
Dangerous Creatures Target Special Edition by Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia

veeloucagraph's review against another edition

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a full moon was for making magic.
magic and memories.


I love the Beautiful Creatures series and hold it dear. The thing is, this book had little reason to exist.

Ridley's character is amazing and it makes up for a lot of this book. But see, I didn't need this. I didn't need to read more about how Ridley is conflicted about her power and love. It was clear already.

I think this book lacked in atmosphere, which is strange considering we had so many Dark Casters in it and magic talk. And I found it odd that for a book with so much spellbinding it seemed so un-magical.

I didn't like the choice of villains in this, they seemed so small. Lennox was supposedly a redeemable bad guy but I just didn't buy any of it. He seemed very sloppily written, one minute they hate him the next they cry for him..

The relationship between Link and Rid is realistically written though, which is something I liked. They are very different people and sadly they just can't compromise without one of them feeling like they don't belong.

I also liked the flashbacks to Ridley and Lena growing up.

As much as I love these characters I won't continue with the next one. Xx

kateleereads's review against another edition

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Me: Well, needless to say i had a Queen moment when I heard about this book. "Is this the real this just fantasy?" WHAT? Another series in the freaking amazing Caster world? YESSSS!!!

The Ups: It didn't disappoint. At ALL. These two authors just never cease to amaze me. It's not often that I enjoy a book written by two authors because I feel like the different styles become a weird jumbled unidentified mush.
But NOPE. Not these two. The Beautiful Creatures series was really enthralling, and I loved the world that went with it. The general idea though, was a little chaotic and so was the writing. One of those books you finish and go, "Wait, what just happened?"
But this book is purely delicious. I personally love Ridley Duchannes, even in the other books. I love her struggle to find her sense of secureness, sense of identity, and puts on a hard-to-read cover, but under it is still trying to find a way to express herself.
I also am fully infatuated with Link and Ridley's romance...even though I was rooting for Nox a little...and it's really cute to see them break out of their safe zone and risking it for each other.
I think the two authors did a really good job picking out the meat in every character, really identifying each of them and helping them find their voices.
My favorite character. LENNOX GATES. You know if there is a super hot guy, with a super depressing past, who will open himself up for a girl who wont love him....IM IN LOVEEE. The way he was always torn between his heart and his destiny, how he couldn't say his feelings but felt them immensely...Beauty. Good job Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl!
The sirens was also a very interesting concept-one of my favorite aspects of the book. And how Ridley was bare without the name "siren".

The Downs: Well what kind of sucks is that I think you should read the Beautiful Creatures series first. You wouldn't be able to understand most of the concepts, the creatures, the powers, or anything without reading the other ones. The other books are wonderful, though, and although they do take a little time (4 500 page books), you'll thoroughly enjoy them.
Well, I don't blame the authors though. This book was truly written for the former fans, and I dont think they could have done a better job.

Actual review:

amasbooks's review against another edition

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hspaulds's review against another edition

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I've been meaning to get around to reading this spin off series for ages! Gotta say, I missed these characters and this universe so much, loved the new characters and that ending???????????? I'm dead and/or dying.

gigiivid's review against another edition

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I read this because I needed a book to read on a train in Spain, and they had exactly 10 English books on sale and this was the only one that remotely interested me. I knew that I hadn't read the previous series and so I would be slow to catch on to things while reading the book, but in the end it wasn't really a problem. Maybe I missed some nuances, but overall I think it wasn't so complex as to need 4 previous books to explain itself.

This just felt short and rushed. There were so many conclusions jumped to and so much characterisation missing that I feel like it has been severely edited. If it were double the length, it would probably make two times more sense. Again, maybe I'm missing something from not having read the previous series, but the parts that I thought were rushed felt organic to this book.

I actually quite liked the main character, but the rest not so much. The boyfriend Link and Ridley did not have any chemistry, and when one character said "she treats you like shit" I felt like the real explanation was that they just....didn't really talk to each other or actually know each other. It felt the same for most characters in the book and in every interaction they had. Nox's obsession with Ridley was confusing and explained away with a one liner that still didn't really connect all the dots. Overall, the characterisation just wasn't great, and the plot was also very minimal and kind of just jumped from A to B.

