
Burn by Brooke Cumberland

mike_bolter's review

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I’m doing things backwards, but I actually haven’t read the first book to this series yet! This is even my first book from Brooke Cumberland as well! I know, right!? That being said, aside from a little bit in the beginning where I thought Velaney was having a little ‘I know what you did last summer’ moment I really didn’t feel very lost in the story. Although they weren’t in a place emotionally together that I would have expected for a book two.

A quote from Velaney really sums up sooo many moments in this story. "What the hell just happened?"

This book runs the whole gamut between scorching sexy and a crazy emotional wreck in an almost classic soap opera style. Seriously, I’m a Days of our Lives fan, and you could play this story line in it’s place for a few months and people probably would only notice that the sex scenes were hotter!

Some of the medical stuff seemed a little off and flat to me, and I’m confident that everyone needs to be stuck in the Dr. Phil family house, but all in all it was a really good book and I can’t wait to read the first one and find out how it all started!

kath12's review

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I received this book for an honest review.
(3.5 Stars)

I am really on the fence when it comes to this book. I had such high hopes for it after reading the first one. This one just, just kind of lost it somewhere along the way.

It pretty much started off right where Spark left off at. On the plane where Laney thinks she imagined seeing Aiden. And even though she believes she sees him a couple of more times, she never says anything. Just keeps it to herself. I would of been singing like a canary, hallucinations or not. I would of blabbed to everybody and their momma. Laney completely took me by surprise in this book, she was not at all like I thought she was. I am not sure what happened to that strong feisty woman from Spark. I honestly grew to very much dislike her in this one. And I hated that. The stuff she did was just immature and selfish. Throughout most of the book she came off as completely selfish. She would claim she was doing these hurtful things to protect Eric from getting hurt. But the whole time that is exactly what she did. I just don't see how Eric could stay with her after some of what she did. The lies and the deceit were just a little to much for me. And don't get me wrong but I love me some sweet ol country boys but I do believe Laney may have cut Eric's balls off in his sleep. What happened to him? He just completely changed to. This utter devotion he had for Laney was a little unhealthy at times. I don't understand how he just always seemed to take the blame for a lot of things that weren't even his fault. Jeez Eric, you will need those things to survive in life. Grr these two just failed for me this time.

So for once I actually enjoyed the story way more than the characters. This book was constantly on the go and it always had me questioning what was going to happen next. I just couldn't wait to see what was going to be thrown in to mess up their happy moment. You knew it was going to happen and I just craved it. I really wish though that you would of found out a little more about what happened to Laney's family. Did her Dad lose it? Is her Mom still the perfect pastor? It kind of left me empty not knowing. I also wanted to say that I wish what had happened to Aiden would of been a little more graphic. I mean there seemed to be no problem in describing some of the disgusting things he did to Laney but his deal was just, poof, over and done with. I wanted more lol. Yeah I am a little evil. But just because the characters lost my faith, I still really did enjoy the tale of these two damaged souls and I loved how it all ended up. Sappy balloons and all.

My song for this book: Until It Hurts by Fransisca Hall

booksabrewin's review

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Naturally after reading Spark and finding it so riveting I had to read the next book in the series. Spark does tend to leave off on a cliffhanger so I had to know what happened next. I devoured Burn in the matter of a single day.

Velaney is on her way to meet Eric's family for the first time in the great state of Texas. She has managed to win him back despite the ups and downs of their relationship to date. However, despite Velaney's confidence that her past will not rear it's ugly head to she starts to see Aiden everywhere she turns. She has to be hallucinating, right? There is no way that Aiden followed her all the way to Texas just to keep tabs on her and Eric. While in Texas, Velaney gets to see how a normal family functions and she starts to wonder what it would have been like to have what Eric grew up knowing. But little does she know that Eric's life was not as picture perfect as she thought it was. Eric has demons and they start to threaten his relationship with Velaney much the same as Velaney's did.

Velaney must once again find a way to combat an unusual amount of heartbreak while still keeping Eric, her savior, close at hand. But what if Eric is simply staying with her out of duty and not because he actually wants to be with her and her abundance of emotional baggage? Velaney once again has to deal with her insecurities or risk losing Eric forever.

