
Redemption Road by John Hart

judithdcollins's review against another edition

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A special thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 5 stars +++

Top 50 Books of 2016!

EXTRAORDINARY! "Big Screen" Worthy. One of my favorite Southern authors, John Hart returns with his most complex novel, and "Best Yet"!

REDEMPTION ROAD —a literary, suspense crime mystery and Southern Gothic thriller-assured to be another bestseller! The most anticipated book of the year-well worth the wait, and all the hype. Top Books of 2016.

With compelling characters, a dark and twisted complex plot(s), fascinating layers, troubled souls, a demented serial killer, multiple body counts, Bible belt southern religion, a fallen preacher’s daughter, two cops on the run, a confused boy wanting revenge, and a twisted age-old conspiracy plot-and this is only the beginning. Ordinary flawed people find themselves in extraordinary circumstances.

Elizabeth Frances Black, (Liz) a North Carolina (white) female police detective, is facing criminal charges for gunning down two black men who were sexually abusing and tormenting 18-year-old Channing Shore. They were shot eighteen times after being trapped in a dark nasty basement.

To those with children she was a hero. For those who distrusted the police, she was proof of all that was wrong with authority. Some would call it brutality. Two men died in a violent brutal manner. They were rapists and kidnappers. The media was calling her a hero cop, or angel of death.

Channing was alive, but now damaged. Liz can relate. Wiring her wrists and raping her repeatedly, planning on killing her. Channing’s father is rich and white and the men were poor and black. The people wanted an indictment. Channing only wants to talk to Liz and cannot relate to anyone else.

Elizabeth lost the kind of trust most girls should have when she was seventeen, with her own devastation. Her dad, the preacher would of course blame her. He could not accept the life she had chosen. All she had ever wanted was to be a cop- because cops didn’t fear the things normal people feared. They were strong. They had authority and purpose. They were the good guys. Now she was unsure she believed this.

Gideon Strange’s mother, Julia was murdered thirteen years ago. His father is sad, broken, weak, drunk, and helpless. At fourteen, he had to be man enough to pull the trigger, when his dad could not. It had been thirteen years since his mother’s murder and three weeks since he had found his father’s gun, and then more days since he had figured out a train would carry him to the prison on the far side of the county. His mother was dead, and the killer needed to pay.

Adrian Wall, is a cop Liz once had feelings for. He was a rock star cop—he had caught all the big cases, made the big arrests. He was a hero. Until. He had lost it all. His home, family, land, his career, and his life. Prison, for a crime he may not have committed.

Liz was younger when Adrian was convicted. Something was not right. She was shut down when she attempted to push the issue back thirteen years ago, when she was just a rookie cop. He was tried and convicted for murdering Julia Strange. Now he is getting out of prison. She is sure he was innocent, despite compelling forensic evidence. Even his partner testified against him. Hero cop murders young mother.

Adrian had suffered through knives, needles, torture, darkness, hunger, psychological and physical abuse while in prison. From ambush, intimidation, and isolation. Violence. Did Eli entrust Adrian with his old secrets?

The day Adrian gets out of prison, Gideon is out for revenge. However, something happens, an interception, and finds himself on the chopping block once again, when another woman is killed. Who is setting him up?

A serial killer is on the loose. Julia’s body was discovered years ago on the altar of a Pentecostal church seven miles from the edge of town. It was Elizabeth’s childhood church. A crime scene like no other. She found her, choked to death in a violent manner, body undressed and laid out on the alter and draped in white linen. No signs of sexual trauma. Same type of killing. Now it is happening once again.

Liz hated her father. Everyone thinks she is obsessed with violence, justice and Adrian Wall. Bad at relationships, a preacher’s daughter, a college dropout, a drinker, smoker, and now a fallen cop. She felt no remorse. Relationships were hard. Now she has three lost troubled souls to deal with. She is close to Channing, now Gideon. She had found his mother dead. She bonded with the boy, when the father fell apart.

