
Once We Were by Kat Zhang

merilizabeth's review against another edition

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Somehow a bit better

Also this books beginning was quite slow and very boring, but once it started to spin it did not stop, but still I think that was somewhere half way in the book. I do like the take of one body but two minds that love two different people. Also I still have a question weather Eva can draw as skillfully as Addie or it is just a skill for one soul and not the other. Quite intriguing overall, but somehow something lacks. Always comes short of something.

alicebme's review against another edition

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I'm not a fan of the tired plot, but I am fascinated by the exploration of what is essentially a split personality. Lots of things I'd never thought about before.

lsparrow's review against another edition

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not quite sure if the amount of internal dialogue in the main characters mind is what I like or hate about this series. I still feel drawn into the story an there is still more to make me want to read on despite the fact that I am not feeling connected to this story.

mindfulbanter's review against another edition

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Sequels are tough regardless of how many books are in the series. I felt this book didn't quite match its predecessor. However it was still pretty good.
The plot was a bit harder to get into. I didn't get a good sense of the rise and fall until the climax had already happened. The new characters were hard to relate to. But honestly, I still wanted to read more. So I gave it 5 stars for how it made me feel despite the shortcomings that sequels tend to have.

cathyatratedreads's review against another edition

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Not gripping, not action-packed but more of an insight into the lives and experiences of these hybrid characters, but it's a solid second book in a series.

Read my full review, including a rating for content, at

pantsreads's review against another edition

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Although I still enjoyed the story and the characters, this book suffers a bit of bridge book-itus.


Read my full review here.

sqeeker's review against another edition

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- This book had a little bit of 2nd book syndrome. Not a lot happened, but there was some development in the characters.

- I liked meeting new characters, and I liked how they interacted with the characters I already knew. I liked that Addie had people to talk to and get to know.

- Addie and Eva are way nicer about sharing their body that I would be. They only argue about it once I think. I don't think I could handle sharing a body like they do.

- I wish Hally and Liva did more. They are the same age as Addie and Eva, but I felt like everyone thought they were too young or incapable of doing anything. It bugged!

- The ending was exciting, and I thought it wrapped up nicely. There are still unanswered questions, but I like how the book ended.

atinydisaster's review against another edition

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It took me a long time to write this review… I’m conflicted! Not two souls in one body conflicted, but conflicted all the same. I still love the concept of Kat Zhangs, hybrid universe. When the series started, Eva was tucked away inside her sisters body. Everyone is born with two souls inside their body, but one soul eventually fades. But not all souls. Eva and Addie are hybrids (or are they one hybrid?). By book two, Eva has control as often as her sister does… which is good for Eva, but the book quickly becomes basically any other dystopian story. But hey, who doesn’t like dystopian stories?

Once We Were takes place not long after the events of book one. Now Addie and Eva are living in hiding, and being drawn into the hybrid rebellion. The first part of the book was really slow, and a bit of a struggle to get through. The characters were all bored, and we were definitely feeling it. Once they’re pulled further into the rebellion, things definitely pick up. There’s a lot going on and each of the 3/6 main characters has conflicted feelings about everything that’s going on. Main character Eva is definitely gung-ho, but the feelings of her friends keep things interesting.

As the rebel group becomes more confident, it becomes easy to equate their actions/plans with domestic terrorism, which is where things became quite interesting. When does rebellion cross the line? You may be in the right and fighting for your own right, but how far is too far? Of course, I’m not going to answer any of that right now… but this book will make you think! And really, can there be a higher recommendation than that?

Overall, I still preferred book one, but I will definitely be sticking with this series to see what happens next!

lauraew333's review against another edition

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I had really high expectations for this book. I loved the first one and devoured it in a matter of hours. This one however, I read it over the course of two weeks. That is a LIFETIME for books in my custody. This slowness was because of two reasons.

Number one: the beginning was super slowly paced, at least to me. Like wow Addie and Eva are locked in the apartment. Eva's relationship with Ryan is going nowhere. They just sat in the apartment and listened to the others make plans or just do nothing at all. I'm a girl who loves a good action/romance/thought-provoking novel. This book only satisfied one of those, at least in the beginning. Never fear! The last 1/3 of the book was exactly how I like them. Lots of action and fast decision making.

Number two: there were a few thought-provoking sentences in the beginning that had me setting down the book and switching to another one. Without any spoilers all I can say is it took a while to process everything. This was partly because there was hardly any conversation or thought development. It pretty much up to the reader to figure a lot of things out and read between the lines to understand some of the emotions going around.

So with my complaints out of the way, lets get to the good stuff! This novel didn't pick up exactly where the last one left but it didn't leave huge gaps either. The things that occurred in that gap, were explained when they needed to be.

The action in the last 1/3 of the book was spectacular. The betrayals and heroism performed by certain characters was amazing and was totally unexpected considering the emotions leading up to the events. Some of the actions were expected though but I think that's a good thing considering that the author wants to make sure you can follow the story and have a half-hazed idea of where it's all leading. The complexity of having two souls to a body gave the story a unique twist from the rest of the books in this genre. Eva and Addie finally have to address the whole "this is both of our body's" thing which really left me thinking.

Final consensus: Pretty decent book all things considered.

ravencourt23's review against another edition

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This was a good book, but I don't think I liked it as much as the first one. I'm not really sure why though. The events at the end of the book were really interesting, but the first half of the book kind of dragged on a bit. The romantic aspect was interesting since Eva and Addie liked different people, and I liked how Zhang handled that. I wish there were more scenes with Devon though. We had a lot with Ryan, but Devon's really interesting and I wish we could've gotten to know him more. I also would have liked to see more of Devon and Addie's friendship. Hopefully Zhang will include Devon more in the next book.