
The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward

scallywag316's review against another edition

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Not my usual cuppa, therefore read with no expectations. 3.5 rating as the book is a will they won’t they, some Bourdon (yum), family drama all with southern charm. My interest is piqued enough to read the next in the series.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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4-4.5 Cocktails

A lot happens in this book, but in typical JR Ward fashion, I was hooked until the very last page. Full review to come.

chynashalfbooked's review against another edition

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Was not a fan of this book. I only got through it because it was an audiobook. Don't think if I was reading a physical book I wouldn't have made it through chapter 2.

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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As a JR Ward fan I was looking forward to her newest series. I've read her Black Dagger Brotherhood (which I'm slightly obsessed with) and Fallen Angels series as well as some of the contemporary Harlequin novels she published under the name Jessica Bird. I was hoping her newest Bourbon Kings series was going to combine my favourite things - family sagas, romance and tall dark handsome men cloaked in secrets and danger.

The Bourbon Kings is a great example of me disliking the novel but being incredibly anxious and excited to read the rest of the series. Why? Because there is so much promise.

This first book sets the scene of the Bradford family, rich and privileged heirs to their ancestral alcohol dynasty. But we join the scene just in time to see things aren't as prestigious or as glamorous as they appear on the surface...

There is a great family saga being set up. We get introduced to all the main players and a glimpse of what the future may hold. But in many ways I didn't feel like I got to see any of them enough to fully care about any of the characters.

SpoilerLane, one of the Bradford sons, returns home after two years playing poker and couch surfing in New York. He's never worked a day in his life and seems to resent his wife for indulging herself in the same lifestyle as he does. But we know the wife is bad news because highly educated horticulturist and floral arranger extraordinaire Lizzie and Lane have a history. And despite it ending badly (well they said it ended badly. Seemed to be a bit of a storm in a teacup with neither party really trying to salvage their relationship. But I digress) neither has moved on.

It's true love guys!

Their relationship seemed to take up more of the novel than any other part of the story. And to be honest I wasn't feeling it. For someone who was irreparably hurt by Lane, Lizzie let him back into her heart (and her bed) rather quickly. And to be completely honest I'm not quite sure what she saw in him. Sure there's some history and nostalgia from two summers ago going on. But Lizzie is a smart, competent woman. She's independent and driven. Then there's Lane - he's got zero ambition except to see if he can internally pickle his liver before he's forty. I can hardly imagine he's physically at his best when they meet up again and nothing has really changed from when they broke up to the present day. Lizzie is remarkably quick to think the worst and Lane just seems to have zero pizzazz to him. One of the nicest things about Lane is how he treats his surrogate mother. As for his biological mother? I sort of got the feeling there was a bit of a Mrs Rochester from Jane Eyre, crazy lady in the attic, vibe about that whole situation. She's not physically present and I wonder if anyone has seen her in years.

Moving on. Then there's the oldest Bradford child, Edward. He's the one with all the ambition and drive - handsome, charismatic, Edward was a man who excelled in business and his personal life. He had it all. And then two years ago he was involved in an incident in South America which ended his life as he knew it. Now he's hiding out, a shadow of the man he used to be, self medicating with whatever alcohol he can find and limiting his social engagements to horses and whores. Of the siblings, Edward's was the story I enjoyed the most. I really want to see how things work out for him and if they ever get to the bottom of just what happened on that international trip two years ago. I loved the chemistry he had with Sutton - it was the best part of the novel! But I had a hard time working out just how crippled he was... sometimes he seemed almost agile and other times he seemed completely disabled.

Gin wasn't my favourite either. In many ways she's just like Lane. She is happy to live off the family's money yet has problems when Daddy wants her to clean up her act. She's been acting out since she was a teenager playing power games with men and always wanting to have control. Her teenager daughter doesn't want a bar of her and Gin doesn't seem to want to change the her lifestyle in the slightest. There was interesting parts to Gin's story. I loved the banter and tension between her and the family's lawyer (Samuel T is my favourite character in the novel). But overall I found Gin to be a petulant little girl who was stuck at the maturity of a teenager. And with this character, JR Ward excelled herself in name dropping brands. They rich y'all - Gin wears Loubouts. Ok?

Beyond the personal issues the Bradford siblings have (oh there's another sibling too but he's off screen to the point where for most of the novel I wasn't sure if he was alive or just estranged) there is a deeper problem for them to face. Daddy dearest is up to something - and it's bad. He's sold his daughter off to the highest bidder and impregnated his daughter in law. The man is classy with a capital K. Despite the death and disaster this novel offered - it just didn't feel as shocking as you want a good novel full of dark secrets and family drama to be. I wanted to be more invested in the characters and the plot but because most of the characters were entitled, unlikeable, whingers with alcohol problems - I just couldn't care about them or what they were going through.

But, like I said before, I do want to know what happens next. I feel like given some time the characters could grow backbones, grow up a little, and become really interesting and captivating people. I wanted to care more about Lane and Lizzie's relationship but it was a little too high drama with too little rationale. From the blurb of book two - I can't wait to see what's next for Edward. As for Gin? I want her to spill the secret regarding her daughter's paternity to the father and see what happens there. There's also the question of was the second death in the book murder and if so - who did it?!

For those reasons I'll definitely be reading on in this series. Also because it did take a few books for the Black Dagger Brotherhood to become the phenomenon it is now. Maybe all these characters need is a bit of space and pages to develop into the great southern family saga The Bourbon Kings has the potential to be.

areaian's review against another edition

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Not bad. Hope there is a 3rd book. I want to know what happens to Edward!

sandaleen's review against another edition

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I can't say I loved it but I couldn't put it down - evil people, ignorant people and good people - all in one house...I cannot imagine having a father like that!

hlizmarie's review against another edition

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I fell in love with Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood years ago but this is her second non-BDB series that I'm just not getting into. This is more of an overly dramatic Southern soap opera than her typical paranormal style. Lane Baldwine, filthy rich and gorgeously handsome of course, is forced back to his family's Kentucky estate when someone close to him becomes ill. Going back is the last thing he wants to do and once I meet the family I can't really blame him! His mother is an invalid, his father a complete bastard and his siblings all utter disasters. To top it off, the woman he loves and lost still works on his family's estate and hates him. Coming home turns out to be both better and far worse than he expected and his family begins unraveling right before his eyes.

There's simply too much here. Every single person has secrets and is covering up or lying about something. The characters are such stereotypes that I wanted to roll my eyes at times. Much like more recent BDB books I feel like there's a lot of good in the book but it's too cluttered. Too many people, points of view, story lines, and threads. There are some great moments of honest emotion and connection between certain characters that end up carrying the book through the low points but all in all it's more soap opera than real drama. If I return to the series it will be to follow Edward, the broken eldest son, rather than Lane, the main character.

kimberly_b's review against another edition

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If I had to describe this book in a single word it would be "melodramatic." Almost all of the characters were either stereotypical or obnoxious, and I can't say I cared about a single one of them. Ward's BDB series is WAY better than this. I definitely won't be reading any subsequent books in this series. If this book was a TV show, I wouldn't have finished the first episode.

anniii1711's review against another edition

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why did i enjoy this so much??? lol. of course it was full of cliché but omg it was so fun to read!

shellysbookcorner's review against another edition

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J.R. Ward has redeemed herself after her Fallen Angels Series. This book was so good, had so much drama, backstabbing, deceit, lies and betrayal. There are a lot of stories going on but each story held my attention. The ending was not what I expected!! If you get a chance check out the audio version of this book! The narrator was awesome!! I can't wait to see what happens in Angels' Share.

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