
The Black Monday Murders, Volume 1 by Jonathan Hickman

elturko64's review

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Incredible. Imagine a wall street book filled with pagan black magic and cannibalism wrapped in a murder mystery. Hickman truly made a unique book that should be getting more buzz. The story is brimming with sinister tones and has a certain dread that goes through every page. That being said the plot itself is its downfall. It's too complex and purposely convoluted making it difficult to keep up with the weaving characters and side stories. Still, this book is phenomenal and its a beast worth reading.

drowsyreaper's review

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4.5 stars

One of my managers thought I'd like this and damn him, he was right. Bloody, arcane, and supported by enough financial and world history to make you go "what if?". The art is concise and brutal, the characters are *interestingly* despicable, and the greater world that's being built up, with the different financial schools, is something I'd love to see more of.

All in all, lots soap opera-like drama, what with all the scheming and secrets and vengeance, but with way more cannibalism. It's been added to the :"buy for personal collection" list.

sqwaytalqs's review

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I cannot describe how much I loved this. It's dark and powerful, with just the right amount of mystery to keep you guessing. I can't wait to get my hands on the next volume.

sapphicfire's review

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This was suggested to me for quite a while. Having read it, I have nothing good to say about the purchase other than I supported my local comic shop. The antisemitism is beyond disgusting. How it ever made it past editors and approved by Image is beyond me. If you're seeking better conspiracy theory content, from the same publisher, I'd suggest The Department of Truth. It even tackles the kind of antisemitic conspiracy theories that plagued this comic.

samspykerman's review

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This is what we call in the biz a ‘thinkie’. Hard to follow at first, then it it all redeemed. Completely dark and devilishly twisted; I loved it

cosmicwillow's review

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3.5. I'm interested in the story, despite it not being fully flushed out in over 200 pages. That makes it out to be a promising world though, with effective building. I'm not itching to pick up the next volume but I will eventually.

ravenousbibliophile's review

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The disciples of Mammon certainly put the 'Mon' in both Money and Monsters

For those that enjoy a heady dose of occult along with a good murder/mystery, they need look no further than this Graphic Novel. The Black Monday Murders combines the masterful story-telling of Jonathan Hickman along with the graphic and haunting art of Tomm Coker.

The story in more ways than one is about the manifestation of power and money, and not just power and money but also the people who wield power and money. I'm pretty sure that a great many number of times someone you know must've said something like "These rich folks'll suck you dry." well, the Hickman's taken them at their word and he's given you rich people (obscenely rich people) as creatures who maintain their power, wealth and influence through the ages by a systematic (albeit somewhat complicated) use of human sacrifices, which are made to their god Mammon.

One might argue (and rightly so), that the plot gets rather convoluted. However, this is only Volume 1 and as a Volume 1 it does an excellent job for setting the stage for Volume 2. Along the way, there are several pages that give a detailed and graphic explanation as to where the characters are coming from, and what their possible motivations are/can be. Thus, pay attention to every syllable written because you'll need it all to make sense of what's going on. I cannot wait for the release of Volume 2 and I am thankful that the expected release is sometime in this month.

shirohige's review

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Con una trama sumamente enrevesada que entremezcla los vaivenes de la bolsa de comercio desde los años veinte a la actualidad, más un claro componente de magia negra, Black Monday Murders es una serie que tiene todas las virtudes y defectos de Hickman: una trama que avanza lento pero con un plan que estallará en el mediano plazo; y como siempre es una promesa de calidad mas menos acertada.

Estos juegos de poder le quedan sumamente bien a Hickman ( cof cof [book:East of West: The Apocalypse, Year One|25402964]) y probablemente se siga expandiendo el mundo así como se vaya adentrando en el gran abanico de personajes que maneja hasta el momento.

lauren_powerup's review

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Umm, this is a horribly anti-semitic story. I was horrified by how many anti-semitic tropes litter its pages. And I am a bit taken aback that other reviewers missed this completely.

crowyhead's review

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Great art, and I really like the concept. I found the double-crossing really hard to follow, though. Maybe all will become clear later.