
Eight Million Ways to Die by Lawrence Block

kimgabriel's review against another edition

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Just all around terrific. Block himself reads this. He is not the best at differentiating voices but he has a great voice for Mathew.

alex_ellermann's review against another edition

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A by-the-numbers mystery adventure featuring a stereotypical burnt out ex-cop, I spent much of my time listening to this audiobook wishing I were listening to a better audiobook.

tunesmithnw's review against another edition

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This is by far one of the best Matthew Scudder novels. Not only is the story compelling, but this novel in the series marks a turning point in the development of the main character, Matthew Scudder, that defines him through the rest of the series.

zzzrevel's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed reading this novel. However,
I know this is pretty argumentative, but to
me it fails in being a real crime novel. Scudder's
an alcoholic and not a detective but he ends up
investigating a murder, and lo and behold,
the author gives a nice telling of a story of
a crime.
Except for the ending. Too compact, too little on
how the clues get put together, too offbeat in
who did it.
So I enjoyed reading it but I can't say overall it's
better than average satisfaction for me. Sorry.

moreilly1917's review against another edition

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Some not so subtle commentary about life in NY city. Matt continues his struggles as he tries to solve his newest case. Steamy scale 0 of 5. (Audible)

tommyro's review against another edition

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The best mystery novel since the golden age of Chandler-Hammett-Caine.

jakewritesbooks's review against another edition

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My tour of the Matthew Scudder series continues. Many think this is where Lawrence Block made the proverbial leap with these books in terms of quality. That’s probably true; this is far and away the best written book of the series so far. It’s concise and tight. I was engaged the whole time.

However, I still think this one falls short of greatness, mostly because of the ending but we’ll get there.

Anyway, alcoholic ex-cop and amateur PI Matthew Scudder maneuvers through the bleak landscape of early-80s New York City, trying to find out who killed a prostitute in brutal fashion. Normally, this is a red flag for me. I’ve largely sworn off books that feature murdered women and/or children. They’re cliched, exhausting, stereotype-extending and just not for me. But I do like this series a lot so I soldiered on with it.

Block is really good at making Scudder and his other characters feel fully realized. There’s not a lot of Woe this city! Woe it’s darkness! And these sweet angels who become whores! Certainly, there’s the garden variety misogyny of the male characters but Scudder is no avenging angel, as he makes it clear several times. He takes the case to prevent himself from going on drinking binges.

There is a bit too much ruminating on how awful 80s New York is. But I’ll allow it as the book was actually written for its time and not retrospectively.

This one winds and winds itself deeper and I genuinely had no idea where it was going until the last 50 pages or so. The killer’s reveal is a surprise but the motives…eh. It felt like a lot of work (again, this is really well plotted) for a meh payoff. A somewhat predictable payoff in the “how,” not the “who.” And one that leaned hard into another stereotype that I hate but can’t reveal without spoilers.

It didn’t disappoint. It left me engaged until the end. But I hope the next one doesn’t involve more brutalized women.

lobo1tomia's review against another edition

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Az ötödik Scudder regény akár magában is megállja a helyét és ha valaki szeretné, nyugodtan kezdheti itt az olvasását. Mert kiderül, miért is tartják Blockot a nagy elődök Raymond Chandler, Mickey Spillane vagy éppen Dashiel Hammet utódjának: főszereplője a magányos nyomozó őstípusának megtestesítője, ugyanakkor problémáinak az alkoholizmussal való küzdelemnek köszönhetően nagyon is emberi. Ráadásul nem csak a témaválasztása kitűnő, Blocknak, hanem a karakterábrázolása és stílusa is. Szóval ez egy nagyon jó krimi, s kiderül, hogy bármennyire is kiábrándító és félelmetes tud lenni, New York még mindig az író városa. S most néztem, hogy a regény már 20 éves, de ennek ellenére semmit nem veszített az atmoszférájábó.

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Am văzut-o intrând. Ar fi fost greu să n-o vezi. Avea părul blond, aproape alb, genul de păr pe care l-ai numi bălai dacă ar fi al unui copil. Al ei era împletit în cosiţe groase, răsucite în jurul capului şi prinse cu agrafe. Fruntea îi era înaltă şi netedă, pomeţii proeminenţi şi gura o idee cam largă. Cu cizmele în stil western ajungea probabil la un metru optzeci, din care picioarele reprezentau cea mai mare parte. Purta jeanşi vişinii de firmă şi o hăinuţă de blană de culoarea şampaniei. Plouase în averse toată ziua, dar nu avea umbrelă şi nici nu-şi pusese ceva pe cap. Picături de apă îi scânteiau ca diamantele în părul împletit.
Se opri o clipă în prag, concentrându-se. Era pe la trei şi jumătate, într-o după-amiază de miercuri, adică perioada cea mai liniştită pentru barul Armstrong. Mulţimea de clienţi de la prânz plecase de mult, iar pentru cei care veneau acolo după slujbă era prea devreme. În alte cincisprezece minute, doi profesori de liceu urmau să se oprească la una mică, şi apoi câteva asistente de la spitalul Roosevelt, care ieşeau din tură la patru, însă deocamdată erau doar trei sau patru oameni în faţa barului, o pereche care termina o carafă cu vin la o masă din faţă şi cam atât. În afară de mine, bineînţeles, la obişnuita mea masă din spate.
M-a reperat imediat şi i-am perceput albastrul ochilor chiar din celălalt capăt al încăperii. A trecut însă pe la bar ca să întrebe de mine înainte să-şi croiască drum printre mese până în colţul în care stăteam.
— Domnul Scudder? Mă numesc Kim Dakkinen. Sunt o prietenă de-a lui Elaine Mardell.
— M-a sunat. Ia loc.

johnnygamble's review against another edition

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Pretty good one. The mystery wasn't entirely satisfying, but the balance of mystery and character was wonderful.