17 reviews for:

Hero's Song

Edith Pattou


casey550's review

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3.5.....this was a good adventure story. Im curious to see where it goes from here.

annells's review

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I really enjoyed reading East, another of Edith Pattou's books. This is the first in a series, which I plan to continue. It is interesting, easy to read and clean. I really like the characters in this story, especially Crann. In this story, Collun learns to overcome his fears and finds the strength within to save the ones he loves.


torihoo's review

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Edith Pattou's East is such an incredible book that I couldn't help being slightly disappointed by Hero's Song. It was a good story, and I enjoyed the characters, but the setting was a little tired. I felt like it was basically Lord of the Rings with different names. There was an equivalent for elves, orcs, even a Gandalf. That being said, though, this was a fairly good book, and I will be keeping it on my shelf.

mommy_mabel's review

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I loved "East" by Pattou but this one just dragged on and on for me. I was actually relieved when I finally finished this because it meant I didn't have to read anymore.

zikiriki's review

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I like this sequel to Fire Arrow so far!

meganac's review

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too much like the Lord of the Rings, personally..

lisimerk's review

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indywonder05's review

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I really liked this book. I look forward to reading the next book Fire Arrow. I would say more but don't want to spoil anything. Good fun fantasy read. Edith Pattou is now one of my favorite authors. East was great and this was even better.

thenymphsvoice's review

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Loved the characters great story

cindywho's review

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This was a solid YA fantasy, a bit of a mix of Irish legend and the Hobbit. It was a little jarring when some chocolate showed up! Things were left open for the sequel, but I'm not tempted.