
Werelock Evolution: The Complete Trilogy by Hettie Ivers

fmcfranny's review

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The plot was interesting. It continued on at a brisk pace keeping the story going while still allowing for development. The story does not span very long yet it does not seem dragged out and is very well written. I am over the moon there is a second one. I shall have to buy it tomorrow first thing.
Alex is as much of an a-hole as his half brothers make him sound at the very beginning. Even in the end I wanted to punch his selfish butt unconscious. I get the leader of a pack has to be strong and protect the pack and so on but he really takes being evil to a whole new level despite not even being the bad guy....I don't think anyway.
I love Milena. She handles being a hostage in a way I feel most would. Trying to bond so as to get in good with her captors while at the same time rebelling to keep her independence. Its a delicate balance and throw fate and werewolf mating into the mix and its even more complicated than regular Stockholm syndrome. She handles it rather well. Or at least extremely bravely.
I like Alcaeus so much. He is an extremely interesting ex-alpha. He seems like it would be all play but he is actually very wise and kind. Despite seeming like a sex craved brute in the beginning. The power play between Alex and him is very interesting and I look forward to more in the next book.

If possible this book was even hotter than the one before. And I do not mean the sex....though that is true as well. No its just so damn sexy to learn more of all these males are Milena and hear their innermost thoughts and feel their emotions. It had me panting like I was the one in heat so I can only imagine how poor Milena survived! And if you cannot tell how much I love the characters by me referring to them as real people all I can say is dont be dense. I understand Alex a lot better now and damn I hate him being an underdog because I always feel for them. But he isnt the only one. This book made me fall even more in love with Kai than I was before. The sweet doctor and the sexy inside. Now I am kinda hoping she just gets the full on harem of hunks to do with as she will.....It would be so hot. I know because of the shower scene and there were only two guys there (so so so gotta read this scene trust me)
The plot also added a few more twists, as if their lives were not complicated enough....I am astounded and amazed the author is able to understand her own characters! the family trees and vendettas and so on. I would need chart....or five. Hettie Ivers can be nothing short of a miracle working genius set out to bring the sex of the 60's back into the world.
Also now I need to read the novella to find out about Lupe and her wonderful wonderful way of handling the pack males.
My only problem is I feel bad for everyone because everyone got the damn short stick in life, this supernatural existence is not an easy one, and it makes it hard to anyone including whoever the damn bad guy is at the moment! Damn my getting attached to not real people!

HOT HOT HOT!!! They have all been erotic and hot but this was the most epically erotica one! The journey continues with pack wars threatening, the blood curse on Milena and her working on controlling her new powers. It is a heck of a ride and a hot one at that. I don’t want to say to much and ruin it but prepare for needing a cold shower and fan!

gypsydawn's review

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3.5 rounded up

I have so many thoughts on this collection, most of them mixed. On one hand, the world building and mythology of combining warlocks and werewolves is fascinating, on the other hand - the FMC, Malina, annoyed me far more than she appealed to me. Perhaps I am used to reading PNR’s and UF’s that feature strong female leads who kick @ss and make no apologies, but Malina just came across as weak and feeble.... wushu washy in, as they say here, a Pollyanish type way. There were redeeming qualities, sure, ones that drove the plot forward - her pure heart, forgiving nature, etc. - but most just felt immature, forced and vapid. Honestly, I enjoyed the periphery characters far more than the main ones, especially Kai. Oh, and the Springer’esque interactions of the pack? THAT forgives most faults the FMC brought to the table, it’s funny and prime. Worth reading just for that alone.

bobosbookbank's review

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**I previously reviewed each of these books are some snippets of each review!**

"Hettie Ivers is a new author for me and I'm ecstatic that I picked this book up! The story drew me in from the first paragraph and I found myself reading way into the night. Milena (human) travels to Brazil to find her brother. Instead, she finds herself in the middle of a pack of hot, domineering werelocks and the main Alpha, Alex, insists that Milena is his mate. There's so much detail and character development in this story, I really could picture myself in Alex's mansion!"

"Right after finishing book one, I plowed right through book two! It just gets better and better! The world of werewolves and mystic that Hettie Ivers created is simply fantastical, magical and spellbinding. Book two definitely has more hot, steamy sex scenes, a bit of suspense and a dash of humor. Plus, I adored the secondary characters that managed to enhance an already amazing story."

