
Remembrance by Rebecca Lynn

kate_and_books's review

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How best to describe this book Rememberance is a retained mental impression or memory but can also be gift given as a token of love and friendship. 5 Chocolate Chip Cookie Stars.

Janie Callahan Mike's sister from book 3 has always had a major crush on Luke. They have been friends for 20 years until recently things have started to change though. Janie wasn't what one could call the typical ugly duckling. She has always been told how beautiful she is, great personality but if she would just loose some weight then she would be rocking. Such a nice back handed compliment if I haven't seen one.

Luke Daniels has always had a soft spot for Janie ever since he had to tickle her feet. Their families have always been close. How do you make someone who don't see as a brother/sister anymore to take you seriously? Well, you tease and you tell them to find a bloke/woman for you that makes you sxream. Over the past books we have seen Janie try and get Luke's attention and she is doing pretty well. By wearing the right clothes and making him jealous with Detective Douche

It's hard getting rid of underlying securities there were some situations where I did find Janie really annoying. Janie and Luke sexing it up though with banter was blimin hilarious. So there was also one hot scene with a footrub which made me want to go home quick and get my hubby to rub me foot. After so many years of hard work and maintaining her figure it is all finally paying off. She gets a gig with Ayanna to cater Lukes Xmas Party and then to network where she meets a contender. Mr. Eric Weston the biggest player in New York and an absolute dick.

Luke has always felt drawn to Janie and he wants what his parents have. With his Spanish background and good looks he has never had to worry about the ladies. His parents call one another Mi rey, Mi reina. My King and My Queen. Janie isn't too sure if he feels the same but Luke sets her straight.

"What we just did was the perfect culmination of everything we've been thinking, feeling, wanting. It was more than our bodies coming together; it was our minds, our spirits. It was everything. It was every nerve ending screaming to be touched. It was our hearts calling out to one another."

The plot is well paced and was really well written. The authors Rebecca Lynn have really outdone themselves with this one. The whole gang is there although I do have a problem with grown women squealing but then again I don't squeal.

I have to wait until Spring 2015 for the last book unless the series continues with Mo maybe. Have I mentioned that I have to wait until Spring 2015?