
Blogger Girl by Meredith Schorr

gracefullypunk's review against another edition

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"And don’t judge, but I’m genuinely looking forward to seeing how many girls got fat," says the size zero, big-breasted heroine.

"Girls will be girls," her crush responds.

And that's where my reread ended...

(Chick-Lit Sort Out 2022: "Won't Read Again")

yeontan's review against another edition

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Blogger Girl tells the story of Kim Long, a full time administrative assistant and part time chick lit blogger. When her high school nemesis, Hannah Marshak, announces she is debuting a chick lit novel of her own and wants Kim to review it, Kim is floored.
Blogger Girl was a fun and breezy read. Kim was an overall likable character although she did have  her moments where I wanted to jump into the book and shake some sense into her. She was fun and driven. I enjoyed reading about our shared passion: books and book blogging. It was clear from the beginning Kim aspired to be a writer but was too afraid to go after this dream, fear of failure should resonate well with readers.

Kim has a solid friendship with her two girlfriends, Bridget and Caroline, and occasionally still sees her ex-boyfriend Jonathan. Kim also has an office romance with a lawyer at her law firm, Nicholas. Kim’s friendship with Bridget was well established and strong. It was nice to see the best friend actually present in the novel, as they sometimes disappear in chick lit.

I’ll be the first to say I was not on board with the romance between Kim and Nicholas. I had a hard time understanding why Kim was interested in Nicholas apart from finding him attractive and vice versa. Although I really wanted to be, I was simply not invested. Nicholas was a little too perfect for my tastes. If he had at least one flaw, their relationship might have been more interesting. Kim’s relationship Nicholas also brought out a paranoid immature side of her, which made her unlikable. At one point Kim is so worried Nicholas is seeing one of her many attractive female rivals, she dresses in all black and spies on him. It was not a good look to the least. As I mentioned, Kim’s relationship with  Nicholas brought about some paranoia and there were a total of three females she feared would take him from her. It became very tiring.

By the end of the book I was a little more on board with their relationship (although not completely). It began to take a back seat and Nicholas was extremely supportive of Kim’s writing career, which I thought was nice. Kim’s relationship with Hannah was also engaging and my favorite part of the book. I do wish less time would have been spent on Nicholas and more time would have been spent on Hannah. I look forward to finding out how Hannah and Kim’s dynamic changes in book two.

Side note: I was also not a fan of how this book took place in New York but every major character was white. I think there was one nameless black person who sung karaoke, that’s it.

Over all, this was a quick and fun read. I would have enjoyed it better if it had more diversity and a more compelling romance. However, it was not a bad book at all and I believe chick lit fans will enjoy it depending on their tastes.

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grettypop's review against another edition

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Let me just go ahead and say this... this is a very cute chick lit! It has everything a chick lit book requires: twenty-something girl, cute, single, with hearty eyes toward the office hottie. Kim Long is relatable, works a normal job, but dreams of becoming a writer. Cute friends. Bitchy high school enemy who is living all of Kim's dreams. If you are a fan of chick lit, I would recommend this book.

...Through the entire book I was rooting against Nicholas (Kim's crush). I was hoping he was just a small hurdle in the way and at the end Kimmie would find her real man. Since 90% of the book was a mixture of drooling over Nicholas and Kim complaining about how much her life blows (but not doing a single thing to change that) I didn't really enjoy it. In fact, I read 3 other books while giving this one a break - and that says something.

Like I said, cute book, cute story. But the amazing reviews set my expectations super high - and 'Blogger Girl' just simply wasn't that great or memorable to me.

bookswritingandmore's review against another edition

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Absolutely unbelievably good

This has been on my Kindle shelf forever. I can't believe I waited so long to read it. Kimmie the main character is so likeable. She really struggles with some self confidence in the career department but she is very endearing to read about. Nicholas is all kinds of hot. I fell in love with him immediately. This is a must read and I hope you take me seriously and go grab a copy.

kdurham2's review against another edition

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Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

Every blogger who does this as a side hobby and loves to read books of the chick lit variety, must run and pick up this book and read it.

Ok, now that you have read it. We can all agree that this book made you chuckle, nod in utter agreement and actually made you sigh once or twice! For a book to hit close to home, this happens, but to feel so close to the main character, this only rarely happens and from the very beginning I wanted to find out where Kim would end up.

