultimately intriguing and saved me from quitting this all together. Sarah Fine does not lack imagination. The last third of the book wasn't bad, I actually became a little addicted, even.

Sex Factor: While there's not much sex in this…it is rather sexual at times. And just a little bit kinky.

alexandra_92's review against another edition

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I liked this one! There was tension, hidden feelings and Sarah introduces us into a whole new underworld of illegal magic.