Burn had twice as many pitfalls for our protagonists as the first book. It got to the point where I was screaming at my iPad. "how much more are you going to throw at the poor girl, Brooke?!" It got to the point where it was almost painful to watch how much horrible situations could be heaped upon Velaney. To avoid spoilers I won't go into details about what those situations are but let's just say if you can dream up a situation you would never want to experience, Velaney went through it. Then, of course, add to the mix Eric having his own issues that weren't addressed in the first book.

I ugly cried to most of the book. I am not ashamed to admit it. It usually takes quite a bit for me to sob when reading a book, this one did it. It sucked me in, put me through a meat grinder, and spat me out the other side feeling a bit scarred just from witnessing such horrors through a fictional character's eyes... I loved it. I loved having Valaney and Eric get so far under my skin that I felt beaten and bloody at the end of the book. It's not everyday that an author can make their characters that real to their readers. I applaud you, Brooke!

Burn is life changing and will make it's readers truly appreciate the strength it takes to overcome the odds to find their happy ending.

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paddlefoot55's review

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4.5 stars

Review - ARC received for honest review

Burn sarts off right where Spark ended, so make sure you read Spark first. And wow, what a way to continue Eric and Velaney's story.

Eric and Velaney have been through a lot to get where they are today - on a plane for Velaney to meet Eric's family. Velaney has never had the great family upbringing, so she is scared about this meeting.

Spark was a book full of relationship ups and downs, but Burn is an emotional rollercoaster from beginning to end.

Velaney has made some difficult decisions regarding her family in the past, but now they are coming back to haunt her. Her childhood and teen years were miserable and now she thought she was rid of them for good.

Ugh what a family she has. As bad as her brother Aidan is (and boy, is he bad), her parents are worse. I have never despised characters in a book as much as I do them. I just want to throw something sharp at their heads hard!

Velaney has grown so much since the start of Spark, however her family can bring her right back to her teen years.

I love how Eric tries to protect Velaney from her family - and herself. He loves her so much, warts and all, and it kills him to see her putting herself through what she does.

In Burn we get a lot more of Eric's POV. He is such a beauitful man, a beautiful human being. He is always there for Velaney, now matter how much she pushes him away - and she does do that a LOT (seriously girl if you don't want him, ther,e's a queue forming behind me for him!!!).

We also learn a lot more about Eric's past, and the things that brought him to this point in his life. We find out the tragedy that drives him.

As much as I despised Velaney's family, I LOOOOOVE Eric's. His crazy female cousins are like the sisters we all want, and his male cousins - well, that is something different all together.

Burn is full of twists and turns, some a lot more unexpected than others.

And then there is Velaney's best friend Carissa. She is a hard as she is sweet. She will defend you to the end of the world if you are being wronged, but will not hold back if you are being stupid or making the wrong decisions.

I am really looking forward to reading more of Carissa's story in book 3, Flame.

Brooke Cumberland hasn't failed me yet, and is again on a winner with Burn.

aflv_reads's review

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Given by the author for an honest review for her Burn Blog Tour

What an amazing book and a perfect ending to Vel and Eric's story...
It's one of the most unpredictable and fascinating book series I have ever read!
You never know what is going to happen,how the characters are going to react...

That's the one word that can fully describe the series..Utterly Captivating..

>>Velaney shows her real self in this book..She is a fierce woman,who believes in God, and she will do the right thing..Even if it regards a sick and poor excuse of a person...Personally,I would have let him die..The more painful the better...Oh boy..I do sound like a bloodthirsty vindictive woman,don't I?..Well,Velaney is truelly an angel..I don't even know how she found the strength and the courage to do what she did..And then..When she does do the right thing,she gets punished for it..I was so angry when that happened..Because that can happen in real life,as well..You are the good person AND get screwed over..It happens one too many times,I'm afraid..
Velaney is one hell of a woman..A fierce angelic warrior..

>>Eric's emotions are on a rollcoaster in this book..I can't say that I blame him..If I were him,I wouldn't understand Velaney's decision either..But he comes around..What I didn't expect is his purre devotion to Velaney..Yes I know that he is crazy in love with her and would do everything for her..But he didn't even blink,when Vel explained how the umm...tragedy happened...He was just standing there full on supportive mode..He was there for her,when she didn't want anyone,when she wasn't there for herself..I have never seen anything like it..It makes me dream that there are men out there..Men like Eric,who will stand up for the woman they love..
Eric is the very definition of a real man..

