
Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross

amiirachan's review

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i absolutely love the world Sarah has made. there is some world bullding so its best if you also read [b:Kill Me Softly|12680998|Kill Me Softly (Beau Rivage)|Sarah Cross||17352118]. i love Viv as a character, i feel bad for her because she's known her future her whole life, unlike mira who find out about her curse a few days before it triggered. we dont really see enough fairytale YA books that are deep and dark and sarah has got that box ticked. i think my only issue with the book is that it went too fast. i mean the pace of it was really fast. i loved the ending. its different and new. next book needs to be beauty and the beast!!!

fangirljeanne's review

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I got drawn in by the pretty cover. Too bad the story couldn't keep my interest. *sigh*

Like a mash up of Grime, Once Upon a Time, and True Blood, as promised by the book summary. Too bad the story fails in the execution. I didn't realize it was the second book in a series, though it didn't feel like I was missing out since there was a bunch of info dumping and constant over explaining of EVERYTHING! I should have guessed I wouldn't like this because most version of Snow White dilute it down to slut shaming and worshiping whiteness. This one is not an exception.

I have yet to find any of these new reimagined fairytale that don't disappointment.

katrinamarie's review

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I love the little town of Beau Rivage. You never know what to expect or what is going to happen to any particular person.

I didn’t care for Viv in Kill Me Softly. She seemed like an awful person. She doesn’t seem much better at the beginning of Tear You Apart, but there are definitely reasons for her behavior. She doesn’t think she’s capable of having the relationship she wants so she sabotages it every single chance she gets. She has a lot of issues with being loved and I don’t really blame her. Henley doesn’t help matters when he always flies off the handle in rage.

I liked seeing the Underworld. There are so many different fairy tales woven into this story and a large part of it takes place there. While it is beautiful there are definitely secrets. Ones that Viv intends to find out. Jasper’s family is odd, and there’s more to them than meets the eye.

I enjoyed the twists and turns, and Viv realizing that her curse doesn’t necessarily define her.

nej's review

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Better then the first one. Hard to read sometimes because Viv's motives aren't very clear until the end. Sort of humanize's the wicked stepmother, but it makes me crazy that they can see the trap they're in, and just refuse to step out. Still, such a cool, twisted series. Takes the gloss off Disney, and I love the inclusion of the darker aspects of stories. Looking forward to whatever the next one is.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Man, this was a really fantastic book! Loved Liv's story, and how it all worked! Really enjoyed it a lot, and I really hope there's more books in this series!

delightful_reading's review

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Ok I thought it would be interesting to read about Viv & Henley's relationship because you know in the awful first book it seemed interesting. Now in retrospect it seemed more interesting than Mira's life. Speaking of Mira: Her role is almost non-existent. YAY! I must admit this author comes up with a good plot, but the characters and normal twists bog down the story. Viv is awful I mean she wants to let Henley go because their relationship is DOOMED, but she can't. It's like go away. *Henley walks away* Later Henley come back. *Henley comes back* There's a scene Viv basically says you're treating me horribly. Henley says you do that to me everyday. Viv says then go away. Henley says he can't cause he belongs to Viv. Aww how Romantic. I'm rooting for these toxic lovers end up together. Then there's Jasper. The first thing he tells Viv is "I got tired of waiting for you to die." Umm, Creepy much? So yeah Jasper's to "perfect" to be real and Henley's the boy who stole her heart figuratively and is about to be forced to do it literally. I almost stopped this novel at 20-30% but I wanted to read the CONCLUSION, cause evidently I love torturing myself. Anyway I just couldn't connect to these characters. Plus this love triangle is similar to the one in Book 1.

Ok in the twelve Dancing Princesses thing one of the "Dark Princes" is a girl so there's a girl/girl couple but the other couples mentioned in this book are true to the fairytales. There's no sleeping prince who needs to be rescued by a dashing princess or something. There's the aforementioned lesbian couple then there's Jewel/Goldilocks couple. It doesn't make sense. I mean yes I don't like homosexaultiy in novels, but still this just doesn't make sense with the author's world building or lack thereof.

Anyway the ONLY REASON I'm going to read another book by this Author is if she does a novel involving Layla and Rafe and Layla ends up with Freddie.

bookishzelda's review

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It’s been a long time since Kill Me Softly (a couple years actually) but I still remember the basics and the characters. So even though you don’t need to read it in order to read Tear You Apart, it did lay the groundwork of the fairy tale town of Beau Rivage. Sarah Cross returns to the town but takes on another story with Viv and Henley. Unlike Blue and Mira they share the same Fairy Tale but are still separated by their curse.

As far as characters go I really liked Viv. She has a hard shell she wears to protect herself. It’s unfortunate that instead of controlling the curse she lets the curse control her. There is also Henley who even though he is cursed to be the Huntsman, stands by Viv. Blue and Mira pop in occasionally and I liked that Jewel had a bigger role. I wouldn’t mind her having her own book. Also there was the new addition of Jasper and his family.

I love the story of Viv and Henley. Even though their relationship becomes kind of volatile as the curse takes precedence. They are constantly pulling and pushing against eachother. They need to let go because he’s supposed to kill her, they can’t let go because they love one another. Very complicated.

The plot is kind of told with two storylines that intertwine. We do sometimes read in Henley’s perspective but because there are two components to the story. There is the Snow White curse that plays out just like the Fairy Tale and then the Underworld that has a bit more of mix of stories. There were times when I could not put the story down and at times I felt like it was moving a little bit slower. I did enjoy it all the way through, there was definitely enough intrigue to keep me interested.

