
All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey

beckyreadsitall's review

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I like the Kowalski family but this book really followed a formula. Boy likes girl. Boy can't have girl so he goes off and makes something of himself. Years later boy and girl reconnect and fall in love then fight really quickly about something that is easy to work out and live happily ever after.

I liked this story until almost the end - the scenes where Ryan and Lauren talk about their futures felt contrived and not very believable. Some of the supporting characters stole the show at points which is fine because I know I will get to read their stories soon. Overall not bad, and an easy read, but not one I would pick up and read again.

margreads's review

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Le these books.

scorchingnix's review

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I love this series; it makes me so happy! This is the book of Ryan Kowalski, the serious constructor introduced to us in Mitch’s book. In that book, he was so serious and work driven that I wondered how this book. We had been tantalised with the rumour that “something” had happened between him and the mysterious Lauren that had kept him away from home. In this book, we find out that he had thought himself madly in love with her and asked her, and her baby, to move away with him... and That’d be enough to keep any man away as dented pride is something that is difficult to heal. I knew he wanted to stay away from her, I understood the decision, but knew it was inevitable that it wouldn’t happen. When he catches Lauren's son vandalising his property, they had to come into contact with each other again and I loved the way he came up with a punishment that both suited his needs and Lauren's. He was such a damn nice guy that there was no way that I could dislike him,

Ryan as a character was fantastic. He was charming, considerate and sexy as hell. The only thing that I could see was his flaw was his work ethic; he saw as work as the conduit to him having a happy life so he let it consume his life. He was always working and that was the ultimate barrier to their relationship; he had no intention of giving up his business or relocating to be with effect he chose the business over her as he couldn’t see how she would be happy without all the things his money provided. He knew that he wanted her, was completely unafraid at breaking down all her barriers (the scenes with him trying to build a relationship with her son are amazing...swoon worthy!) but was completely unable to look at his own. Typical man!

Lauren was a hard-working single mom, struggling to survive financially and juggle her own needs with that of her family. I wanted her to get together with Ryan just so she could start seeing herself as something other than a mom. She was a woman who I could get onboard with; she was strong enough to fight for what she wanted but had enough self preservation to step back when she was fighting a losing battle. Her reactions to Ryan were all fantastic to read about and completely believable.

The scenes with the two of them were full of a sweet heat that was both satisfying and entertaining to read. I loved every single scene between them and couldn’t think of an outcome to this book where they weren’t together. There is a reason I read romance and this book is one of them; I read this book with a smile on my face for over 75% of it and wouldn’t have liked an ending other than the one I got. The only thing that I couldn’t see was HOW the resolution was going to come about, what kind of relationship they would have and if I would be happy with it. I was and that’s all you’re going to get out of me.

Overall, this is a great addition to a fantastic series. If you want a sweet, satisfying read that you can get lost in, anyone of the books in this series are perfect. With a strong Hero who is great with kids, drives a motorcycle and really is quite dreamy, this is a book that I would recommend to anyone :)

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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Another great romance!

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews.

All He Ever Desired is about a second chance in love. Is it even possible? Ryan Kowalski sure doesn’t think so, and when he comes back to Withford after a long absence, he does the best he can to avoid Lauren, the woman he has loved since high-school. They meet on his first day back, however, as their paths cross in his soon-to-be sister-in-law’s diner. Ryan has no idea what to say to her, and ends up feeling like a dork, so much so that he doesn’t even notice how flushed their encounter leaves Lauren.

mslizalou's review

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I was lucky enough to get an early copy of All He Ever Desired from NetGalley. I’m a huge fan of Shannon Stacey and especially love her Kowalski series.

Ryan Kowalski has been in love with Lauren Carpenter pretty much his entire life. When she marries another man, he leaves his hometown rather than watch her with another man. When he comes home to help out his brothers with the family-owned lodge, he runs into Lauren as soon as he gets back to town. He plans to avoid Lauren like always when he is home until he catches her son vandalizing the lodge. He agrees to let Nick work off his debt and Lauren and Ryan now get to see each other almost daily.

The chemistry between Ryan and Lauren was off the charts. Even when Ryan and Lauren were trying to avoid one another, if they were in the same room, you could totally feel their connection. I’ve come to expect some pretty sexy love scenes from Shannon Stacey, and she delivered yet again with All He Ever Desired. Much like in real life, things aren’t perfect just because Ryan and Lauren finally admit and act on their feelings. Ryan’s business and home are in another state and his business is starting to suffer with him being in Maine for an extended time. Lauren’s ex-husband is a jerk about Ryan being in Nick and Lauren’s life. Ryan and Lauren are an amazing couple and I loved watching them find their HEA.

I also loved the amount of time we got to spend with the rest of the Kowalski family. The entire family comes in for Mitch and Paige’s wedding. I fell in love with the Kowalski family in the very first book and can’t wait until the next Kowalski book is released.

All He Ever Desired official release date is November 12, 2012 and can be purchased at your favorite online retailer. For more information about Shannon Stacey and her books, check out her website.

bookgoonie's review

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Yummy. If all just worked out like these HEAs.

bringmybooks's review

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3.5 stars. One thing I liked about this one in comparison to her others is that it wasn't as clear why things weren't going to work out. In most of the other books, you know from the second chapter exactly which hurdles the couple has to overcome. This one was much more subtle, and I think the book benefitted from that. Looking forward to another - aren't we running out of Kowalskis though?