
Calling the Change by Michelle Diener

blodeuedd's review against another edition

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In the last book Garek rescued Taya (and a bunch of other slaves) and brought them back to their planet. Dang, he sure loves her, he stole a ship and went to the baddies and got her back. That is love, foolhardy love but still.

But things are not good back home. The ruler from where they are from is weak, other countries are looking to take over. People want Garek because he is powerful and now she is too.

In this one she gets taken...again. But she was never weak, and it shows, she is constantly thinking of ways to escape. And Garek is thinking of ways to rescue her too, and he never gives up, that silly man is so much in love.

It did feel a bit too long at times, but that was mostly cos it took me aaaaaaaaaaaages to finish it (baby wont sleep, there is just no time to read *cries* )

This was not the last one either, silly me, I thought so in my haze. Things end well like it did in book 1, but as you can see things are not that simple so stuff is going down. There are still things to be put right. Conspiracies to unfold and kings to topple. But these two can take care of themselves so that will be an easy match for sure.

slc333's review against another edition

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I received an ARC in return for an honest review.

I really enjoyed the first book in the series and this one picks up right where it left off and jumps straight back into the action. As Garek & Taya are helping resettle everyone in their village the Sky Raiders appear and Garek leads them away in his captured sky ship. While he is leading the raiders on a merry chase around the planet Taya is kidnapped, this time by some of her fellow countrymen who want to trade her to a neighbouring liege who has heard about her unique power to call the shadow ore. Taya’s journey with her captors is not a pleasant one but she bides her time looking for the best chance to escape and she know that Garek will come for her. Afterall he found her on another planet. Garek is devastated that he has lost Taya again so soon after finding her again and sets off to find her. I really enjoyed his approach to the shifty liege and how he handled that. I also like how he basically tells the military to screw off he is going after Taya in HIS space ship and if they don’t like it that can get their own. I enjoy both Taya and Garek as characters. They are mature, sensible kick ass and completely devoted to one another. And their adventures were great to read about. I just would have liked them to spend less time separated by fate and more time working together because they are such an awesome team. I really hope the next book doesn’t have a repeat of the separated by fate and circumstance element as I want more of Taya & Garek together.

There are lots of political machinations in play, and disturbing revelations about the Sky Raiders targets. I hope we find out more about the mysterious Sky Raiders in the next book as we really don’t know much about them or why they need the ore. Am looking forward to finding out about the Iron Guard and seeing more of Adrian in the next (I hope) as he was mostly absent in this one.

bookfever's review against another edition

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I'm not sure exactly why but I enjoyed Calling the Change a lot more than the previous book, Sky Raiders. Don't get me wrong, the first book wasn't bad or anything, I just didn't love it as much as I would've wanted. Now back to Calling the Change... I was really into it right from the start and I had a hard time putting the book down. It was a great read!

The story was really action-packed (just as I like it.) so there was actually never a boring moment. The story pretty much revolves around Garek having yet again to try and find Taya who's been abducted by men who walked the walls with Garek as the synopsis says. So obviously they don't have just the sky raiders to fear this time even though they're still a dangerous foe they face.

I really enjoyed reading about Taya and Garek again. They were seperated for a part of this book but it's so worth it in the end, I thought. I especially liked Taya this time because she is not some damsel in distress that needs rescuing even though Garek does go after her. Taya definitely can take care of her own, that's for sure.

As always with a book by Michelle Diener, I thought it was written in a really great way. The romance isn't a major part of the book, although there are a couple of very swoonworthy moments between Taya and Garek, which I loved.

The ending left me super excited for the third and final book. I have so many questions. Will they find Aidan? Will Taya learn to control her change better? It sounds like the next book will be just as thrilling as this one. I can't wait!

suzjustsuz's review against another edition

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4+ stars

I really like this author. She spins a good yarn with just enough romance for it to not detract from the story but still be satisfying.

The end seemed a bit abrupt to me, but I was mostly surprised and not ready to leave the world yet. While it was a bit of a foreshadowing of future story/ ongoing story sort of ending, it didn't really bother me too much and couldn't really be called a cliff hanger. It had a "to be continued" feel, for sure, though.

This particular story has the same set of implausibility issues as the first book did, medieval tech era citizens who readily adapt to the existence and use of space faring vessels. This one issue is consistently a hurdle for me to overcome in terms of suspension of disbelief, but it's worth the little extra work because the stories are fun, the characters are multi faceted, and the plot just keeps getting thicker.

I'll read the next.