
Forbidden Witches by S.M. Reine

pnwtinap's review

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I was a little thrown off at the beginning of this novel as I was expecting to to build on Ofelia's story from the first book in the series. Once I got into it, I really ended up with a soft spot for Leah. I am intrigued to see where the series will build as more Tarot Witches come forward. I think that this will prove to be one of my favorite series.

onlyadream223's review

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The firstvbpok was good. This book was amazing. I loved the story line behind it. Now that we have an idea of the premise, the stories make a lot more sense.
I enjoyed how she incorporated characters from book one and brought them together; definitely looking forward to the next one.
Leah, a introverted college student suddenly finds herself invited to an exclusive bands concert. She knows nothing about this band but with the help of her best friend Chad, she finds herself waiting in line to see the band. There she meets road crew and the story begins...

singh_reads_kanwar2's review

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The second part is about a Leah who got a tarot card of hierophant, and mistaken it for a Ticket of a band invitation, they went there and enjoyed the concert and met the band members then things start happening, and Rage as a Coven priest has to realise to Leah that she is witch without her they are bit powerless and always have a danger looming over them and her friend Raven make her read the book of charms and magic she can perform and use According to her wish and biggest thing is that because she is a tarot witch she has to save a werewolf who will die if he doesn't find a mating partner and Leah fall for Donne and want to be his mating partner things were going good but Donne doesn't want to be her mating partner, but as time pass sooner they were find there time author cleverly intertwined the story of part one with part 2.
Writing of the book part is really amazing as author is first time experiment the werewolf and tarot witch concept and making it an nice read for readers a perfect science fiction and fantasy novel for the reader and make it a beautiful concept to read.

jandrews560's review

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Excellent. Very adult. Rock and roll, magic and a Mormon. What could go wrong?