michaelrohmann's review

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3.5 stars

I really liked this volume as the start of a series. The pacing was great and the action scenes were entertaining. The main issue I had with this volume is one that I have with a lot of graphic novels with female leads. I dislike how they made Starfire a little more than a glorified sex object with a temper and power to back it up. Other than that it was great. Can't wait to continue the series.

frantic_vampire's review

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I’ve been wanting to get into RHATO for a while and I’m pretty much hooked now! Jason is my second favorite of the Batboys and this made me love him just a little more. Sure he acts all tough and shit, but that’s not all there is to his personality. He’s just a big bundle of rage with a soft center. He’s got his heart set on vengeance but he also has a very strong sense of justice and he genuinely wants to make a difference. Maybe not in the same what that Batman does, but he gets his message across all the same.

Another thing, this volume is absolutely gorgeous. The illustrator, Kenneth Rocafort, did such a great job with everything in this volume. I really loved the way he drew the characters and the scenery is just so amazingly lush. Honestly, this story is really good too. I love how Jay and Roy interact (Jay’s comment about Roy being a stage three clinger was priceless). They kind of squabble like an old married couple and I don’t know how Kori puts up with them most of the time. One of the other things that I really liked about this story is how they are helping each other to heal from their pasts. They’re bonding and building a home.

I loved this book and all that it brings to the DCU. Honestly I don’t really care if people hate on the New 52 retcon’d timeline (that may change when I get to the Teen Titans storylines, but for now, whatever), this series is awesome so far. I’m giving this one a full five stars.

kashila's review

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This one... I have a lot to say. Might have some spoilers.
First of all, I loved the characters. All of them. Yes, Starfire too (maybe because it's the first time I read anything with her). They are nice and funny and they have nice stories. NOW, the problem is the writing itself. Lobdell's writing is pretty bad at times, ok at others and overall just passable.
To be honest, the huge problem, character and plot wise is the outstanding sexism. Yes, sexism. We have a Starfire with so, so much potential (that's why I liked her) but written very poorly in every way. The sexism thing wouldn't be so striking if it wasn't for the art —starting by the ridiculously revealing outfit and following with every full-body panel. But anyway, you have that she rarely speaks/narrates compared to her mates, issue 1 has her talk about five lines and then proceed to have sex with Roy, her story is actually not very explained overall, they have a super powerful alien "losing" battles she should have won and we could go on and on. The thing that makes me anvry about it is the fact that Starfire's "freedom" is constantly stated as something very important to her. If only she had had other writers... Sexism doesn't go just for Starfire. I would like to mention that blonde flight attendant as my exhibit B: she goes there in a oversexualized outfit, gives a "sexy pose" or two, gives Jason her number and later appears only to have an excuse to show her wearing a bikini. Yeah!
Now let's go to other stuff. I started reading the series because I wanted to know a little more about Jason and thought this was the easiest way. Yes, he is obviously the main-main character. I liked him and his design, though I wish they would have gotten deeper into some things.
Roy was my articular discovery. I honestly fell in love with him, something I didn't expect at all. And I liked his character design as well!
All three characters have great chemistry and make a curious team. That was the best part about the whole thing.
I already commented about the artwork. Overall, it's pretty nice, except when it comes to female characters, that Rocafort makes look more like some pin-up sex dolls than any other thing.
The storyline... It was pretty "meh". At first it was quite confusing, then in the end it was nothing. It's like they tried taking too much and clearly failed. I didn't enjoy too much the whole thing about the Untitled. Even with this, I found the series somewhat very catchy, kind of addictive too.
I'll admit it: objectively, it is not a //good// comic book. It is ok at best. But it was a nice, entertaining read for me. I had lots of fun and I hugely enjoyed the characters, and though the bit of romance was mostly out of place, it was somehow well carried.

radclyffe_uhaul's review

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It was as bad as I expected (still gets one star for the terrible treatment of Starfire). I'll keep reading because I can get it for free from the library but it's not a book I would pay for for a number of reasons. The All-Caste seems like it could be interesting.

seawarrior's review

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I'm honestly not sure why I bothered reading to the end of this trade. The entire story was convoluted and confusing and finishing it was hardly worth my time.

I haven't read any comics with these characters previously, and unfortunately these issues have not urged me to seek out more content in which they're involved. Although Jason was the main protagonist his characterization was overwhelmingly shallow, Roy was just barely endearing and the way Kori was written was such an atrocity I don't even have the energy to explain all the reasons why.

Respect yourself and don't attempt to start this series. Now that the entire DC Universe has been rebooted there is absolutely no point in suffering through each page.

thebookishbabbler's review

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This comic is such a great start to the red hood series. The quirky humor and fast paced action is befitting one of the (in my opinion) best characters in the dc universe. Also...the illustrations are spot on and add a fun, yet dark tone to this series. Totally recommend.