lazygal's review against another edition

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I have a feeling that educators will be encouraged to make this a Must Read for teachers and students - while I think it's a good idea, it won't stop bullying. The way these authors have (after the fact) confronted their bullies, or dealt with the pain and the situation while they were being bullied will resonate with those who are in the same position; those that are doing the bullying probably won't see themselves in these portraits (although they may see themselves as being bullied, which is often the case). It might be better to choose a few to use as writing prompts for everyone to talk about what their pain is, but make it anonymous so as to protect everyone.

For adults, I think many of us will recognize either ourselves or people we knew in these portraits. A little reflection is never a bad thing.

ARC provided by publisher.

cmdc325's review against another edition

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I really liked this book. It gave me a view on what really happens. I have mot been bullied terribly, but I have been a bystander. There were a couple people that I knew who were bullied and I stood and watched. This book made me realized how guilty I felt for not speaking up. I recommend this book for everyone because we all need to realize that bullying needs to stop.

spark_olaguez's review against another edition

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You know you are going to cry but you just don't how much? That me when reading this with short story of my favorite author and new ones I fell in love. This is a easy read to skip this page to some drawing of a dog to yelling at your sister when you promise to be a better sister.Where I learn a story from Heather Brewer and Lauren Oliver.

hanna41's review against another edition

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Wow, powerful stuff! Made me think of my time in school when I was bullied and when I did a bit of bullying myself. As an educator it reminds me how bullying operates and that it's often out of my sight. We need to be on the lookout and actively involved.

ainiali's review against another edition

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This anthology has all kind of stories about bully especially in school. 70+ authors share their stories either being bullied or being those who watch on the sideline wishing they could do something.
Bully is an issue that already exist generation after generation, years after years, 50 years ago & may be 50 years to come. Being bullied can shape victim either consciously or unconsciously into who they're today. In some cases it's end badly i.e suicide.
The reason I picked up this book is R.L Stine, my favorite author wrote his experience too. Now, that i finished it i'm glad that i did. A few stories tugged my heart, made me grateful for my childhood & school years.
This book is for those bullies, those who had been bullied, bystanders, parents, kids, teenagers,adults i.e everyone. It's full of motivation, that one day the sun will shine, bullying can be beaten, if only everyone stand up to beat it.

philyra91's review against another edition

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Dear Bully is a collection of stories by 70 authors. They all had experiences with bullies, whether they were the victims, the bullies themselves, or bystanders who did nothing. The novel was really easy to get through because each story was really short, 4-6 pages at most. Some were even only 2 pages. The stories are definitely personal, intimate and all touching. It makes me really grateful for the fact that my bullying experiences weren't as bad as some of the ones portrayed in Dear Bully. I definitely recommend Dear Bully to all teenagers, whether they're facing bullies or not, because the one message in here is this: You are not alone. It does get better.

mountie9's review against another edition

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The Good Stuff

Extremely personal tales and I admire some of the authors bravery in coming forth with their at times extremely heartbreaking tales
Powerful messages will hopefully help teens who are bullied or have been bullies themselves
Portion of proceeds got to Stomp Out Bullying
Really emphasizes the need for better trained educators and counselors
Heartrendingly sad at times
Found many new authors that I want to read because of their history
A couple of graphic novel style stories
Really did like the mix of different types of tales: Letters, Stories, Poetry and Graphic stories
Brilliant idea - would have liked even more authors to take part -
Hopefully will make a difference to children struggling with bullying and maybe a bully will see themselves in a story and make a change
The story "The Eulogy of Ivy O'Connor" is extremely painful and uncomfortable to read, but the message is an important one
Kiersten White's tale is very human

The Not so Good Stuff

There was poetry and not my thing - but if you like it that is totally cool and they are well done
The odd story didn't really fit it, but hey that is just getting a little picky

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"I don't spill guts, I spill other people's guts - my characters'. It's safer that way. But as I write this, I'm aware that by walking into my own hot, steaming discomfort, you might feel that someone else gets it - gets you." Lisa Haines

"So I did the easy thing. I walked away. And I've always regretted it. I wonder how much of an impact I could have made if I'd really always had something to say. If I'd said the things that mattered, stood up for people who actually needed my help, gotten involved instead of keeping my head down." Kiersten White

"And what you get right down to it, that's really what life is; one long opportunity to find "your" people. The ones who make your world a better place and the ones for whom you can make the world a little brighter as well." Michelle Zink

Who should/shouldn't read

Everyone - book suggests 12+ -- but I think kids even as young as 10 could pick up something
Required book for every library - these are messages that bring hope to those who have suffered that they will make it through and may even become stronger because of it

4.75 Dewey's

I received this from HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review

ciaraxramirez's review against another edition

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Some of the things the bullies did were horrible

nerfherder86's review against another edition

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Sometimes painful to read, but always interesting true stories from 70 authors of YA literature, who talk about bullying incidents they were a part of, either as victim, bully, or bystander who did or did not help stop the bullying. I found I couldn't read them all in one sitting but had to go back to the book after breaks. Includes stories by Lisa Yee, Amy Goldman Koss, and Jeannine Garsee, authors I'd met personally so I was especially interested to hear their stories. Definitely a must-read for teens, especially in the middle school years when they're apt to be involved in so much bullying; if only every teen could read this to see what harm bullying causes and how even just walking away is not always the best thing.

whathappenedtoagoodbook's review against another edition

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