
The Last Vampire: Red Dice & Phantom by Christopher Pike

novelbloglover's review

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Book review

Title: the last vampire: red dice & phantom

Author: Christopher pike

Genre: horror/ vampire/ romance

Rating: ***

Review: Red Dice and Phantom are books three and four in a set of six. These instalments follow Sita, no longer the last remaining vampire, as she tries to save her vampire childe and stop the government from using their vampire DNA to create a new race of genetically enhanced people. Even though these books are part of a series, they also work as stand-alone stories. Enough detail is explained to understand the plot but some more background information about the secondary characters would have been helpful.

These books cause a slight problem for me. The fight sequences are awesome and could rival The Matrix in their actions but they are extremely violent, with graphic details of the dead bodies Sita leaves behind her. There are also blatant references to the sexuality and eroticism that lies behind the exchanging of blood between the vampires and the way in which Sita uses sex to control men.

As a nineteen-year-old man I love this; it fuels my imagination and makes my heart beat a little bit faster. But is it really suitable for a young teenager? These are definitely adult themes and if this book was turned into a film it would most definitely be rated an ā€˜18ā€™ (and I would be the first in line at the cinema to watch it) but Iā€™m not sure if this is entirely appropriate for its target audience.

However, unlike the themes in this book, the writing is perfect for young teenagers. It is not patronising in any way and it addresses important, contemporary issues without preaching. Covering subjects such as religion and cloning, it allows the readers to make up their own minds, forming their own opinions, even about Sita herself. Christopher Pike has created a frank, honest, well-developed character that has a detailed back-story (5000 years of it!) and, despite being so extraordinary, is incredibly realistic.

Sita accomplishes some tremendous, awe-inspiring feats of power and yet her actions are often despicable, feeling no remorse for the death and destruction she leaves in her wake. And yet you are never forced to like her. While you will be unable to put this book down, Sita is definitely a character that you could love to hate.

My only fault with this book is that it is often a little convenient. Instead of properly dealing with dilemmas that would normally make a writer stop and think, Pike relies a little too heavily on Sita. When Sita needs to fly somewhere, she suddenly reveals that she can fly helicopters. As a reader, I would prefer to see how an immortal five thousand year old vampire deals with these types of situations rather than feel as though the author has taken the easy way out.

Despite a couple of minor flaws, and perhaps a slight audience adjustment, this is a high octane, gripping novel. It is pure excitement, not cluttered with over-explained morals or ethics. The messages are there if the reader wants to see them, or they can choose instead to be marvelled by the fast-paced action and the witty dialogue. After a slow beginning, and some convenient solutions, the story becomes thrilling, tense and highly unpredictable, full of twists and turns. This is definitely the cure to the sweetness of Harry Potter and, if you stick with it and think you can handle it, I would certainly recommend it.

kerveros's review

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Red Dice

This entry earns two stars - it is on par with the previous book but has more of an interesting plot - it would get three on its own but the fact that Sita escapes at the end of the book thanks to a brand new power she gains just for this story (special snowflake/Mary Sue style) always made me roll my eyes so it gets knocked down a star.

This entry has one of my favourite scenes - the cell scene where Sita acts like a giant spider. For years that kind of imagery, of vampires as these creatures of the night that are the scariest things out there, remained with me... it's a shame that so few vampire novels use that aspect of their nature any more.


This is about as good as the first book, but I note on the re-reads that there is a lot more to these books than I picked up on when I first read them. The books were never subtle (
the last book involves time travel thanks to, if I recall, aliens.... Sita has numerous conversations with Krishna in some other realm where there is a spaceship??? Oh, and I'm pretty sure that Paula's child is either a re-incarnation of Krishna or Jesus or something along those lines
) but it looks like I still missed some things... I never really thought that Pikes books would be the type that you could get different things out of on re-reading (Master of Murder I certainly didn't) but it seems like I was wrong...

Kalika is an interesting character and I am glad that she gets a two book run as opposed to the other 'big bads' (Yaksha, Eddie and Arturo/General Havor)... I do wish we didn't say Ray again though...