I myself am an Executive Assistant to an amazing CEO and love the value - both monetary and emotional, that I get from my full time job. BUT nothing gives me the joy (minus the husband and the dogs) that blogging has given me and for a character to share this with me was fantastic.

susanthebookbag's review against another edition

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Loved it! I could really relate to the main character, book blogger Kimberly Long since, well, I am a book blogger too. So I loved that part of the story. And I loved the way that Meredith portrayed the hard work that goes into being a successful blogger. But I loved the overall story-line too.

'Rob's decent takeover of a high-profile litigation was definitely getting in the way of my blogging.'

Boy, I know how that feels. It's rough when the 'real' job gets in the way of blogging!

Blogger Girl is chick-lit at it's best. There's the high school popular girl, who was a sworn enemy, and who is now trying to be friends, mainly because she wants something; the potential romantic involvement and all that that entails; and the best friends who are always there for each other, no matter what.

"What do most chick lit books have in common?" she asked. Raising her hand, Bridget said, "I know! I know! Designer shoes, lots of cocktails and dating stories from hell."

I loved being a part of Kim's world. She is a spunky gal who thinks she is content with her life until Nicholas starts to notice her. She is rather insecure and doesn't understand what he could ever see in her. And then there is the 'enemy' from high school, Hannah. She wants something from Kim but Kim can't forget about the clashes they had in school.

And I loved the ending of the story. Kim does what any chick-lit character would do. And why not? (no spoiler here, you will have to read Blogger Girl to find out what I am talking about, but it is great!)

This was a wonderful, well written story that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was fun! It was easy to read! It was the first book I have read by Meredith but it won't be my last.

And then, one last quote that really spoke to me. Since I am short too, I loved this line!

'I would be the first to admit that I drew attention to my chest since, being so short, I needed to give people a reason to look down far enough to see me.'

hugbandit7's review against another edition

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Loved this book! maybe because it is about a chick lit book blogger? not sure but loved it and now need to check out more books by this author.

lattes_lipstick_literature's review against another edition

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Blogger girl was a quick and easy read, and as you know I never consider this a bad thing. I read this book within two days, and I found it to be super fun. The main character is a book blogger named Kim (hmm.. Like me) Her friends call her Kimmie (like me and spelled the same way) , however this is where these comparisons sadly end. Kim's book blog Pastel is the new black is insanely popular, reviews Chick Lit books and has a pretty Cushy job in a lawyers office that lets her read and write reviews. This made me a little bit jealous of her, well that and her tiny body and huge boobs but that is besides the point.

Kim is a likable character but she's way too complacent with her life. It's not until she finds out her childhood bully has written a book, and that it's chick lit to boot, that things finally start to crack. She's asked to review the book and the moral dilemma for Kimmie begins (I feel like she wouldn't mind me calling her Kimmie). You start to realize right away though that Kim is refusing to realize the real reason why she's so upset, and despite the numerous people and signs that are telling her what she really wants to keeps denying it.

The side characters were very enjoyable to, Kim's best friends Bridget and Caroline were so great and supportive. I always like supportive friends in books, none of that jealous crap thanks. Also, Nicolas, Kim's romantic lead, was pretty great and caring. I've gotten pretty fed up with the girls falling for the dangerous bad boy type. This time it's the workaholic lawyer who just tries to push you to towards your dreams. Too bad Kim let her insecurities get the better of her.

The ending was pretty great and I am so glad that while I saw it coming a mile away Schorr didn't let me feel like it was predictable and sappy. Schorr's writing was refreshingly witty and while there were some cliché moments in the book I was really glad that she kept it to a minimum. Since this is a planned series I can't wait to read her second book and find out what happened to Kim.

illidia316's review against another edition

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It is so awesome to read a book about a woman that is an avid reader and reviewer! I really enjoyed this book and the characters!

borninbcn's review against another edition

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I was very lucky to receive an ARC. It was the first book by the author I read, and definitely not the last one!

I absolutely loved this feel-good-book. A fantastic chick lit with plenty of office humor and romance.

The main character Kimberly, is absolutely adorable and I can see a bit of myself in her :) I loved her friends and also her enemies.

The best bit for me was the trip to the spa. Hilarious!!

So my rating is a "5 flutes" for you Meredith and... you have a new massive fan here!
Oh, and it would be nice to have a sequel to Blogger girl and see what happens to all of them.