
The Christian Mind: How Should a Christian Think? by Harry Blamires

ianmrowland's review

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informative slow-paced


Deeply disappointed after it had been footnoted and recommended by so many writers. Most of what is pertinent could have been said in a quarter of the size if he had left out his ranting diatribes against pretty much everything in the modern world. Much of what he says is right but it outlining a Christian mind and way of thinking he shifted from a framework into a lambast or things that galled him. That being said, each chapter in a sentence gives clear outlines to how Christian thinking should be different to secular or humanist thinking.

mdrfromga's review

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Remarkable insights. Though published in 1963, it feels like it could have been written today.

starsbyname's review

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"this, however, is something of a digression." This quote, found in the middle of The Christian Mind, sums up a lot of the book. Blamires digresses from the topic at hand many times to share his thoughts on how to certain areas of life could be changed to reflect a Christian mind.

Nonetheless, I absolutely loved the book. It gave some wonderful deep insight about how to think in a way that brings glory to God. I would highly recommend this book!