somojones's review

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Alzheimer knowledge was very well presented, researched and documented. I liked how Life Lessons were juxtaposed in sections. The format and telling of B. Smith’s Alzheimer struggle was clear as to how it affected her marriage, family and lifestyle.

I wanted a little more of her personal story and struggles. You know what she did to not forget some everyday tasks. Example in “Still Alice” “posts it" notes were used as reminders and the computer was a tool to reintroduce herself and to evaluate the progression of Alzheimer's. What method did B. Smith take to slow the disease or to cope with it?

I also followed B Smith as a model and television personality so I was hoping for pictures capturing some of those moments.

thuglibrarian's review against another edition

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Alzheimer's is such an insidious disease in that it affects the person and the family. This is an unflinching look at Alzheimer's from the patient's and her husband's point of view. Well written and timely.

gigisxm's review

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A very telling look into living with and caring for someone with Alzheimer's.

janessa's review against another edition

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challenging emotional informative reflective sad slow-paced


khoerner7's review

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Written by the husband and business partner of model and lifestyle expert B. Smith, this book covers her struggles with early onset Alzheimer's and how they have remade their lives to cope. In addition to sharing their experiences, the book contains advice for caregivers and information on research, diet an exercise.

antonio_suave's review against another edition

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Just a reminder, this book does not capture the last years of B. Smith's life. Take it for what it is: a necessary book to raise awareness on Alzheimer's disease. I did love the resources it provided and a play-by-play of how the medical care played out. This is for people dealing with a diagnosed loved one, so do not go into thinking it is a comprehensive academic/political analysis on the disease. It is a gem because it does speak to things I am passionate about.

garlicgab's review against another edition

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Read for Lifespan Development class.

booknerd44's review against another edition

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Accessible for health care providers and the general public. Insightful, with tons of resources discussed and listed.