
Pretty Sly by Elisa Ludwig

heather4994's review against another edition

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I received a copy of this novel for review from the author, so I really wanted to love this novel. And I really tried to love it. I did not love this novel. I did like it. But I wasn't dying to sit down and read it, keep me up late at night, that kind of read. And here is why (I think). The novel jumped all over the place trying to be two different types of novels and it never really married into one novel. At times Willa was in love with Aiden. Cow eyed, stars in the sky, head over heels in love with Aiden. Yes, it's insta love. But I believe when you're being chased by cops and thieves and the FBI and breaking all kinds of laws that it adds to a heightened sense of feelings. There could be no feelings at all between them when the story is over. There is just this desperation right now that Willa feels and Aiden and her had something kindling before the trouble in this book started. And then, Willa does a 180 and decides she can't trust Aiden because he has these secrets and he won't tell her what they are and she reads his text messages which puts her in a tizzy. Really, if you aren't prepared for what might be in the text message, DON'T READ IT!

I know this isn't my format I usually use but it just doesn't work for this review.

The other novel, in this novel, was the straight up mystery. Now that was a good story. I couldn't imagine why Willa's super protective mother would leave her alone at the age of 15. She was supposed to live with Cherise's family. But Cherise wasn't speaking to Willa. And did she ask Cherise's parents? Who does that?
Apparently Willa's mom. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Ludwig does a great job of leading Willa and Aiden (sometimes others) on a scavenger hunt for clues as to where to find Willa's mom. All, of course, while evading the police, homeowners who they "borrow" from and a very persistent FBI agent.
Oh and the bad guys. This was the story I loved. The clues, the near misses, the friends that helped at their own peril, the pain and suffering. Yes, Ludwig really abused Willa and Aiden. I could see them in their final destination looking for Willa's mom Joanne. Ludwig does a fine job painting the scenery for us.

And then Willa turns into the girl that can't decide if she's in love with Aiden or not. She becomes this whiny, ungrateful baby. Honestly I thought she was eight instead of fifteen. She became very unlikable at that point, which was almost the end of the story. But as I reflect back, I don't think I ever liked Willa that much. She's like a dog on a bone her focus is so intense trying to find her mother and everyone else's world becomes nonexistent to her. The things she whined about and the reasons she gave for disliking Aiden after liking him for so long, very childish. I realize she's fifteen, but on this adventure she needed to grow up and she didn't. Granted she had some rather shocking blows, but her ungratefulness just really took the cake. (Though she was only whiny and ungrateful for a very small portion of the novel and it was at the end, it finally made it click what my problem was, I don't like Willa.)

So despite suffering from multiple novel syndrome and unlikable main character, there is some great writing to be found in the novel. There is some light romance. Sometimes it's heavier, but it's always PG.
Some humor. A great mystery and the set up for the last book which will include the final mystery- just who is Willa Fox??

sarahonthecoast's review against another edition

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2.5 stars
Fast-paced and action packed; the literary equivalent of a summer popcorn flick. Readers who can suspend disbelief will enjoy going along for the ride. The book acts as a natural bridge between the first and final installments in the series. Fans of the first book will be happy to see the plot picked up right where it was left and will be on the edge of their seats to see how things work out for Willa and Aidan in the pending finale. While the plot of the first book (Willa acting as a modernized Robin Hood, stealing from her rich friends to buy clothes for the scholarship students at their ritzy private school) was flimsy and borderline silly, it’s clear that it was just training for the situations Willa would find herself in for book two. This time, her cause is closer to home, which leaves her decision making skills a bit more manic. Outside of the plot, nothing much else developed. The characters stayed flat and predictable and the two main characters continued to flirt while breaking into homes and speeding down the highway in hijacked cars. The mystery at the center of this story is just as over the top as the rest of the action, but this fluffy, quick read makes for enjoyable summer entertainment.

bekaaaah's review against another edition

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RATING: 4 out of 5 stars

In Pretty Crooked, we met fifteen-year-old Willa Fox as she stole from the rich kids and gave to the poor ones at Valley Prep high school. In this sequel, things have escalated beyond high school theft. Willa is now infamously known as the Sly Fox, with her own fans and paparazzi to boot. Not only has her life been thrust into the public’s eye, but her house has been ransacked and her mom has disappeared leaving only a mysterious note. Her friend/crush Aiden offers to help, and they end up both violating their probation and skipping town in hopes of finding her mother. Now on the lam, Willa soon realizes that not all is as it seems and they are in far more danger than she ever could of imagined.

Full of mystery, sweet teen romance, road trip adventures, and nail-biting suspense- Pretty Sly is a great sequel! I enjoyed it better than I did Pretty Crooked, because the events of the first book were really just leading up to what happens in this one. Things get way more interesting as Willa delves deeper into her past and learns more about herself and her family. The only thing that holds me back from loving these books is that the characters were simply too immature and petulant for me to like. That being said, I thought Aiden was the perfect partner-in-crime for Willa—cute, persistent, and up for anything. Willa was again hard to like, but I found her to at least be a little more tolerable than she was in the first book (probably because I sympathized with her more). I can’t really say a lot more without spoiling things, but I will say that this ending will surprise! I am definitely anticipating the next and final book in this trilogy.

Just as with the first, Pretty Sly was a fun quick read. If you’re looking for a lighter YA that will keep you guessing, then you should try this series! I look forward to getting my hands on book #3, Pretty Wanted.

See review on the blog:

Content Warning:
SpoilerThere is some profanity including d**n, g*d**n, he**, and sh*t. In one slightly suggestive scene two characters make out. Overall the story is about running from the law, with Willa and Aiden breaking into houses, stealing cars, etc.

leesuh's review against another edition

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These kids are dumb af

theartolater's review against another edition

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While I found Pretty Crooked to be pretty flawed, the setup of the book made it worth seeking the sequel out. On one hand, the book is an improvement over the first as the plot is more concise and there's a good deal of action. On the other, I still found it somewhat difficult to care about the proceedings on a whole, and that was kind of a stopper for me. The idea of the two teen fugitives becoming folk heroes was a fun diversion, however, so there is that. I don't think I'll be seeking out the conclusion, in any regard.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Man, this was a really great book! Different from the first, of course, but in more ways then a typical sequel, and yeah, enjoyed that a lot, and I can't wait for that last book!

abigailp's review

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I felt as if nothing important happened in this book because the endings of this book and that of the previous one are pretty much identical. PrettySly could easily be condensed into 40 pages or so and placed in the beginning of the next book.