"It was so good, I couldn't put it down! I was racing to finish it but sad when it ended. Book #3 was definitely the hottest of the three. Despite their differences and their rocky (under statement) past, it's so obvious how Milena and Alex compliment each other. They're like peanut butter and jelly...they just GO TOGETHER! Plus there's so many twists and turns! Again, the secondary characters support the storyline perfectly, they provide even more drama and humor. Not to mention, the various subplots that set us up for more wonderful creations from this world! (Please?!?) I've already added this series to my READ AGAIN e-shelf and can't wait for more werelocks! Entirely told from Milena's POV with a happy for now ending!"

bookishshani_k's review

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Before I give my full review, I have to say that this series is my all time favorite one. Hettie has become my favorite author quickly and I can so appreciate her very creative story telling. Expect the unexpected and enjoy!

Slip of Fate

Slip of Fate follows the journey of Milena as she makes the decision to find her brother. She has lost her mother and is all alone in the world. The one connection she has is to Raul. If she can find him, then maybe she can find some sort of order in her life again. Maybe she can feel stronger over all. Right off the bat, Hettie leads us into the turmoil. Milena is kidnapped at the airport when she lands in South America. Scared and confused, she has no idea what it is that she’s done or why. Her kidnappers take her to somewhere and inform her she’s going to be a trade off for the live of another. She figures that pretty much, this is it? This is the end of her life and how can she possibly survive anything more? She had been assaulted in more than one way just in the drive from one destination to another.

But now, her path is altered and she finds conflicting emotions of calm, fear, peace, lust and anger. Who can she trust? Can she trust the two men and woman who say that she can’t be handed over to Alex because of her brother? She asks all these questions and she can’t get a clear answer. As the arguments about her status ensue, she meets Alex for the first time. It’s a meeting that sets the precedence of the rest of the book.

Fear the Heart:

The story picks right up where Hettie left us hanging at the end of book 1. Thank heavens she did! Milena has had a rough few months. She has lost everyone she loves, dealt with more responsibility than any other 18 year old she knows and thrown into the fire so to speak after making a long journey to find her brother. But instead of some things getting easier, they go in quite opposite directions!

She’s finding out the truth about her brother Raul and where he has been all of these years. The fact that he was involved with the very man she loves/likes/hates makes it all even more confusing. My heart hurt for her as she is smacked in the heart with the truth of where she comes from and who she truly is. There is no reaction time that sets in. She has to take it and sort it later as chaos is going to flood through their paths. In this case they better be wearing hip waders to stay dry!

Since Alcaeus has been around forever and a day, he’s able to tell the stories of his family history and where he had met the Salvatella Pack long before. But of course with Alcaeus, it’s a grand production! I mean, he is so theatrical and all. Of course that feeds another river of chaos and another and another….

Milena struggles to come to terms with all this information. How can any of this be true? She feels betrayed by the people whom she thought loved her. Instead she’s not sure who to trust or where to turn. The one person she does trust is Lupe. Lupe can offer her insight where the others can. I LOVE Lupe! She’s a part of the story as it goes on and one that is sure to be amazing.

Revenge of the Wronged:

If you’ve read the previous books you’re well aware of whirlwind of emotions that has plagued both characters. They’re sometimes volatile interactions lead to them giving into what they both realize is a deep love and even devotion. With that though comes the raw reality of what darkness they face. The blood curse that has brought them to their fated paths threatens to explode and take everything and everyone that stands in the way. Who will make it through the storm and who will fall for good?

Alex has to be the strong one. He has to be the leader that everybody expects him to be. His Alpha status has always resonated in his attitude being a bit peckish and not the most tolerable. After all he has no qualms about ending the lives of those who set to damage his pack. A man with little to no weakness’ now does what nobody expected him to EVER do. He has given into his love and adoration for Milena. He realizes now that his fate was sealed upon their first tumultuous meeting. Now that he’s given into the fate, his feelings and his wolf, he’ll do whatever takes to keep her safe. Even if that means keeping her away from the only family member she has left. With the fate of his pack at odds, the life of his mate and his duty, will he be able to save everyone from the biggest, bloodiest and horrendous revenge of all?

Milena started a journey to find her brother to end up having her whole world shattered. She leaves the only home she’s known, went on a search for her brother and found out the startling truth of who she is. She’s thrown even more off kilter when she not only has to come to terms to what she’s feelings for Alex, but conceding to their fate. During all of this battle and revelations, she’s reunited with her brother. How can she convince him he’s on the wrong side of the impending war? His choices can cost them both the very things they have been missing for so long. Their bond, love and faith in each other is tested to the breaking point once Milena accepts her fate. How can she accept Alex and keep a war from happening? She’s forced to join in the battle from hell, but what happens if she can’t stop impending doom brought on by the wronged?

During all of this back and forth, chaos, love, sex, violence and hatred, appears the one person nobody was expecting to join in. Who is she,what the hell does she want and how is it possible SHE is really there? The answers that come are so unexpected and breathtaking. The hashtag is true, #thebestbadguyisawoman.