However, I did enjoy some parts of it, I think it evoked a sense of place and style that some other authors struggle with. I would like to read the original series to see if it is any better, and if the characters still seem so....foreign to each other.

electraheart's review against another edition

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Despite Ridley and Link being my two least favorite characters in the entire series, I pushed through with a book dedicated entirely to them. Initially, the story sets off with the two of them arriving in New York, and this is an okay premise. Nothing strong, but tolerable. Of course there are mysterious, dangerous characters whose foreshadowing nearly puts you to sleep. It isn't long until Ridley's slut-shaming attitude strikes any girl who stands in a five-foot radius of Link, and this wouldn't be a book about Link without the god-awful lyrics about processed meat.

This was supposed to be a story about Ridley and Link, but instead it's more about them constantly fighting and breaking up only to get back together (which cued only a thousand eye rolls from me because that kind of couple irritates the hell out of me). Then halfway through the book, they fight for the hundredth time and Ridley completely abandons Link. In New York City. With Dark Casters he's known for a few days at most. When she knows he's in danger. I'm sorry, but what kind of relationship is that? Am I supposed to be charmed that Ridley runs off in the middle of the night and woos another man -which she swears is only to get to the bottom of whatever's going on- to save someone she pretends she doesn't care about? Is that what we're calling romance these days? Am I supposed to be rooting for this couple?

Relationship woes aside, this book fell flat for me about a quarter of the way through. I had no interest in finding out what Nox is really up to or the full story behind him, because the story has been done before. In the last book in the series. And the one before that. And the two before that one. I get the feeling the authors are milking this series and these flat characters for the sake of a) making money or b) trying to give their fans what they want instead of writing something they're truly invested in. And frankly, it's getting pretty boring.

bellisima's review against another edition

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I didn't enjoy the adventures of Ridley and Link as much as I loved the Beautiful Creatures books. That being said, it's still an enjoyable read, with fun new characters and a quick, interesting plot. I'm looking forward to the second book very much.

booksarethenewblack's review against another edition

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I was really disappointed with the ending of the Beautiful Creatures series. When I saw that they were doing a spin-off trilogy with Ridley, I was intrigued. She was my favorite from the BC series. I feel like she was a bad ass but deep down she just wanted to be loved. I think she finds that with Link. Even though, they kind of have a toxic relationship.

Anyway, I was a bit disappointed in this book. She didn't seem like the in control, crazy, bad ass Ridley, we know and love. She was struggling and not confident. I get they were trying to show her "softer" misunderstood side. It just felt a little forced. The little past episodes of when she was younger, felt a little out of place. I think the past memory with Nox, was definitely huge and important though.

I'm not sure how I feel about the authors adding another love interest. I'm a bit tired of all the teen books having love triangles. I do understand that his feelings for Ridley, save her and Link, at the moment. Although, couldn't it have just been from the goodness of his heart? I'm not sure how I like the fact that Abraham is STILL alive. Ugh, can't people just die and be dead? Sheesh!

I honestly never got a chance to get attached to the band mates in this book. How Link and Ridley felt for them at the end, I didn't. I don't think there was a good amount of time spent with them to form that kind of attachment. We really don't know much about them or their life story. I just felt like they were random people in the story.

I can't believe how they ended this book! A Car crash?! Really! That's a mean way to have a cliff hanger. Ah! If something happens to Link, I will be really disappointed. He's so good for Ridley and brings out the normal side in her. She just admits her feelings to him and something bad happens. I can't even imagine how this is going to a negative impact on her emotions. I guess, I'll just have to wait for the next book to find out.

Overall, it wasn't a bad book, just disappointing. I expected a lot more from this than I got. My fault. I should have known with how BC ended. I will be reading the next book to just see how what happens with that cliff hanger. I guess, they did do what they intended with it.

I really wish we could get a pre-quel with Macon and Lila. I feel like there's a lot there that I'd like to know!

annodl's review against another edition

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lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, this was a really great book! I enjoyed it so, so much, really great to have that quick look with all 6 of them together, before getting Link and Ridley off to New York, and the adventures caused because of the events of Dangerous Dreams! And that ending! Can't wait for to read book #2!