She and Adrian had never had a relationship; however, she cared. How can she help him when she is up criminal charges herself? She had no badge, no standing—she has to help Adrian, Gideon, Channing, and herself. Liz did not believe in God any longer. She had almost died the day they met. Adrian saved her. Now she has to save him, somehow, while she is dealing with her own impending investigation and her own past psychological damage.

Liz treated Gideon like a son, Channing like a sister, and Adrian like some kind of fallen saint. She was a sucker for lost causes. Did Adrian go to prison to protect someone else? Who is Liz protecting? If Adrian did not kill before or now, someone is out to get him, and will do anything to keep the past buried. From police corruption, wardens, doctors, and prison abuse—who can be trusted. It is all about money and greed.

Let the evil games begin!

A town torn apart, lives destroyed, corruption, and a serial killer which has to be stopped—with Liz and Adrian, and everyone they are close to are in danger. They are both cops. Unless they can get to the money for a getaway. New victims linked to death. Killers are on their trail. More bodies in the place she had learned to pray. Was she a cop, fugitive, a victim, or some peculiar new thing? Who can Adrian trust? How many people are in on this elaborate scheme? Eleven women dead.

Readers hear from a demented killer, while keeping up with Channing, Adrian, Gideon, and an array of characters which keep you glued to the pages. I loved Faircloth Jones, a frail, retired lawyer “cry-baby” who steps up and risks it all to help Adrian and Liz. (wickedly delicious).

EPIC! Hart delves into deep raw emotions of the human psyche, and those of a dark and twisted killers-with characters you will fall in love with; some, you will despise. Holding your breath to the explosive riveting conclusion. Heartbreaking, lost, flawed, loyal, and broken souls come together, and bond in unexpected ways.

A fitting title with an ongoing theme of "redemption" and the long road traveled. Good versus evil, this stellar page-turner is one to read in one sitting. Un-put-downable!

A North Carolina native myself, Hart continues to make us proud—always enjoy returning to my southern roots with the "King of the South"! Loved the ending-brilliant. Highly recommend all his books, and especially REDEMPTION ROAD. Man, North Carolina can crank out some rare and gifted writers!

Listen as award-winning narrator Scott Shepherd most recently appeared in Bridge of Spies, immerses listeners in this gripping tale of a southern town on the brink. (Have pre-ordered, audio as well). Should be quite entertaining.


kennyk63's review against another edition

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My first Hart novel, great writing, the story held my attention from start to finish. I will definitely read another novel by this great writer.

barbaraskalberg's review against another edition

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Interesting story and characters. Great character development. Not one single hint of anything gratuitous.

pattiillbee11's review against another edition

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3 1/2 stars. I try to avoid anything about serial killers so this wasn't what I prefer. That being said, I do like police procedurals and this was good until about 2/3 thru then it just became too much. So much going on that it became unbelievable. But I am interested in trying another novel by this author as this was well written.

dmiller8980's review against another edition

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Ok, but big plot holes to overlook

I was really looking forward to this based on other reviews, but found some plot points that defied logic and were hard to get past. Plus I knew who the bad guy was pretty early on, which was a bummer.

annhenry's review against another edition

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This book had so many storylines I thought for sure he would leave a loose end or not tie everything together but he did and I’m haunted. I want more. What happens to Liz? Channing? The love story?? I didn’t want it to end but wanted to have the answers. One of his best!

caseysilk's review against another edition

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I barely took a breath while reading this book. I had all 3 kids home for the weekend and I kept disappearing to read. John Hart is a master storyteller and this book has it all suspense, darkness and mystery. But what makes this book rise above is Hart's ability to make you feel deeply for the characters which you don't always find in a book like this. I haven't read his previous books but will be now.

carolpk's review against another edition

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The Hook - I enjoyed John Hart’s The Last Child so when his latest, Redemption Road kept popping up on my GoodReads Feed I decided it was time to join the party.

The Line - ”The law as you may have surmised is equal parts theater and reason”.