There are many fairy tales that pop in and out. Most I knew but every once in a while there would be a character that I didn’t remember and would have to look it up. The tales keep the basics of the stories but they have their own spin on them. Predominantly it’s Snow White, The Dancing Princesses and Rumplestiltskin.

I enjoyed Tear You Apart and the stories it represented. I haven’t always been a big Snow White fan but I liked how Sarah Cross changed it up.

azhang113's review

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lumatere's review

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I had to suppress the urge multiple times to roll my eyes throughout Tear You Apart. I didn't have a very good reading experience, and there's only so much drama and ridiculousness I can handle in a book before I lose it. Wayyyy too much girl-on-girl hatred, lots of selfishness, bad choices galore, and a retelling that isn't even that unique. Viv is an insufferable brat who constantly bathes in self-pity whilst I forced myself to endure her long-winded complaint sprees. Good lawd, if she is the "fairest in the land," imagine everyone else?

The only thing that's preventing me from one-starring this is that underneath the pointless drama and snobbery, there were some parts of the story that were done right. I can't exactly pinpoint what, but it's keeping me from full-on hating this.

taschima's review

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"Somewhere, someone's dream was coming true.
And someone's was ending..."

Tear You Apart was okay, but it was hard to get through, the main character is unlikable until the very end chapters, and it portrays a very unhealthy romantic relationship.

"That was Beau Rivage: grime and glitter, magic tucked into shadows and hidden in plain sight. Normal people went about their own dysfunctional lives while the Cursed ran the city, and the strangeness went largely unnoticed."

The premise for the whole world of Tear You Apart did not click for me. You have this town in which "normal" people are cursed with fairy tale curses, and everyone must play their part, right? Only, why should they? There are no repercussions to just saying "fuck it" and not going through with your curse. In fact, there are no repercussions to just getting the fuck out of dodge. Sayonara, see ya! But everybody just seems to be a glutton for punishment. Why would you stick around if you know you are going to be killed? Why stick around if you know that they cursed you to be the bad guy? I found it hard to believe that Regina would not use her intelligence and just leave her neglectful husband. I understand to a certain extent that the teens must stay because of their parents, but why would the parents (adults mind you, which we see very few of in here, and most of the ones we see are EVIL) WANT their kids to grow in this environment? Makes no sense to me, specially since this story is set in the modern world (the references to pop culture just pained me; it just didn't come natural). You have to apply your disbelief very thoroughly if you are to enjoy the setting.

"Divine... so innocent... gorgeous. more beautiful than she is."

Not only could I not submerge myself in this world, but the main character was one I could not support. At the beginning it seemed like the best idea ever, a jaded Snow White that has a bit of a back bone to her.

"Viv took the tiny, bitten-off flower in one hand and stroked the mouse's back with the other. "Thanks," she murmured. "Although if you really loved me, you would have given Regina a disease by now."

But jaded turned into extremely bitchy and entitled.

"Is there any way I can cut the line?"
"Normally we only give special treatment to princesses who have eleven sisters. But I guess I could make an exeption...since you remembered not to wear your pajamas."
"Thanks," she said. "I'd hate to get you fired."

REALLY VIV? If before I thought you were a sad example of a heroine now you just made my shit list. She is not the cool Snow White that you would like to hang with, she is the whole entitled princess package. I could not support her in any way, not until the very last chapters. I understand the main character has to have ways in which to develop their character, but at the same time you have to like your main character to some degree if the novel is going to work and not just like them by the very end.

The icing on top of the wonderful cake that is Viv is her toxic relationship with Henley.

Viv goes out of her way to demean Henley and make him jealous...

"She was only half focused on what Danny was doing. She was thinking about Henley, how angry he would be--as angry as she'd been? Angrier? Her breath caught."

She holds on to their relationship, and to Henley, even though she knows it is bad for both of them. She keeps Henley on the hook, always thinking that her prince charming is jus down the road so why settle for this guy when another is destined to be with her? Though to be honest Viv thinks her prince is not going to be a prince charming, she thinks he is going to be a psycho who is turned on by dead ladies. She both wants to meet her prince and not, but just in case he turns out to be horrible wrong for her better keep Henley around.

"He couldn't promise he wouldn't kill her. She couldn't promise she would stay with him. They shouldn't be together; she knew that. But she didn't care. Tomorrow she would care, in an hour she might care. But not now.

"The sick feeling rose up in her again. Leaving Henley-- choosing someone else--meant losing him.
"Whatever you want," she said. "I don't own you."
"Yes, you do, Viv. You know you do."

I just want to scream at Henley to grow some balls and leave the crazy girl behind.

"The day Henley turned sixteen, a fairy cursed him to be Snow White's Huntsman. And everything had changed."

Henley on the other hand you want to like. He got the bad end of the deal. He is on Viv's beck and call, stands her bitchyness and her mood swings, and plays her game of hot/cold. So yeah, you want to feel for Henley, and often times I do feel for the guy, but then he goes and does this...

"Viv followed the sound and her eyes found Henley, lit by the flashing headlights of an orange BMW until he smashes them with a shovel."

... he pummels the car of a guy that Viv was USING to make Henley jealous. This is the moment where I just wiped my hand off both characters and told them to kill each other. Mind you this is 10% into the story. Eeks.

So I had a problem with the characters, the world building (so much info dumping on the first few chapters it was ridiculous), and just the story in general. It felt weird and like the theme was hanging on by a thin thread. I am not even mentioning the "underworld" which is only comprised of an underground privileged club and a palace. Really, no world building.

Maybe I would have liked this one more if I had started with Kill me Softly (which everyone else seems to really enjoy so I might still give that one a shot). The cover is gorgeous, but it doesn't fix the problems with the story. It is readable, but not exactly Sarah Cross' best work.