I won't comment on Vel's biological family..They are really a disgrace to humanity..When I read about characters such as these,I can't help but wonder "Are there really beings like that out there?Parents who won't protect their own child?Parents who will allow sexual abuse under their roof?"..And then I think "Yes there are..."..My heart really breaks for all the victims out there,who are betrayed by their friends and family..I'll just leave it at that..

The Spark Series is more than a lovestory of 2 damaged people..I can't say that they change throughout the books..They simply move on..Together...

Spark and Burn are 2 very emotional and deep books,that speak the truth..They are fictional,but Velaney is certainly some woman in the world,who has lived the same pain..Eris is a man,who has lost friends and a baby,who has loved a woman more than anything..Carissa,a commitment-phobe fearless girl,who has survived an awful childhood..The characters are real..Their story could be real..And that's the bless and curse of the series..It gives you the truth;yet the truth can be ugly..But the truth can also be blindly beautiful..

Captivating.One of a Kind.You're missing something,if you don't read it.

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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Velaney and Eric's journey continues with more interaction with family from both sides. We learn more about Aiden and who he is, what he is about, how he fits into the story, and what he is to Velaney. We learn about Eric's demons and the struggles that he is dealing with while trying to love and support Velaney with all that he is. How he lost his faith and why his love for Velaney is so strong. This book also has a story appearance of Carissa who is Velaney's super sassy best friend that has seen her through all of her hard times present and past.

Such a beautiful and inspiring read!!!

This specific video review

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thefox22's review

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*I received a copy of this from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Spark was an enjoyable read that brought us Velaney and Eric, two main characters who never understood what love really meant until they found each other. The healing that Velaney went through was amazing to watch unfold. The way she stood up to her past, the way she opened up to Eric. She's a strong person, and now she's found a reason to be happy. A reason to want to wake up in a man's arms. And that reason is Eric.

In Spark, we don't know much about him. The first book was really about Velaney and her journey of healing. Eric is just the guy who helped her through it and made her start to believe in happily-ever-after. But it's clear that there's more to Eric than meets the eye. It's clear that he has demons, too. Demons that still haunt him to this day.
Demons. We all have them, right? But how do you live with them? Or better yet, how do you get over them so you can continue to move forward?
But Eric hasn't tried to move forward yet, and he doesn't know how to let go of his past and the pain he's kept buried inside. Velaney is there to help him, although she's still battling demons of her own. After the surgery, she thought she'd moved on. She thought she'd never have to see her family again. But when tragedy strikes, it brings everything back. The pain. The misery. The anger. And Velaney does the one thing she's always done; run away. She runs away from the people who love her the most. While staying with her aunt, Velaney has time to ponder her choices in life.
"Just make sure that whatever you're running away from, is exactly what you need right now to heal. Don't run away because you think it'll be too painful for others. But don't stay just because you feel you have to." -Velaney's aunt
With time away from everything, Velaney realizes that she needs to go back to Boston and face Eric. Because she's been keeping secrets, and he needs to know them. And it's also because she didn't mean anything she said in that letter. He's her forever, the only man she'll ever want. He's showed her what unconditional love looks like, and she wants that. She just has trust issues. And she and Eric both let bad things tear them to shreds. But moving on is a part of life.
"How would we appreciate the good if nothing bad happened? How would we learn from our mistakes if everything worked out perfectly? That's not the whole point to life, Eric. We live and learn...we suffer...we love...we live. It's a matter of how we adjust to what is thrown our way." -Velaney
If only they both would take that advice. At times, I wanted to smack the shit out of Velaney for her choices regarding Eric, and at other times, I just wanted to give her a big hug. She has had a lot of bad things happen to her, but she's strong. It takes her a long time to realize her self-worth, and that she deserves happiness. Both of these characters do. But because of all the shit that's happened to them, they don't take the time to appreciate the good because they're so sure it'll all be taken away.

Through the tears, heartache, and pain, Velaney and Eric realize that what they have is something to be cherished. The kind of love that people should revel in. With the help of amazing family and friends, they don't lose sight of that realization. Their journey to finding each other was so, so worth it.

I really liked this book, and I enjoyed watching the developing relationship between Velaney and Eric grow into something much stronger, and that burns brighter, than anything they've ever felt before. And I'm so looking forward to reading Carissa's story. :)


This book needs to be better edited. Honestly, it's a huge reason why this is only getting 4 stars from me. Also, there's so much drama and so many things going on that it sometimes seems like TOO much.