
Only for Her Dragon by Julia Mills

angels_gp17's review

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~ 4 Only For Her Stars ~

(No Spoilers)

Only for Her Dragon is book six in the Dragon Guards series by Julia Mills. I enjoyed this book with its twists and turns, and one heck of a surprise.

What can I say only that we get some big surprises throughout the book. The story does wrap up and wow, just wow what an ending. The author focus on our leads Aaron and Charlie, so the plot takes secondary to them. I like that our couple have a little bit of a history and Charlie is so very open minded and takes everything in stride. She has an inner fire and strength that I like to see in a heroine. I loved that we learned about her heritage (Surprise!) Aaron well I’ve been waiting for him to fall since the first book. He has given each of his brethren a hard time when they found their mates. It was great to see his friends do the same to him. I like that the mating was different from previous installments and well I have enjoyed the weddings. Each are unique to the dragon and his mate. Only thing I really would have liked and hopeful the author will tell us some day is what makes Sydney the child so special?

Another fun insta-love read in the Dragon Guards series. If you enjoy dragons then I recommend giving this series a try. I look forward to return to this world!

Disclaimer: ARC provided by author via WLK Book Promotions with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


wilko's review

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Seriously every books seems to get better and better!

This time Sams best friend Charlie who is all facts based now has to try and work through the fact she saw a dragon and Sam was there, as well as others and they were not freaking out. Charlie decides to take time off work and finally talks to Sam and that's where all her level headed and fact based thinking starts to unravel and she has to deal with the fact that dragons exist and finally get the hint that She and Aaron are fated to be together. While dealing with this as well as her and Aaron wanting to work out about her birth marks on her back they must also try and finally bring Andrew down one way or the other.

Plenty of twist and turns, as well as OMG moments so get settled in and be prepared to not move until you finish the book!!

This is a voluntary review of an Advance Reader Copy.

The Assassin's Reading Reviewing Group.

jessicabush1982's review

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Loved it!♥♥♥♥♥

jlee76's review

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This book definitely deserved 5 stars! Charlie and Aaron’s story was not an easy road to happiness but the way there was quite the ride. The book introduces even more magical creatures. There is quite the reveal at the end. A great romance with plenty of action and passion. I would advise reading these books in order to get a full appreciation of the series.

red_enigma_94's review

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I have been enjoying this series. Aaron is the last of the guards to get his mate. He's only minutes older than his twin, Aiden, but to hear him tell it, he's the ultimate big brother! LOL! I liked the relationship between him and Charlie. Like the other mates, she's a bit feisty. Of course, I wanted to smack her for running off in a huff and shutting everyone out because they didn't reveal their "secrets" to her. Glad she finally came around. Most of this story did focus quite a lot on the traitor, Andrew, and I would have preferred a lot more interaction between Aaron and Charlie. Like Anya in the story before this, there was also a strange surprise regarding Charlene's true heritage. Other than that, this story is intertwined with prophecies and revelations regarding the brother who seeks revenge, and still (ugh) trying to figure out little Syndey's gifts.

nikkisbooknook's review

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Aaron is the last single guy left in the dragon guards. He would tease and say how the mighty had falleb and that he had no intention of finding his mate. Well, the Universe can be a bit of witch, she will not be thwarted and she is never wrong!!!

Charlie, is a doctor and Sam's best friend. At the end of book 5 she saw Anya turn into a green dragon and she slightly freaked out!!!! She ran off and remained incommunicado for days, even from Sam. Charlie is a strong, independent woman but a stonking great dragon may be her limit of stuff to handle. But Charlie has her own secrets..what are the strange markings on her back? Why does she mindpseak with Aaron so well and so fast?

Andrew is still being an asshat. He's been injured and is in hiding. They are closing in on his location and I can't wait till he gets his comeuppance!!!! We find out more of his backstory and I keep swinging from hoping he'll get his just desserts and hoping he'll somehow find redemption!

Another great story and I loved the cameo characters that pop up now and then. I loved Lennox, he has a total "Italian job" type moment which had me laughing out loud!!!

Loving this series so much and waiting for the next in the series with bated breath!!!!!!!