
Spider-Gwen: Gwen Stacy by

acepersephone's review against another edition

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Skipped around a bit more than I wanted, lacked flow, but I'm always delighted to read more of my fav Spider-Gwen. I am in love with this alternate universe of hers.

queenrikki's review against another edition

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I would grade this book closer to the 3.5 - 3.75 mark. Decent but flawed.

rabbithero's review against another edition

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Not as good as the former volume; it gets a little ahead of its self story-wise, and I was hoping for a bit more depth to the supporting cast, but still, a fun read.

taeli's review against another edition

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read 6/15/16

lili_darknight's review against another edition

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Túto časť komiksu o Spider-Gwen som čítala pomaly a po častiach a vlastne ani neviem prečo. Každá kapitola vlastne bola svojou vlastnou epizódou so začiatkom a relatívnym koncom. Prekvapilo ma, že vlastne až tieto kapitoly sú tak trochu originom hrdinky Gwen, čo bolo zaujímavé. Čo ma však bavilo menej bola tá očividná plochosť. Akože zaujímavé témy, ale tak povrchne spracované, až sa mi z toho chcelo plakať.

Skúsim asi ešte jedno volume a ak ani to nebude lepšie, asi Gwen na čas opustím.

irelando's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this fast romp through one of the MCU's many comic universes, but I think it was hampered somewhat in that I don't know a lot of the canon, so I was playing catch-up for the first several issues as characters whose names I recognized showed up in strange contexts or with radically different characterization than I remembered. Still, pretty fun!

booknooknoggin's review against another edition

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bookpairings's review against another edition

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Yay! This volume makes more sense and I feel like the story is coming into it’s own. This volume we learn more about Gwen’s backstory (yay character development) and get to see her story arc begin to unfold. There are lots of touchy-feely bits in this one, but it’s not too over the top. We see Gwen continue to battle her inner demons and find confidence in herself. This was a well rounded volume in my opinion.

Plus, we also get to see more Marvel characters in their alternate versions. I am looking forward to more from this series and this alternative Marvel universe.

sailsgoboom's review against another edition

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lots of fun, cool aesthetic, good characters.

When I picked this up, I thought it was the first in the series -- it has a #1 on the side and there wasn't an indication of that there's a particular previous issue you're supposed to read -- but I felt out of depth the whole time, like I was thrown into the middle of a story I was already supposed to have context for. I wanted to get to know Gwen and her world, but it felt too spread out between various other not-Gwen characters who it seemed like I was supposed to already know more about than I did. I guess maybe I'll look up what I was supposed to read before this volume.

m_david's review against another edition

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I read this trade in one sitting! I enjoyed it more than the first, I feel as though the characters and plot lines are "settling" a lot better than they had previously. In the first trade it felt as though there was so much introductory ground to cover in this alternate universe that everything was rushed & plot-lines were speeding past at a million miles a minute!

Alternatively though, this trade felt a lot better. I liked the pacing, I LOVED the style & colours, & I'm constantly loving seeing characters from the main Marvel universe popping up in their own paradoxical way in this one (for example: Captain America!)

Great trade overall. Can't wait for the next in January!