The Sinker - If I were wearing a big floppy sun hat to keep my head cool from the North Carolina sun I’d have to take it off and wipe my sweaty brow after finishing Redemption Road. It is that hot, one heck of a compelling thriller.

Detective Elizabeth Black rescues a young teen, who was kidnapped, raped and tortured by two of life’s lowliest. She’d be a hero only she shot them eighteen times, something even the law can’t wrap their heads around. That’s the bare bones synopsis but in case you think this is not enough plot believe me there is much more.

In an interview Hart tells us this is the first time he has written a female protagonist. I’m certain this decision increased my enjoyment of the read. Elizabeth is a complex, multi-layered woman with secrets that if not defining her, certainly represent her determination, tenacity and sheer stubbornness, even as they haunt her.

Even though this is Elizabeth’s story, there are many other fully drawn characters to revel in. Adrian Wall, a cop accused of a brutally murdering a woman has just been released from prison after serving thirteen hard years. He once saved Elizabeth’s life when she was a teen and is probably her inspiration for becoming a cop. There are so many other great characters, including the kids. John Hart loves to have kids at risk in his stories and these two, the son of the murdered woman, Gideon and Channing, the rescued teen, give Liz two lost souls to take under her wing.

My favorite character of all is “Crybaby” Faircloth Jones, Adrian’s 89 year-old lawyer. Though he was not successful in keeping Adrian out of jail, he certainly wants to make up for it now.

” He was frail but elegant, dressed in the same kind of bow tie and seersucker suit he’d worn for most of his fifty years in practice. He stood above a dark-wood cane and held perfectly still until even the judge turned his way. After that, the old lawyer had the stage, crossing the room as if he owned it, nodding at older lawyers, who grinned or nodded back or brooded over old cases and long-wounded pride. The younger lawyers nudged each other and leaned close, each one asking more or less the same question: Is that really Crybaby Jones? Elizabeth understood that, too. Faircloth Jones was the finest lawyer to come through the county; yet, he’d not been seen outside his own house in close to ten years. Even the judge accepted the impact of the old lawyer’s presence, leaning back in his chair and saying, “Okay. May as well deal with this, now. Mr. Jones.” He projected his voice at the row of seated lawyers. “Very nice to see you again.”

This is violent story and not for the weak-stomached. Many of those that did not like the book felt it was ridiculous to think this small town in North Carolina could have so many despicable people living there. Being a resident of forty years in my own small town has made me realize that it’s not that there are more or less of a certain kind of individual, it’s just you know them better, you know their name. Even in our small town, we’ve had our share of violent murder. Here’s Hart’s take on the dark themes he writes in his books:

“I do tend to write about bad things but it’s not because I’m fascinated with the dark side of human nature. It’s quite the reverse. I like to show people finding the way through that to the things that make us all great, the good side of humanity.”

As you’d expect with a title like Redemption Road there’s a preacher and a church and God does have his role but nothing overbearing.

I listened to the audio edition of Redemption Road. Scott Shepherd’s excellent narration allowed me a few extra treats and calories as I walked longer each day just to hear him tell this story.

I was moving right along and loving every minute of this dark, violent tale of evil when bang, the author stepped in and pushed my buttons for plausibility. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it. Fiction, its fiction and I should be able to roll with the decisions an author makes. In fact, John Hart said it better than I could in that same interview I mentioned before.

“Fiction is great because people can’t say that you’re wrong. They can say that I don’t like what you’ve done. I would have done it differently but they can’t say you’re flat out wrong so it gives the writer a real liberty to just enjoy the storytelling and to create the types of stories…”

Even though I was disappointed I moved on because the characters were just so good I had to see them to the end.

I’m so glad I did. I’m not convinced Hart did the right thing but darn, I enjoyed the ride anyway.

krism's review against another edition

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This book was so good that I was shouting at it as I listened (Only while alone. In the car), "Look out!" "Don't trust him." "No, he's the killer!" A thriller, for sure.

cassie_thehuman's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the darkness of this book. Almost all of the characters are broken in some way or another. The plot wasn't particularly unique but I enjoyed the book nonetheless.