
Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins

aldadelicado's review

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Great story and very climatic ending.

laura_sorensen's review

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Enjoyed the protagonist, as she is not romance novel typical. Wished there had been more of the guy tho and less of Dr. Do-right. ETA: the scene with Buttercup running down the street while Chastity's on her date is one of the best Higgins scenes ever.

susanscribs's review

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Gets a few points for having a smart, capable heroine who doesn't fit the usual physical profile for a romance novel leading lady. But loses far too many points for the heroine's obsession with getting married and having babies and, mostly, for the utter lack of romance. Granted, there has to be some kind of conflict that keeps the hero and heroine from finding their HEA until the novel's resolution, but in this case the hero and heroine are never really together in the first place. They are both with other people for the entire book until the last 10 pages for a rushed ending. Since we never get a sense of how they would be together,the ending doesn't resonate. Higgins is capable of better.

margreads's review

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Interesting on several levels - perspective, hero and heroine are apart and with other people for most of the book.

Having said that you could feel the tension between the two of them.


crocokat's review

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I just couldn't get into this one and ended up skimming for the interactions between H and h. They were few and far between. Great set up, but wished for a bit more.

fromjesstoyou's review

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"Out of all of her novels, "Just One of the Guys" by Kristan Higgins is by far one of her best!! This great romantic comedy, just made it so I couldn't put it down. Especially with lines like..."

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uncoveredwhimsy's review

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This book was a fun happy read and I enjoyed it, but it was a little bit too predictable for me (which I should have expected I suppose...) and it was a little slow getting around to what you see coming from the very beginning. I also got a little bit sick of the gratuitous use of the word bleeping.

Also. I am usually not one to judge covers... BUT. The dog on the cover is a basset hound. The dog in the book is a good 100 (probably more.) pounds bigger... She has hound in her, but not basset.

annieeditor's review

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Kristan Higgins has been recommended by bloggers whose taste in media usually corresponds with my own. I picked this one to start with because the main character's a journalist and I'm a journalist. I thought it would be fun. Turned out, that was a big mistake.

I read fantasy and romance, I'm usually willing to suspend belief for the sake of a good story. However, it turns out when it comes to my job, I get nit-picky. Now maybe things are different in Vermont, but it's hard to imagine a small newspaper having a food editor, but no sports writer. And there's a part where Chastity, the main character, conducts an interview and I couldn't help thinking, "She's supposed to have a master's degree in journalism from Columbia?"

It was also hard for me to believe that she had enough drive to get a degree in a competitive field at a competitive school and then that she lost her ambition. I can understand it happening, but the book didn't sell it to me. Reporters who aren't obsessed with what they do tend to end up in PR.

So maybe that's why I couldn't get into this novel as much. I got hung up on the details. The writing is snappy, but the characters are so-so and I wasn't really rooting for them. I wanted to like this book, but it was only okay.

poisonivy70's review

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Chastity Virginia O’Neill has just moved back to Easton Falls to take over as an editor at the local newspaper. She’s happy to be back with her parents, her four brothers, her BFF and all her nieces and nephews...and Trevor. The one she’s always loved. After they gave into their feelings once decades ago, they chose to not pursue a relationship and just be friends….mostly because she’s convinced he’s more attached to her family than her. But when she meets a gorgeous trauma surgeon and begins an actual relationship, will she just let Trevor go or will she take a chance and try to be more than just one of the guys to him?

The Good
I’ve always enjoyed Kristan Higgins’ writing and this book is no exception. Ms. Higgins really has a way of building a full universe filled with three dimensional characters and the O’Neills are a slightly dysfunctional but loving family. I enjoyed the humor, the small town feel, the conflicted feelings, all of it.

The Meh
The romance itself was a small part of this story, and it felt like it. I didn’t get to know Trevor’s real feelings until the very end of the book and I wished that there was more interaction between Trevor and Chastity. When they finally get together, it felt destined but not particularly …. exciting.

The Bottom Line
I liked this story more as chick lit than a romance, but it was well written, funny and touching. I’m happy to continue reading more of Ms. Higgins’ books.

bookgoonie's review

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OMG! I LOVE the face off this book. I love Chasity, her family, Trevor and Buttercup. This was my first HIGGINS experience and won’t be the last. Chasity was so freaking funny. Chasity has a comical diffusing approach to deal with all the insecurities and wants that all us women face. I felt like I was in a down-home episode of Sex in the City. Maybe something like Uterus Pains in the Small Town. Chasity is surrounded by family. Happiness and Divorce. She is trying to feel adequate and relevant surrounded by a family of firefighter heroes. But mostly she is face-to-face with her “lobster”, Trevor Meade. The love of her life. How does she deal with being his friend, but secretly wanting to be the mother of his children. HIGGINS took me through the range of FEELS, laughing to crying. And I really felt them all to my core.

Yet somehow, at just past thirty, I’ve become a pariah. Mention my age to a man and he looks stricken, as if I’ve just told him exactly how many viable eggs I have sitting in my ovaries and how very much I’d like them to be fertilized. It’s not fair.

Stay TRUE and don’t SETTLE.